The Winthrop Town Council met on April 26, where it learned that the Winthrop Ferry would be in service this season. It also received the FY23 draft budget.
MassDOT agreed to fund the Winthrop Ferry deficit for last year and cover next year’s funding needs. Ferry employees have returned to paid status while repairs and inspections are ongoing. Service should commence on May 15. The Town is still seeking weekend captains and a ferry manager.
Interim Town Manager Terence Delehanty submitted the FY23 budget draft to Council, which it must approve by June 10. There will be a public hearing on May 17. Council asked the Finance Committee to submit its recommendations by May 25 and will hold a special meeting on May 31 to make amendments. It plans to vote on the final document at its June 7 meeting.
Delehanty also delivered the annual Spring Forum, which focused on the Town’s finances. Residents can view the full presentation here.
Citations and Appointments
The Council provided citations to two athletes: Jillian Dempsey, the Boston Pride women’s ice hockey team captain, for winning her second Isobel Cup; and Jenna Letterie, for her participation in the 2022 NCAA Division Women’s National Hockey Championship.
Town Manager Delehanty was reappointed to his position until May 22, 2022, after which Anthony Marino will take over as Town Manager.
The following individuals were appointed to committees: Vanessa Flavin, Wendy Millar-Page, Cindy Silva, and Katelyn Zelaya to the Scholarship Committee; Nellie Kurtz to the Cultural Council; and Terence Delehanty to the Retirement Board.
Construction updates
Paving has begun in the CBD, with Phase 2 beginning in May. Currently, the landscaping doesn’t include an evergreen that could serve as a Christmas tree.
Someone illegally removed two trees from Pleasant Street. Tree Warden Paul O’Donnell issued a cease and desist order. Those responsible will have to donate to the tree fund or replace the trees.
The Town awarded the E.B. Newton School clock tower project for $82,000.
There is ongoing discussion over who should take over the ownership of Miller Field.
Ingleside Park is receiving new swings as well as improved walkways and lighting.
The Town is working with Boston officials regarding the complete shutdown of the Sumner Tunnel from May to Sept. of 2023 to make sure Winthrop residents still have access to Boston hospitals.
WINARC has a fundraising walk on May 7 at 11 am. Register here. The cost is $10 per person or $25 per family.
The Parks & Recreation Dept. will be hosting a Spring Fair/Craft Show on May 21 at Ingleside Park from 11 am to 3 pm.
There will be a rabies vaccine clinic on June 4 from 10 am to 12 pm in the lobby of the Winthrop Auditorium. Owners must license dogs before vaccination. Licensing will be available.
A fundraiser for autism is still underway to benefit a local family and a local nonprofit. Residents can make donations at the Winthrop Police Dept.