Categories: Editorials

Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor,

Rachael Rollins, Democratic candidate for Suffolk County district attorney in the Sept. 4, primary, met with over 40 local residents at a special gathering hosted by the Whiting and Kelsey families. Attendees asked questions and listened as candidate Rollins shared her background, qualifications and plans as the new district attorney.  She outlined a unique perspective; the only candidate with extensive professional managerial experience having worked as both a defense attorney and prosecutor. She expressed a deep commitment to public safety and a full appreciation of the need for criminal justice reform.  Rollins outlined her vision for the office of district attorney as it relates to “the criminalization of poverty”; the bail process, the opioid epidemic, guns and gun availability and working with non-violent offenders.

She shared her personal background and impressive qualifications, professional accomplishments and family struggles with drug addiction and the criminal justice system.  With a background in managing large organizations Attorney Rollins will represent the face of the community in a unique way and bring a vision for inclusion, criminal justice reforms and expertise. For more information please contact the Rollins4DA campaign at or  617-792-6152. Your vote on Sept. 4 will bring a needed voice to the office of the district attorney.

Maxwell & Sylvia Whiting

Steff & Sara Kelsey 


Hello You, Me & Them Book Club and New Members

Dear Editor,

Thank you to all who participated in the Winthrop Library/One Winthrop You, Me & Them Book Club.  If you haven’t participated previously, we are always open to new members.  Please note that the next meeting is:

Date:  Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. @ the Winthrop Public Library.

Book Selection:  “The Boston Girl,” by Anita Diamant.

We didn’t meet in the summer so we’d enjoy new members and new perspectives.  We’re celebrating the Jewish New Year and selected a book about a Russian Jewish immigrant arriving in the U.S. in the early 1900s.  Hope you’ll join us and enjoy our selection.  Copies are available on reserve at the Winthrop Public Library Book Club.



As the Sept. 4 primary approaches, there is a very important statewide race that has been very high profile and has featured many campaign ads: the race for secretary of state. I have personally known Secretary Galvin since I was 6 years old. I have witnessed firsthand his passion and dedication for public service.

This is not a race that should be taken lightly. As secretary of state, he oversees our entire election system. Given the current threat of election hacking and voter suppression by unknown entities, Secretary Galvin has managed to keep our elections secure by refusing to switch our voting system to electronic voting, and by refusing to turn over voter information to President Trump, ensuring the integrity of our election process.  Additionally, he banned punch cards long before “hanging chad” in Florida. He kept Massachusetts on a paper ballot system and kept our election system offline and in the hands of the voters.

This past summer, Secretary Galvin filed his automatic voter registration bill, which is now the law of the Commonwealth.  Galvin has worked to expand voter registration through mail-in, online, and pre-registration for 16-year olds. This is an important step because those of that age are looking to head off to college and it creates the foundation for a robust and inclusive voter population at an early age.  He is also a supporter of same-day registration and expanding early voting to include primaries and municipal elections.

Secretary Galvin created the Address Confidentiality Program which gives victims of domestic abuse and stalking an extra layer of protection; knowing that they could get driver’s license, register to vote, and do all the things that require an address without risking exposure to their abuser.

According to a March 28, 2018, New York Times article, President Trump and his administration is laying the groundwork to sabotage the 2020 census so that fewer people in the Commonwealth are accounted for. If he succeeds, the citizens of the Commonwealth are likely to lose a seat in Congress along with federal funding for transportation, education, and healthcare.  Secretary Galvin was the first to call attention to this issue, and now Massachusetts has joined other states in a federal lawsuit to stop the Trump administration from sabotaging the 2020 census.

Bill Galvin is a kind, honest, dedicated, experienced, and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE leader.  No one is more qualified to serve as secretary of state. Please join me in voting for William Francis Galvin on Sept. 4, 2018 in the Democratic Primary for secretary of state.

Tino Capobianco

Precinct 3

Transcript Staff

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