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The Senior Center remains closed to the public at this time. If you need assistance, please call us at 617-846-8538 (or email [email protected]) and leave a message, as well as your name and phone number. We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner.
The Winthrop Department of Public Health is offering assistance to those who may have difficulty registering for the COVID vaccine. Anyone in need can call 617-539-5837 or email: [email protected].
The East Boston Neighborhood Health Center is offering COVID vaccine clinics in East Boston, Re-vere and Chelsea. To make an appointment, you can call them at 617-568-4870 or go to:
Mystic Valley Elder Services Offering Transportation Services to COVID Vaccine Sites for Adults 60 Years and Older. There are three eligibility guidelines to get approved for your two roundtrips: you must be 60 years of age or older; do not have other means to get to a vaccination site; or do not have access to the vaccine in the building complex where you live. For more information, or to schedule a ride, call MVES at 781-324-7705. If you need a ride, please make sure to call in advance so you can plan the most convenient travel time for yourself.
Meals on Wheels continues to operate. Residents who are in need and are not currently on the list to receive meals through Meals on Wheels can call Mystic Valley Elder Services at 781-324-7705, with their name, phone number and address to be included in the program.
Senior Phone Buddy Program. Senior Center volunteers are available to make friendly phone calls to homebound seniors. If you, or someone you know would like to receive a call, please contact the Senior Center at 617-846-8538, or email [email protected]. Additionally, if you would like to volunteer to be a friendly caller, email [email protected].
Exercise with Ernie Sarro: WCAT will present Exercise with Ernie Sarro Monday – Friday at 10:30am on Channel 3.Subscribe to the Senior Center’s monthly newsletter. You can now subscribe to receive the Senior Center newsletter via email. To sign up, go to, enter your email address and select “Senior Center Newsletter†from the options.