Monday, September 12
Detail Officer reports a youth on a bicycle appears to have fallen down at Bowdoin and Ocean View Streets. Fire and Action will handle. School teacher will check the child out.
Party on Amelia Avenue called to report she obtained a 209A Sunday on her husband. It was faxed to Malden Police. She states he has been calling all night. Unknown if served.
Caller on Beach Road who would not give name stated that a dog is in their yard ad he is howling like something is wrong. ACO responded and reports dog is her with owner and there is no problem.
Visiting Nurse on Golden Drive requests an ambulance for patient that may be having a stroke.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports fellow housemates are throwing her belongings out onto the front lawn. Units report a misunderstanding between roommates which has been mediated for the time being.
Parents of a student came to the station regarding a new incident of harassment which occurred Friday at school. This is a continuation from last school year.
Party on Locust Street requests a police escort so as the landlord they can go in to check out an apartment as the party has passed. Off. Carter assisted.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports a woman in the middle of the street acting irrationally, yelling and singing. Homeowner me to the station with another person to report a former resident of the home is in the street screaming, singing, yelling and causing a disturbance. Units responded along with EMS for an evaluation. She was cleared.
Lt. Scarpa requests a unit speak with a tree service at Winthrop Yacht Club that is obstructing the entire outbound lane of Shirley Street.
Detectives are off on a followup investigation at the Winthrop Arms.
Report of a 6 month old who swallowed a dime on Hawthorn Avenue. Transferred to WFD and they will handle. WFD and EMS responded. There was no airway obstruction and the parent refused transport to a hospital.
Party on Golden Drive reports a problem with his blood sugar level and is requesting EMS. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Report of loud music on Myrtle Avenue. 93 issued a final notice to knock it off.
Tuesday, September 13
911 caller from Pearl Avenue who stated she thought her husband may be having a stroke. Transferred to WFD. 91 responded also and a 55 year old male transported to MGH.
SRO reports a wallet turned in by a student found at the bus stop with a Canadian driver’s license belong to individual in Winthrop. No matching makes in the system or phonebook. Wallet left at front desk.
Party on Tafts Avenue came to the station to turn in a quantity of shotgun ammunition.
Caller on Somerset Avenue reports he is having difficulty breathing.
W91 reports being off on Temple Avenue for a follow up investigation.
Caller on Jefferson Street requests an ambulance for her husband who is experiencing numbness in his arm.
A parking ticket was issued for a handicap space violation in the municipal lot at Crest Avenue.
Abandoned 911 call from Central Street. No answer on call back to caller’s cell phone. Units report nobody by that name living there. Its report also attempting to late calling party, but also report she does not live there. Caller’s information run through the registry with an address out of Haverhill. Haverhill PD will send a unit by the address in their town to make sure the caller is not in need of services.
Arbors requests an ambulance for a resident.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a male in a red truck parked in front of his home for over an hour. Caller reports the male got out and was asking him questions regarding his property. Party is still there and when approached he ignored him. W91 responded to the area and the vehicle was gone. He checked the area to no avail.
Principal called regarding a kindergartner who has not been picked up at the 1:45 p.m. dismissal. Phone records are for a business of which there is no answer. Officer responded to Governors Drive and a call at the building went to a cell and a male answered with a different name and stated that he only had a child in daycare, not in school. Language was an issue. Officer will check surrounding apartments to see if anyone has any information to he family. Mother located as the child had the wrong address.
Todisco Towing reports trespass tow for motor vehicle at Governors Drive.
Revere PD is interested in subject for a violation of a 209A that occurred in Revere. Officers checked both addresses given and will BOLO for the subject and his motor vehicle.
Officer checked on two individuals at Halford Beach. Vehicle and occupants sent on their way.
Party at Executive Apartments reports he fell down and needs assistance. WFD and EMS notified.
Wednesday, September 14
Motor vehicle parked inside Hanford Park and officer approached to speak with him. He was advised to clear out of the park.
House sitter on Bowdoin Street called to report that the son is in the house and he is not supposed to be according to the parents. Caller reports that he slipped in when she let the cats in and out. W93 and W94 responded and spoke with the son of the owners who was trespassed from the home. The son is in a cab and he gave the officers the keys.
Party came to the station to report being threatened by text message. Party first stated that she did not want any action but then was given a victim/witness form to complete. She may return it or not. The party stated that she had a legal team and may consult with them.
Call came over the two way with no address. Could hear talking in the background. Then the call was disconnected. A call back seconds later from a woman stating they did to need any response and that it was just her son requesting an ambulance for the hospital, but that he did not need it. The mother gave an address and units responded. Male party transported.
Constable walked in with a list of gas services to be turned off around town, due to nonpayment.
Party on Wave Way Avenue reports a Ryder truck parked there that has been running for over an hour. W93 reports a motor vehicle truck involved in an insulation job. Company is now done for the day and was advised by the officers about parking and ordinances.
Woman called from Douglas and Banks Street area reporting that someone is cutting down “beautiful trees†in the area and she is unsure if they should be doing this.
Party called to report that she Malden now so she was advised to report this to Malden PD and to seek a harassment order through the Malden Court. The caller was also advised to report this matter to her employer in Revere, which is where the other party met her and obtained her number.
Female party dropped off a set of keys that she found in the Massa Playground. Appears to belong to a child. They were placed in the lost and found.
Caller reports observing two males dumping furniture over the green bars onto the beach on Shore Drive. Officer reports locating a rusted patio chair. Party responsible was located and retrieved the chair.
Party on Banks Street reports abutting property owner keeps driving over the sidewalk and her property. Officer reports the caller is not answering the door.
Caller states that she was driving on Walden Street and observed a man slumped over on a park bench nearest to the skate park. W92 reports the area is clear.
Revere PD requests assistance serving a warrant on Bowdoin Street. Subject located and placed under arrest. Revere PD will transport one male subject to their station for booking. W92 reports that they had to cut a padlock off of a fence to apprehend the subject in the yard.
Caller reports that a large tree lim just fell at Loring and Emerson Roads, blocking the roadway. DPW notified.
911 call from Revere Street for a passenger in the caller’s vehicle that was unresponsive. WFD, Action Ambulance and W93 responded. Subsequent call to state that the party woke up and left the area on foot. W93 and K9 performed an area search.
Thursday, September 15
Report of a skunk and dog fight in a backyard on Marshall Street. ACO will respond and take action there.
Party on Siren Street requests a well being check on an employee who has not reported to work for several days and has not called in. Caller states he sent another employee to the home and there was no answer. A call to the party’s mother received no answer. W93 responded and reports locating the party who is fine. He just wanted to be alone. He informed the officers that he would contact his employer as well as his mother.
A party known to us is reporting that a vehicle swerved towards her car while she was coming into East Boston. After speaking with the female caller, it was determined that the incident occurred on the Boston line. Boston will handle.
Party on Johnson Avenue came in to report a real estate fraud. 93 will file a report.
Motor vehicle towed from Governors Park for trespassing.
Party on Thornton Street reports chest pain and requests an ambulance. Call transferred to WFD/EMS.
Officer reports having a motor vehicle stopped at the crossing on Revere Street. Small children in vehicle with no restraints. Officers reports three children in the vehicle, including an infant.
Neighbor complains of loud music near the car wash on Main Street. Same group again. 93 reports all shut down and quiet again.
Excited caller from Wave Way Avenue requesting an ambulance for an overdose. WFD/ES and W93 dispatched and reports a 52 year old male going to Whidden on his own.
Party on Overlook Drive request an ambulance. EMS responded.
Caller on Revere Street requests EMS for an elderly female who fell and is bleeding.
Party on Forrest Street reports a motor vehicle is obstructing his driveway and he has been waiting there for 15 minutes or so. Officer reports vehicle is obstructing. He has tagged it and made attempts to locate the owner utilizing the lights and siren to no avail.. Officer requested a tow truck for the vehicle. G&J Towing responded and towed the subject vehicle.
Caller at Executive Apartments is requesting EMS for himself as he is feeling ill ad wants to go to the hospital.
Friday, September 16
Motor vehicle was parked down by Miller Field with a male and female occupant. Officers spoke with them and had them leave the area.
Party on Brookfield Road reports a female is parked in a dark car and she keeps yelling for Kelli. Officer checked the address for the female and were told by the calling party that she finally got into the home. He was advised to call back if there should be any further problems.
Caller on Golden Drive reports that her son is at the home and she believes he may have warrants. Officers report coming to the station for booking. While being readied for booking, the subject stated he is having chest pains and wants to go to the hospital. WFD and EMS arrived and spoke with him. They will transport him to the MGH. W92 followed the ambulance to MGH ER.
W93 requested a registration check on a motor vehicle at Veterans and Hadassah Way. The RMV indicated that the vehicle was revoked/insurance cancelled. G& Towing was dispatched to tow the vehicle.
Party at the Center reports being threatened and wants it on record only at this time. While he was sitting down the center, he was approached by his sister’s son-in-law who’s name he does not know. This person told he he did not like the way he spoke to his sister and he would take care of him.
Caller reports that a vehicle pulled up beside her and an occupant of the vehicle spit out the window at her and she followed the vehicle into Winthrop onto Cottage Park Road. Units are off with both parties. According to the calling party, this incident occurred in Revere. Revere Police was notified of the situation and they also received a call regarding this issue. Revere Police responded to Winthrop to follow up on this incident. After Revere Police arrived on the scene, it was then determined that this incident falls on the jurisdiction of Mass State Police in Revere and the reporting party is enrollee to Revere MSP Barracks.
Several parties reported that they received calls which were scams where the callers were trying to get money from them. The scams ranged from receiving a call from the police department number reporting an IRS issue and another one where the party received a call saying that her grandson had gotten into an accident after drinking and they had a public defender and needed money. THIS IS A TELEPHONE SCAM.
A mother on Winthrop Street called to repot that her daughter was having an issue with her girlfriend and would not let her leave the apartment. The daughter was able to leave the apartment and is now being followed by the other female party. Units located the parties and spoke with both of them and they went their separate ways.
Caller on Orlando Avenue reports that the downstairs neighbor received an eviction notice today and has begun slamming doors. The landlord requests that an officer respond to speak with the downstairs neighbor so that the property does not get damaged. Officer spoke to the downstairs neighbor and all appears to be in order at this time.
Party reports a suspicious person hanging out at the fire escape for several days at the Wadsworth Building. Units spoke with the male party and he was sent on his way.
W91 has a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation at Revere and Almont Street regarding a child safety seat. A citation was issued and the officer reports that the driver was rude.
Party on Bellevue Avenue reports that he found nails in his tires.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports a crazy woman at her front door talking about gas leaks who will not leave. Officer reports party left prior to their arrival.
Party on Irwin Street requests an ambulance as she is diabetic and not feeling well. EMS responded.
Saturday, September 17
Caller on Atlantic Street reports loud music coming from the second floor. Units report the music has been turned down.
Party on Shirley Street reports loud music coming from an apartment. Units report speaking with the party and the music will be shut off for the night.
Caller on Washington Avenue reports a group on the beach playing music and being loud. Units report group calling it a night and heading out of the area.
Report of loud music on Myrtle Avenue.
Party on Cutler Street requesting a well being check for possible accident/victim. Officers spoke to the subject’s son who stated that the father does not reside there.
E911 open line. Officer reports medical aid for an elderly fe,ale who took a fall. Fire notified.
Countless calls of power outage throughout the town. Radios also down.
Caller on Main Street reports he was having chest pains and is okay. He was advised to have EMS check him out. Fire notified.
Walk-in to report that his debit card was used in numerous locations, including Hyde Park, East Boston and Revere. Last known location used was in Waltham. The party was advised to contact those jurisdictions.
Caller on Undine Avenue reports needing an ambulance for heart issues.
Multiple reports of a deceased raccoon on Washington Avenue. ACO out of town. Off. Whys will handle.
Caller on Buchanan Street reports that her daughter discovered an old pair of handcuffs in the basement. Caller needs a key.
Reports of a small fire near the steps to the beach on Cliff Avenue. Fire notified. Fire requests DPW be contacted as the stairs belong to DCR. MSP will attempt to contact DCR. DCR was notified and responded ASAP.
Report of extremely loud music in the area of Delby’s Corner. Officer reports a party at Crystal Cove Marina. Manager of the marina called and she was advised to have an outside band or a DJ, she must have a permit approved by the Chief of Police.
Party on Morton Street called to say that a patient is out of control. Officers report a 45 year old female being transported to the hospital for an evaluation.
Caller on Veterans Road called stating that her divorced husband is refusing to return their child back to her. The exchange never took place and he refused to show up. We spoke to the mother who stated that she talked to her daughter and the daughter asked her to come pick her up at the father’s house. Mother will call us when she gets close so we can keep the peace. Officer cleared without incident.
Caller on Irwin Street requests an ambulance because of high blood sugar. EMS responded.
Auxiliary bike unit report being off with a homeless man sleeping on the stairs of the Methodist Church. He would like to go to a shelter for the night. We spoke to Pine Stet Inn who stated they would take him tonight. Winthrop Taxi picked him and up and drove him in.
Officer asked for DPW to look at the street light by the bridge at Lewis Lake. It is not steady and blinks.
Sunday, September 18
Caller reports a group with a fire and lighting off fireworks on the ocean side of Bayview Avenue. The group was dispersed and units cleared.
Party reports a male and female walking up and down Grovers Avenue acting suspicious around parked motor vehicles. Officers converged on the area and report locating the subjects near the Winthrop Arms. Officers report speaking with the male subject who denied acting in a suspicious manner. The party went back into his home on Grovers Avenue.
Male came to the station to report a needle on the sidewalk at Woodside and Pauline Street. Officer reports it is a Tylenol dispenser.
Officer reports going off on a follow-up investigation on Bates Avenue. Message left.
Neighbor on Tileston Road called to report a suspicious male walking around the driveway and backyard. Units report speaking with the party who is working on a motor vehicle being stored on the property.
Officer is off on a follow-up investigation on Summit Avenue. Officer reports subject’s sister has the officer’s information.
Todsico Towing reports they towed a vehicle from Governors Park.
Visiting Nurse called for an ambulance on Washington Avenue. Transferred to EMS.
Report of a suspicious male walking around Scott’s Auto Repair with a baseball bat.
Officer is off on a follow-up investigation on Wave Way Avenue. He report leaving a message on the door.
Caller on Shirley Street requests medical for her father. Transferred to EMS.
BPD called to investigate the location for next of kin that may reside in Winthrop. Officer stated he will make an attempt at the residence on Cottage Park Road tomorrow.
Caller on Quincy Avenue states family members are getting sick and they are evaluating the home. WFD notified and 92 responded and reports alarm activation coming from the basement. Fire went through the residence with C.O. detector to no avail.
Caller stated that cars that pull up to the Lucky Mart have their radios blaring. 91 responded to speak with the manager, who stated he will speak to his customers.