Speaker Robert A. DeLeo will host his Super Bowl Sunday Campaign Kickoff Breakfast Sunday at the Winthrop Elks and a capacity crowd is expected as Bob announces that he will be a candidate for re-election as state representative. Bob is coming off an incredible year of accomplishments as the Speaker of the House, advancing important issues in the House and leading the way for his legislation to be passed by the 160-member House of Representative that he leads so well. Bob’s status as the most powerful Democratic leader on Beacon Hill has risen over the past year and he and Republican Governor Charlie Baker have focused on key issues that affect our lives on a daily basis.
You look around Winthrop and you see the new developments in town and the brand new $80 million middle/high school ready to open for the next school and you know that Bob had a big role in making these positive things happen. Bob DeLeo deserves the praise he is getting for his exceptional leadership and the manner in which he has represented our town in the Legislature. Sunday’s breakfast is a good opportunity to thank him for his service and wish him well in his bid to continue in his esteemed position.