Monday, December 12
Party involved in an accident last night on Hillside came in to bring his information to us regarding a report and exchange of papers. Operator reports that he was unaware that he had hit the mirror of the car while salting.
Party on Fairview Street called to report that his water meter cracked and his basement is filling up with water. DPW notified.
Motor vehicle in the middle of Locust Street. A white male with backpack left it there about fifteen minutes ago. He was headed up Shore Drive. 94 off on call also heading to Shirley Street to investigate. 94 requested Winthrop Control to contact Everett PD to see if they want to process the vehicle. Also contacted Winthrop Taxi to see if they picked up anyone that fits description. 99 off with male party fitting the description. G&J notified to tow. 99 released the subject and let him go back to his business. Everett informed Winthrop to treat it as recovered stolen only. They will handle it.
Assisted store manager at Winthrop Marketplace with a complaint about a customer. He stated the customer argued over $20 in change. He would like to speak to an officer about it. 93 searching the area. Call was 20 minutes old. Same party did the same scam to a store on Shirley tweet as well.
White male party on a bike took a package and was driving down Shirley Street. Dark coat. Headed towards Slowly’s Auto Body. 92 an 93 report that nothing showing in the area.
Adult child came to the station to report a party is taking advantage financially and otherwise of her older parent who has a medical issue for the past three months.
Party on Main Street was served a trespass notice by the Winthrop Public schools. He was served in Revere. He is forbidden to enter up the property at the Winthrop High School.
Party on Pleasant Street came into the station to report that over the past year he has been receiving multiple phone calls/hangups from an unknown number. This has caused him to change his phone number five times. It became worse yesterday when he discovered 200 calls from this unknown source. He will contact AT&T security about tracing the phone calls.
Report of black car, no make or model given, parked in handicap spot on Ocean Avenue. Car being tagged for parking in a handicap spot.
Unwanted male party on Veterans Road. Caller state it is her boyfriend and he won’t leave. He’s had too much to drink and refusing to leave. He left on his own.
People on Shirley Street being loud and running around upstairs in a house. Small children in the apartment below. Just a small child playing. 93 cleared.
Male party on Revere Street asking customers for money. Parties have ben advised to move.
Caller stated that she is receiving threatening notes on her vehicle because she has to park on Locust/Summit Avenue. She stated there is no parking on Revere Street, where she lives. She was advised to come to the station to make out a report. She did not want a unit coming to her house. For now, the caller asked just to log it for the record.
Male disturbing customers on Revere Street. 93 and 92 responded. The male party removed from the store. Officer acknowledged that he will receive consequences if he comes back to that area.
Tuesday, December 13
Caller on Shirley and Revere Street requests assistance with a minor motor vehicle accident. Parties exchanged paperwork.
Director of Housing reports housing property being stolen. Parties have been trespassed from the property.
Party came to the station to report that mail addressed to her was taken by another and redirected to a third party. Party will also make out a report to the postal police through the Winthrop/Chelsea Annex.
Well being check on subject on Pleasant Street. Neighbor called reporting her porch light has been on for over a week. Party is doing fine.
Officer off with a parked motor vehicle on Sunnyside Avenue. The owner was located and will relocate the vehicle onto private property.
Subject came to the station to report a past assault and battery.
Party on Beacon Street came to the station not report discovering a past breaking and entering to his Nissan vehicle while it was parked in front of his home on Sunday.
Caller on Centre Street states that his dog has gotten loose from his home. His wife and children are out looking for the dog. She is a 3 year old Lab, friendly, about 85 lbs. with collar and tags. She responds to Bailey. Calling party called back stating that they did find the dog.
Walk-in to report being harassed by her boyfriend’s ex on Pond Street.
Female caller on Governor Drive stating that for the third time in two weeks, a man has rung her buzzer asking “can I come in†or “let me inâ€. She states that the male sounds like he may not speak good English and that it may just be that he mistakes her apartment. She states that he does not seem rude or is not being mean. She does not want to speak to the police tonight but would like it if officers would check the area. She stated that she would call back tomorrow and also stated that she has spoke to management about this issue.
White male, early 20s, short black hair, black fleece jacket, jeans. Party stated that she believes he was trying to break into a vehicle on Shore Drive. She asked hi what hew as doing and he claimed he locked himself out of his car. He asked her for a coat hangar. She stated that the vehicle had a purple heart license plate. She then stated that he went towards Rossetti’s on footing that area. Units conducted a search of the area and found no party matching the description. Unfounded.
Calling party on Centre Street states he sees a candle in the window of his neighbor’s house and all the other lights are off. Concerned after the large 10 alarm fire in Cambridge. Units spoke to the calling party.
Caller on Morton Street states he saw a white UHaul hit a parked car. Damage in front. The U-haul returned to the scene. Operator has en Egyptian license, no valid MA license.
Wednesday, December 14
Loud noises and banging reported in apartment at Governors Park. Units report one in custody for disturbing the peace, assault and battery on police officer and resisting arrest.
W93 responded to Highland Avenue to assist the construction company in the removal of several motor vehicles in the way of construction.
Caller on Cliff Avenue reports to having any water. A call to DPW indicated that the construction company working in the area broke a water pipe and they are working on the repair and it should be back up in a few hours. The caller was informed of the situation.
Quirk Construction reports glass broken on one of their machines on Walden Street.
ACO checking on dog on Bellevue Avenue that has been left outside for a long period of time.
Caller at Governors Park stated friends and friend’s boyfriend is in home and she wants them to leave. Possible drunk. Units went to the address for the same involved party last night and made an arrest.
Walk-in from Natant Avenue reports being harassed by a neighbor. Ongoing dispute over property line. Party was advised of rights to harassment order, just wants incident documented.
Caller on Shore Drive stated there is a man unresponsive in a white vehicle. Units circled the area, confirmed there was no white vehicle in the area.
Caller on Payson Street stated that her son was followed home from school by 9 kids between 17 and 18 years old. The 9 kids were threatening her son with brass knuckles. Units responded and checked the area of Payson Street and surrounding area. Nothing showing.
Caller at Crest and Grovers Avenue states that an older gentleman in his late 70’s is walking his dog in the vicinity yelling at cars and scaring people. The caller describes the male was white with a mustache. Units searched the area. Nothing showing.
Assisted WFD with a chimney fire on Banks Street.
Caller on Pleasant Street believes there is a conflict with involved party and her roommates. Unit stated the involved party had a verbal disagreement between roommates today. Everything is resolved now.
Alarm Company called stating that a 95 year old female’s life alert had been pressed inside of her home, but the female is in the hospital. They would like an officer to go to the apartment and do a check to make sure no one is in the home. Unit searched the area, nothing showing.
Party on Somerset called and stated she lived in Winthrop but did not want to provide her address to the police. While she called, you could hear a gentleman yelling in the background. Was not able to get any information.
Caller on Park Avenue stated someone was banging on multiple units’s doors. A misunderstanding between floors.
Thursday, December 15
Party at Governors Park states that the female neighbor in another apartment that used to bang on her ceiling with a broom handle at an early hour in the morning until he called and officers intervened. Since that time, his wife and daughter are fearful going out to the car alone and that same female neighbor stares at him and his family ad mouth’s “you againâ€. Nothing appears to be criminal at this point, but the reporting party will continue to come in and report events as they unfold and possibly seek an harassment order if it becomes necessary.
Motor vehicle stop on Brookfield Road obstructed traffic. Unit stated he advised party to move the vehicle as it was obstructing traffic.
Motor vehicle stop on Main Street. Citation issued for speeding.
Unknown medical on Pauline Street. WFD is requesting police assistance. Unit stated there was an altercation, victim refused medical aid and boyfriend is leaving for work.
Caller stated a male party is passed out at the wheel at a red light at Magee’s Corner. Unit stated the party has not slept all day. They made sure he got home safely.
Female party on Morton Street hears a noise in her basement. 97 responded. No sign of break. Checked out resident and no one found d inside. Resident will secure properly.
93 and 99 executed a search warrant on Bartlett Road. Left copy of search warrant with employee at store.
Caller on Winthrop Street had a dead skunk on her property. Spoke to ACO and was told that the process was to put it in the regular trash for pick-up.
Motor vehicle accident on Pauline Street. Medical aid enrollee as well as police. One vehicle towed by G&J Towing and one party transported to the hospital.
Party came into the state to pick up clothes and other belongings on behalf of her son that were brought to the station by his ex-girlfriend. The clothing was cleft in the garage and mother was given five black plastic garbage bags filled with personal belongings. She was advised to contact his lawyer should they deem that material belonging to her son was not returned or seek advise from the courts.
Assisted fire with true down on Sewall Avenue. DPW has been notified as well.
Friday, December 16
Alarm going of at front door on Bates Avenue. 931 will handle alarm with 97. Elderly female inside. Cleared as it was an accidental trip by home owner taking out her trash.
Disabled motor vehicle on Shirley Street. Down to one lane. Vehicle was towed and traffic cleared.
Street may be blocked by a truck on Underhill Street. The vehicle moved. It was a construction vehicle.
Party on Highland Avenue called to report that a package was stolen from her front porch on Wednesday.
Caller on Whittier Street reports a rabbit skunk is under her front porch. Information passed on to ACO. Unit went back and advised owner of home what they needed to do next.
Caller stated a special needs van is broken down in a bad spot at Crest and Revere Street. Unit stated the vehicle was towed.
Unwanted female party refused to leave the library. Unit stated they sent party on her way. It was a misunderstanding between employee of the library and involved individual.
A black SUV was blocking driveway on Woodside Avenue. Unit stated a party was picking up food from a local restaurant. He was leaving upon police arrival.
Caller States that her sister has not come home yet and is not answering her phone calls. Calling party found sister. She as with a friend.
Caller at Cumberland Farms stated a group of kids stole her brother’s phone. She confronted the kids and they denied taking it.
Saturday, December 17
Caller on Washington Avenue states a girlfriend’s son fighting with his mother in the living room. Caller had a hard time getting the correct address from the caller. The caller stated his location has a few different numbers of the street. Involved party is going to be picked up by father. All parties were advised of their rights.
Received a call from out of Winthrop stating that her daughter was driving back from Framingham and her car broke down between Framingham and Boston and her cell phone died. She was driving a Ford color blue. Called the mom back to check on the daughter and she stated that her daughter was home safely and the car was parked in a bank parking lot.
Minor motor vehicle accident on Cutler Street and one operator refusing to exchange paperwork. 91 advised extremely minor accident. Parties are now exchanging information.
Report of a low wire down at Pleasant Park YC. 93 reports wire till attached to a house either able or telephone wire. 93 reports fire has fixed the wire.
Check for tree down across sidewalk/driveway on Hutchison Street. DPW notified.
Party from Veterans Road came to the station to report an alleged harassment from the guest of a neighbor. Specifically, caller states neighbor’s guest made the statement, “if you have a problem with my friend, you have a problem with me†and believes this was a veiled threat. Caller does not know the identity of this guest. Parties spoke with an elderly female who is the victim. Party has been advised of her rights.
Winthrop Fire requesting a tow for a parked motor vehicle at Shirley and Cutler Street that is blocking them from passing. No vehicles were blocking.
Two month old baby on Morton Street not breathing. Medical aid as well as police are enroute. Baby was breathing. All units clear with a patient refusal.
Caller from Winthrop Marketplace stating that a white male, dark hair, heavy set, wearing a baseball cap is harassing customers. Unit stated party was given a no trespass notice for the marketplace.
Party called stating that she left her house due to her boyfriend being angry and mad due to getting laid off from his job. Stated he has not been violent or hostile to her, but wanted to seek an emergency 209A, but she was advised to head over to Winthrop Police station due to her being in Revere. The incident happened in Winthrop. She will be heading to Winthrop headquarters to speak to an officer there.
BOLO from East Boston Police for subject wanted for threats. Possibly armed with a knife and semi-automatic weapon. White male, 6 foot, 160-200 lbs. Wearing gray jacket, blue shirt, blue jeans. Fled on foot from Maverick Street, East Boston. BOLO given out to all WPD units.
Two month old baby on Morton Street not breathing. Medical aid enroute. Earlier this evening we had the same response to this address and upon arrival, calling party refused medical aid. Police and medical are now returning to home for the same issue. Infant will be transported to MGH via ambulance.
Unit stated courtesy ride for lockout of home on Beacon Street. Fire was on the scene.
No trespass given to subject on Washington Avenue. Unit stated they spoke with involved party and advised him to go home.
Sunday, December 18
Caller on Beacon Street states that a black vehicle is parked in front his driveway. Owner was located and she has moved it.
Party on Pearl Avenue states that he is having a dispute with his tenant with a language barrier. Peace was restored. It was a disagreement with an exchange student.
Winthrop Engine 1 states that there is a vehicle illegally parked on Shore Drive and Cutler and they cannot make the swing to get down the street. G&J called. The vehicle will be towed.
Disturbance on Sunset Road about a parking spot. Strong language barrier. Caller is inside house and is afraid to go outside. The peace was restored. A mutual hearing will be set up.
Resident of Elliot Street reports that yesterday she observed a Hispanic male, standing on her front porch. When confronted, the male asked the resident if she needed her driveway shoveled. Caller declined his services and he got into a Toyota Camry driven by a heavy-set female. Caller is concerned because the male did to have a snow shovel and drove away without asking any other neighbors on the street if they wanted their driveway’s shoveled. The caller wanted the incident logged should other similar incidents occur around town.
Assisted WFD with a possible forced entry on a gas alarm on Natant Avenue. WFD did gain access to the house. No forced entry needed. Police cancelled.
Caller on Cutler Street states that a try Toyota is blocking her driveway and making it difficult to go in and out of her driveway. Driver is leaving for the night.