News Briefs

CAPIC Fuel Assistance Update – You May Now Be Eligible!

COVID-19 is affecting us all whether it’s our health, household income, our social well-being or a combination of all three. If you are a resident of Chelsea, Winthrop or Revere and are finding it difficult to keep up with home heating expense during this time please do not hesitate to reach out to CAPIC. All applications can be completed remotely.  Call today, you may be surprised you qualify! Please call 617-884-6130.

Treasurer Launches the Empowerment Grant for Small Businesses

The State Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment is funding the Empow-erment Grant for Small Businesses to support the needs of Massachusetts small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant application period opened May 4 and will close on May 29.

The Office of Economic Empowerment is seeking to award small businesses in Gateway Cities across the state. The goal of the program is to stabilize and support the well-being of small businesses by providing access to capital and building financial empowerment through one or more trainings. Grants of up to $2,500 are available and will empower small business owners to support busi-ness continuity and foster ingenuity amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These financial empowerment grants will provide our local business owners and their employees with some needed resources to survive this unprecedent-ed crisis,” said Treasurer Deborah Goldberg. “I am honored to support our state’s small businesses who contribute so much to our economy and our communities.”

Applicants are eligible if they are considered a small business, have been in op-eration for at least one year, and are registered in Massachusetts. Preference will be given to those that operate in a Gateway City. Minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and/or immigrant-owned small businesses are encour-aged to apply. To submit applications, please visit:

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