Monday, Feb. 03
Caller states his vehicle was broken into on Cliff Avenue. Rear left window was smashed.
Motor vehicle accident on Read Street. Clear both parties uninjured.
Male party came to the station to report suspicious activity in his neighborhood. Person stated it appears someone has been spitting on his and his roommates’ vehicles over the past month.
Caller states her neighbor is yelling and screaming and, this has been happening on and off since last night. Stated this has happened once before and would like a well-being check on the party. Unit states spoke to the male party who is having some psychotic issues. Housing has been advised of the situation.
Called in by Chelsea police asking for a notification of stated address. Apparently the passenger of vehicle got out and damaged door at the Dunkin’ (Donuts) on Everett Avenue in Chelsea. Chelsea would like to have the owner call in and tell them who the passenger was.
Male charged with assault and battery, leaving scene of property damage, firearm, intoxicated, carry without firearm license, ammunition without FID card.
Caller states that someone called her asking for account information. and when she refused the person threatened her and her young daughter. Person believes it maybe someone she knows and would like to speak to officers regarding this. Spoke to party and it was indeed a scam call. Clear.
Tuesday, Feb. 04
Calling party complaining of a loud tow truck idling in front of her house for the past 20 minutes. Told calling party an officer would speak to tow truck driver.
Female party walked into the station to report fraudulent activity on a sham Apple iTunes in which she gave all personal information.
Person reports yellow Ford truck hit the wooden post on beach wall. Owner is driving on suspended license. DPW will be notified of wooden guardrail.
Caller states in the parking lot on Crest Avenue, there is a white mini-van with a TV on inside and been running for a while. Wife is getting hair done and he works overnights he was resting his eyes. Clear
Wednesday, Feb. 05
Female party fell asleep in her vehicle. Clear. Parked outside her house.
Hit-and-run overnight on Revere Street.
Received a report of a past breaking and entering of a shed that occurred at Belle Isle Seafood.
Caller sates she saw a black male and black female with backpacks on getting handed something from three male parties in a black Mercedes SUV. Unable to get plates.
Caller reports a white female wearing a black jacket and white hat rang her doorbell, then went to her rear door, and then across to her neighbors, just check the vicinity for that party. Officer did not see anyone fitting that description, also spoke to resident walking their dog. They did not see anyone.
Caller stated she slid into the stop sign with her vehicle and it is now on the ground – she has already taken off, but wanted to notify us. Unit stated the sign is bent in half.
Thursday, Feb. 06
Party came into police headquarters to report ongoing harassment by landlord threatening to evict her for refusing to lie to a building inspector.
Caller states female party is searing at cab driver. There was a problem with payment system in cab, cab driver and his passenger got into an argument. Payment was made and cab driver is on his way, female party is walking home. Units clear
Black roadster, revving up and down the street, doing donuts around the island at the corner of Veterans and Locust. All quiet. Units Clear
Friday, Feb. 07
Caller stated someone went into her vehicle on Walden Street. They tossed around some items, but did not take anything. Units going by Walden Street to make sure no other car got broken into.
Party reporting damage to the new wooden fence possible hit by motor vehicle located near the tennis courts. Headquarters notified DPW.
Party came into police headquarters to report that an elderly male is constantly entering his garage when he is not there, going through his tools, vehicles without his permission, taking cigarettes and loose change. He believes this individual may suffer from dementia or some other mental health issue. Police advised party to call next time he sees individual so that they can identify him and refer him to elder services.
Caller wants a well-being check. States that he hasn’t spoken to friend in over a week. Homeowners are away, send fire for forced entry to back unit.
Caller reporting a tree branch in street at Upland Rd. DPW notified.
Party states there is male party in the building that will not leave and is constantly harassing him and his daughter. Unit advised person not to return.
Saturday, Feb. 08
Party reports she has a downed tree blocking her driveway and is requesting assistance for egress in and out of her driveway. DPW notified and will respond.
Party reports his ex-wife is in front of house looking to pick up the kids but she refuses to take the breathalyzer test. Units conducted a breath test, was successful for .000. Children are in custody of the mother.
Caller states a lost light brown sheppard dog with white marks on face, long hair named Griffy. Dispatcher put out bolo to all units.
Caller states that someone has been ringing her doorbell for 20 minutes. Unit reports no one from the second floor came down. No one was ringing the doorbell, and only the tenant on the first floor came down.
Caller stated about 20 kids breaking bottles setting off car alarms, ran down toward Short Beach. Caller stated that a bunch of neighbors were outside and witnessed this also. Units clear. Nothing showing at this time.
Sunday, Feb. 09
Notified that three black storage containers floating around in the water across from Bayview Avenue. Harbormaster notified and responding. Storage containers got loose they will attempt to gather them later, Harbormaster and Coast Guard Clear.
Person states male parties in the area were using racial slurs towards her. She did not want an officer, but wanted to speak to one over the phone.
Female party states her downstairs neighbor broke into her home. He is no longer there. The calling boyfriend removed him from the home. Unit reports male party was medical checked out. All clear. Party does not want to press charges.
Monday, Feb. 10
Motor Vehicle accident. Unit reports paper work exchanged. One vehicle is standing by for AAA for attire change. Other vehicle is going home. Clear.