Monday, May 23
Nurse called from the East Boston Health Center to report a patient on Siren Street has fallen. EMS notified.
Parents came into the station to report that their daughter is being harassed on social media and in person.
Report that a car just went up Buchanan Street the wrong way and party wanted to know if something was wrong. Officer reports the street is op en, no problems and no cars going the wrong way.
Party on Winthrop Street called to report that his girlfriend is overheated. EMS was notified.
Report that the fire alarms are going off in the building on Jefferson Street. WFD will handle.
Fire request we assist on a lockout with them on Shirley Street.
Caller on Shore Drive reports a dog running around the street. ACO notified and will respond. Caller called back and said the owner was on the scene.
Party complaining of loud music from Pleasant Park Road. 91 Ramadani reports it was not that loud but the homeowner will lower it even more.
Caller on Upland Road reports an elderly man hit his driveway and drove off. Neighbor said he appeared impaired. 91 Ramadani reports no damage and search was negative.
Caller reports loud music, yelling and swearing from Massa Playground. Officer reports group had left prior to their arrival. Two people remained in the park only. They were just walking through.
Tuesday, May 24
Alarm Central reports activation at the Cummings School. Units report searching entire outdoor perimeter and all entrances are secure. The custodian is on the scene.
Units report tagging motor vehicles in the area of Washington Avenue. They were missing residential stickers as instructed.
Infinity reports an exit/entry back door alarm activation on Quincy Avenue. Units report speaking to the homeowner who reports that the wind may have blown open his back door causing the alarm to activate. All is okay.
Caller on Quincy Avenue repots not locating her wallet after going to the dentist. She was advised to contact the office in the morning to check if her wallet was left behind.
Party came in to report that he is in the process of an eviction from his business on Main Street by his landlord. Subject states that his artwork has been taken off the wall for repairs to the building and believes some items have been damaged/possibly stolen. Subject also inquired about harassment orders and advised. A victim/witness statement given to him and he will document the incidents of concern and he may wish to file any charges applicable via this police department or head over to East Boston Court for all available options.
Caller on Quincy Avenue reports locating his girlfriend’s wallet inside his motor vehicle (see previous call). He would also like to thank officers Connolly and Sorrentino for their professional behavior in their response to a burglar alarm inside their home that they responded to earlier.
Party on Upland Road reports a table umbrella from the yard next door fell on his vehicle and broke the windshield and damaged the hood. Officer spoke with both parties and reports that the two parties will take the steps necessary to resolve the issue.
Visiting Nurse checks the health of the father of the house on Irwin Street and he stated that his son is in the hospital and his girlfriend has been in her room for the last two days and no matter how much or hard you bang, you only hear the dogs bark with nothing from her. Officers and fire report they got her attention through the window. She is okay.
Party from Cliff Avenue came in to report that her foster daughter is missing since last night. We checked with SRO Armistead and she checked the school. She is there and the mother was notified.
There is a civil action being taken on a condo owner on Washington Avenue. A letter and information on this was sent to the station. A non-crime incident repot will be made.
Safety Off. Vitale reports a gas leak in the area of Cottage and Hillside Avenue. National Grid on the scene and he is requesting fire and another unit. All made safe and units cleared.
Party from Ingleside Avenue came in to report that he and another roommate are in the process of evicting a third roommate that has become violent. The third roommate is being served papers by a constable on Tuesday, May 31. They will call the next time he becomes violent. They just wanted this on record for the time being.
Report of two individuals causing a disturbance at Atlantis Marina condos.
Party at Governors Park reports two men out front being really loud. Officers report speaking with the pair and they will cease for the night.
Wednesday, May 25
State, Revere and Winthrop detectives conducted a warrant sweep at several locations. Two are in custody, one from River Road and the other from Shore Drive.
Caller at Cross and Almont Streets reports a motor vehicle accident involving parked car and is requesting an officer. One vehicle towed to private property. Both parties exchanged papers.
Man fell and banged his head off the sidewalk on Winthrop Street. WFD will handle.
Party reports s small orange box wrapped with black tape left on the bench outside the library. Officer responded and reports a piece of trash, which he discarded and the area was clear.
Caller on Shirley Street requests an ambulance for elderly female not feeling well. Transferred to EMS/WFD.
Vehicle was towed on Marshall Street.
Vehicle repossessed from Cottage Park Road.
All units sent to Town Hall for a strong odor of natural gas. Winthrop Fire Department and chief were on the scene. WFD cleared the area and will have National Grid check it out. 926 reports Devereaux is clearing and purging their lines. WFD notified.
Caller on Pearl Avenue reports that her son who has a brain injury has locked his bike to the bike rack and has lost the key. She is requesting assistance to get the bike free. Unit responded along with WFD to assist with the lock. Bike secured and brought to the station to be picked up by the mother.
Caller reports that while going through the car wash his car received a scratch. Officer responded and advised the caller to speak to the manager in the morning.
Medic alert for female party on Hermon Street who needs EMS. EMS responding.
E911 transfer from State PD to Irwin and Shirley Street. Caller shouting about an assault with a knife. Caller overly excited and screaming making it hard to understand him. Units responded and officer requesting EMS. EMS responding. Officer reports suspect left prior to their arrival.
Party on Shore Drive requesting EMS for a broken ankle.
Caller on Locust Street requesting EMS for trouble breathing.
Officers are following up on previous call regarding threats on Otis Street.
Thursday, May 26
Chief reports being off on a motor vehicle stop at Pauline and Woodside Avenue. Marked lanes violation. Clear with a verbal warning.
Caller on Ocean Avenue reports a past braking and entering to his motor vehicle.
Lifeline requesting an ambulance for a 69-year-old male with heart issues on Read Street. Fire notified.
Caller on Fairview Street requesting an ambulance for her mother for a past leg injury. Fire notified.
Party on Circuit Road reports an elderly male wandering around the area. He is concerned for his well-being. Officer reports assisting the party to the CVS.
Visiting Nurse on Shirley Street requests an ambulance for a female party with shoulder pain. Fire notified.
Caller on Ocean Avenue reports that her motor vehicle was entered sometime overnight. A pair of prescription sunglasses and some quarters was taken. She does not wish to speak to an officer, just wants us to be aware.
EBDC sent over a fax for a warrant of apprehension. Units report arresting subject on Locust Street and bringing him up to EBDC.
A motor vehicle crash into a pole at Almont and Veterans Road. Driver transported to the Whidden Hospital. Vehicle towed from the scene. An accident report was filed.
Medical aid for a party at Seal Harbor.
Todisco Towing towed two vehicles from Governor’s Park.
Report of fire alarms sounding on Shirley Street. Transferred to WFD.
Party at Fort Heath Apartments reports kids near the awning drinking and using 94C.
Officer is off with a group requesting another unit to Beacon Circle area. Officers spoke with the group of seven and advised them to leave the area.
Friday, May 27
Motor vehicle stopped for violation on Brookfield Road. Operator cited for C90 s17 speeding.
Taxi Company called to report a motor vehicle parked in the area of Kendall’s Restaurant and it appears to have the window punched out.
Vehicle was found parked in the striped area on Crest Avenue between the two handicap parking spots. The vehicle did not have a handicap-parking placard. A $300 parking ticket was issued. The operator came out and stated that she was in a hurry.
Chief reports a dog running into traffic on Highland Avenue. ACO notified.
Caller on Willow Avenue reports that her sister may have hade a stroke. Fire notified.
Party on Brewster Avenue stated there is an alcohol overdose at her house. Officer reports the party was transported via Action to the Whidden Hospital.
Multiple calls of a fire at the Dunkin Donuts on Main Street. Fire notified. Officer reports it was a small mulch fire.
Party on Cliff Avenue is having difficulty breathing. Transferred to EMS.
Motor vehicle at Veterans and Locust Street comes back with revoked insurance. G&J notified. The vehicle was towed to private property.
Multiple calls of fire alarm sounding at Governors Park. Transferred to Winthrop Fire Department.
Party on Golden Drive was concerned that her sister has not yet returned from her doctor’s appointment. The party’s Visiting Nurse will assist her and contact us if the sister does not return.
Officer observed a fire in the beach side of Otis Street. He spoke with the family who extinguished the fire and left.
Saturday, May 28
Tow driver reports repo of vehicle on Summit Avenue.
Officer is requesting other units respond behind the water tower for a group acting up and making a mess. Units responded and officer requesting Winthrop Fire Department to extinguish a bonfire lit by the group. Officers will be bringing in a 16 year old to the station to be picked up by a parent or guardian. The female was being belligerent while in the station.
Party on Shirley Street reports a car has been parked outside and the occupants are making noise. Officers report speaking with the parties who are waiting for a tow truck from AAA. They were advised to keep the noise down.
Caller reports a motor vehicle crash on Circuit Road as well as fuel in the road. WFD and EMS dispatched. Officers requesting a flatbed for the vehicle involved. G&J notified and responded. Operator was evaluated by EMS and is declining further medical treatment.
Caller reports a female passed out in a motor vehicle at Fremont and Buchanan Street. Fire notified. Officer reports neighbors concerned as female has a small child. Will attempt to make contact at the vehicle owner’s address. Officer reports child is staying with an aunt. Female party transported to MGH followed by W92 due to her behavior.
Party on Prospect Avenue reports he has no water. DPW notified and will respond.
Caller at Governors Park requesting a well being check on her friend whom she had last talked to at 7 p.m. Officer spoke to the caller and neighbors who informed him that the subject he was looking for normally goes away for the weekend and his vehicle is not in the parking lot.
Party out of Lynnfield called stating that Webster Credit Union has a mortgage in his name on property on Pauline Street. He wanted information on the names of people who lived there and their records. He stated he had names. He was advised that under CORI law we could not provide him with people’s information. He was asked if any money had been stolen from him. He stated no and they have been paying the mortgage since 2013. He was advised to have his bank resolve the situation until further information could be provided.
Caller on Cottage Avenue reports a temporary water hose set up for water line work on the street, broke and water is flooding her basement. DPW notified and will respond.
Car parked on handicap ramp on the sidewalk at Tafts and Otis Streets. A ticket was issued for 20 feet from the intersection.
Caller on Grandview Avenue reports youth smoking marijuana in a vehicle. Parties left the area prior to their arrival. Party then called back to state that the car is still in the area. Units sent back. Units report no narcotics found on the subjects. They were identified and sent out of the area.
Caller on Shore Drive reports a party with warrants is seated in a red car in her driveway. Party on Crescent Avenue reports unauthorized people in the ball field hitting baseballs into his house. Officer reports speaking with the homeowner who advised the teens had left prior to his arrival.
Caller reports underage teens drinking alcohol on Yirrell Beach. Officers went onto the beach and located some remnants of alcohol use. They spoke to some parties in the area who will pick up the containers and have been sent out of the area.
Party requests an officer respond for a minor motor vehicle crash on Buchanan Street.
Officer requested EMS for a party that just pulled up with a medical condition on Revere Street. WFD and EMS notified and will respond.
Party on Fairview Street requested EMS respond to transport her father to the hospital for a medical issue. WFD and EMS notified and will respond.
Caller reports a mechanical issue with his motor vehicle causing it to sideswipe a parked motor vehicle on Crest Avenue. G&J notified for a tow.
Sunday, May 29
Party on Maple Road states an unresponsive male outside on the curb. Fire notified. Unit responds and reports the subject being transported to the Whidden Hospital.
Caller on Sunset Road reports that his girlfriend is very sick and needs an ambulance. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
Report of house on Moore Street doing construction work on Sunday. The contractor is shutting it down.
Party on Bates Avenue repots that she lost6 her wallet. It had several credit cards, IDs, and unknown amount of currency. She believed she lost it at or nearby the Odyssey Grill last evening.
Caller on Lincoln Street requests EMS for a medical condition. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Party came to the station to report that his vehicle was either struck or vandalized on Bowdoin Street. The mirror on the operator side is broken off and the rear door on the operator side is damaged and no longer shuts close.
Caller on Crescent Street reports that someone sprayed a blue line on her fence last evening.
Party on Winthrop Street requests EMS for his girlfriend who has not been feeling well. WFD and EMS notified and will respond.
Caller on Nevada Street requests an officer respond and have her family leave the front door area. She does not want them at the house. Officer reports nobody present outside the house.
Party on River road reports two baby raccoons have been outside in her yard for about an hour with the mother around. ACO will respond and speak with the homeowner.
Caller believes there may be a skimmer on the ATM at the Winthrop Federal Credit Union. Officer repots the caller got his money and there does appear to be a malfunction with the card inserter. Message was left at the 800-call center and a note was left on the ATM. No names of contact persons on file here.
Sewer or water cover sticking up across from the CVS. W91 reports already having it reset during his patrol.
Caller on Golden Drive reports that he is not feeling well and would like an ambulance. Transferred to EMS.
Party reports that kids are trying to light the Gazebo on fire. Officer reports WFD notified and three youths brought to the station for parents to pick them up.
Reports of a loose dog in the area of Kennedy Drive. ACO responded and caught the dog. Owner was contacted and arrived on the scene.
Caller on Billows and Tafts Avenue reports fireworks and a large party coming from a house. Does not know the house but says we cannot miss it with the large party. Another caller reports it to be Billows and Triton. Officers report a small group of adults. No sign of fireworks.
Party on Sewall Avenue reports kids hanging out on bikes. She is afraid for her car. Officer reports six kids in the area. Only one on a bike and they are leaving.