Monday, June 9
Caller reports disturbance outside of home. Units find area clear.
Caller awakened by running truck.
Caller reports large tractor-trailer obstructing the street and causing a traffic backup.
Caller reports a motor vehicle parked for many days in front of his house. Vehicle has town sticker but caller doesn’t recognize the motor vehicle.
Person called to report a motor vehicle parked for many days in front of his house. Motor vehicle has town parking sticker but caller didn’t reconized the motor vehicle and check with neighbors who also didn’t know about the motor vehicle’s ownership. A check of the registration was made.
Caller reported that her 6 year old Yorkshire Terrier has gotten loose and to please call if found.
Man reported that an unknown male and female had released some sort of unknown, small animals from cages on his front lawn on Sunday. Neighbor reported vehicle as a gold minivan. Animal control spoke with caller and will follow up.
Medical request for father-in-law who fell.
Party came to the station to report the neighbor across the hall has been disturbing him for a while. He reports she bangs on his door at all hours, day and night and accuses him of making noise. W91 reports speaking to both the caller and neighbor and reports that peace has been restored for the time being.
Report of strong odor of gas.
Caller reports trash removal truck is being obstructed from getting into the condo lot to empty dumpster by a parked motor vehicle. W91 reports the vehicle that is obstructing is parked legally in the Private condo lot itself.
Female from psych hospital in Lynn called and stated they were faxing over a Section 12 for a female who had left a lengthy suicide letter. She was not sure if she was home. Officers responded to the address aand found that she was not home and no one answered the door. Her vehicle was not parked in the area. Fire and medical wer notified to force entry. Landlord was on the scene. the residence was cleared.
Caller requesting a non-emergency ambulance transport.
Caller reports that former residents apparently left a small kitten on the rear porch of the residence. Animal control was unable to locate the kitten, but will repeatedly check the area.
Vice principal reports a young male student sprinted from the group of students he was with before dismissal, and they cannot locate him. W92 reports young man found safety in the custody of his parents.
(Referring to to The mother of a female who had a Section 12 for called and state she was not worried about her daughter. She had told her daughter to go to Swampscott and stay in an apartment that she owns and is empty. She spoke with her daughter earlier in the morning.
Caller reports verbal disagreement with minor and receiving threats from the minor’s father. W92 reports speaking to all parties involved and restoring peace.
Caller reports her friend is dizzy, passed out and is bleeding from the nose. Transported to MGH via Action ambulance.
Party reports traffic lights not functioning. Esposito notified and reported they were aware of the issue and were waiting for an emergency response crew to respond. Sign was posted in the area of Hermon Street.
Party reports groups of juveniles have been loitering behind her property on the marsh using vulgar language creating a disturbance.
Party reports an F150 is driving by the area overloaded with junk and appears to be very unsafe for the roads.
Party requesting EMS for her husband. Transferred to EMD.
Party reports a dryer fire in the basement. WFD notified.
Party reports she came home and realized that someone had entered her apartment earlier in the day while she was out. Officer reports no signs of a break in and nothing appears to be stolen. She will call the management officer tomorrow to have the locks changed.
Tuesday, June 10
Caller was interested in the well being or her ex-brother-in-law. Area search negative of the two locations given where this party might have been located.
Officer reported that she fell striking her entire right side chest and leg area while checking property.
Caller reported her neighbor had fallen and needed assistance.
Woman came to the station to report that an older male appeared to be confused trying to cross the street at Magees Corner. Officer responded and reported no one in the area. The officer checked the surrounding streets but no such male in the vicinity.
Woman came the station to report that someone entered her apartment on June 9 while she was at work.
Officer directing traffic for school release.
Party requested an ambulance for medical aid. WFD/Action notified.
Essex Regional dispatch received 911 hangup from the area of Washington Street. Call back was successful. Officers checked on calling party, report only a verbal argument.
Caller reports slamming doors and making making noise. Would like this on the record for possible court action. Caller also reports this is an on going matter regarding other resident also saying bad things about her to other residents.
Caller reports hearing possible fireworks or gun shots in the area of Beacon Circle.
Caller stated suspicious vehicle with multiple occupants. Officers responded and found two females which the sent out of the area.
Caller reported minor motor vehicle crash outside his residence.
Wednesday, June 11
Person came to the station to report large truck he believes to be associated with the construction in the area is going down Plummer the wrong way. He reports they are going very fast as well. W-92 responded and spoke with the safety officers on site. Safety officer will speak to the site workers and have that activity cease if it was the trucks on site involved.
Middle school teacher reports a grandfather asks him to call for help as his grandchild is stuck in playground equip there. Fire notified and W-93 responded to assist. W-97 also reports that a swing was removed from the area as well.
Called reported to the building department that a neighbor’s contractor has construction materials on her property. She reported to the building department that she was going outside to confront the contractor again.
W92 reports a female has fallen on the sidewalk and is requesting medical attention, no defect reported or observed.
Report of shoplifting.
Caller reports her ex-husband has violated their divorce decree as it pertains to visitation for their minor child.
Caller reports a motor vehicle accident by his garage. One car wedged against another.
Caller reports his child’s grandmother would not allow him to take his child for a court ordered visitation. Caller reports there was some discussion regarding the proper car seat. Caller reports that he had brought the proper car seat with him.
Officer stopped motor vehicle traveling the wrong way along Park Avenue. Check of registration revealed it was expired. Tow truck was notified.
Party reports an older male in a SUV was in the area acting strange. He asked him what he was doing in the area and he stated he enjoyed watching the children play soccer.
Thursday, June 12
Party requesting the Police for a dispute with her husband. Male party agreed to leave.
Party reports fireworks coming from a party.
Motor vehicle towed by Action for violating the parking rules at Governors Park.
Caller came home to find bat in house. Requesting ACO to retrieve it for testing.
Caller reports someone entered her residence last night while she was away.
Alarm company called reporting front door alarm. Owner arrived on scene – W92, W93 entered to clear.
Party reported argument with baby’s mother and her boyfriend during exchange of child at maternal grandmother’s house. He was advised of his rights and will follow up at probate court.
Caller reports a fight. Units report a family argument. All party advised of their rights, peace restored.
Caller reports the driver’s side mirror truck by another vehicle identified by witness.
Officer reports returning to address to speak with caller regarding hit and run. Witness at scene provided vehicle identification.
Party came to the station to report being harassed by a female in a different state.
Party reports a two driver and a car owner are having a dispute. Officer reports the matter is settled.
Party came in to report a black Ford being operating by a female known to her was operating on the wrong side of the road while entering Winthrop on Main St. Vehicle being operating by juvenile daughter nearly causing an accident.
Woman came to the station to report that her son was due home shortly after 9:00pm and he had not returned. Her son dropped someone off on Court Road then and said by phone that he was on his way home and would be there in 5 minutes but had not returned. She described the his vehicle as a red Chevy Sierra with black rims.
Friday, June 13
Caller reports a male there acting strange banging on cars and yelling and talking to himself.
Motorist stopped for violation, warrant check revealed an outstanding warrant issued by Chelsea District Court.
Party reports he believes his friend may be experiencing diabetic episode. WFD notified.
Store managee-r reported a shoplifter who fled into the center wearing a blue hoodie and plaid shorts in his twenties. Last observed in French Square by the pet store.
Lifeline activated for 95-year-old male.
Party reported issues with his toilet, shower and water backing up.
Lifeline case activation for a 95 year old male resident.
Party came in to report a pothole possibly a water service cover destroyed in the area.
Party came in to report someone opened a Comcast account with his personal information and a collection agency was contacting him in an attempt to collect an outstanding balance owed. The account was opened to a Revere address and he believed he may know the suspect who resides there. He was advised to report it to the Revere Police as it occurred in their jurisdiction.
Mother reports adult son causing problems with his father. Officers responded and requested EMS.
Caller reported loud base music coming from the floor below.
Saturday, June 14
Caller reported a white male wearing a baseball cap and a white shirt with a flashlight looking in yards. Subject walked towards the park and Grandview.
Walk-in party wanted to file complaints for threats. He was provide with victim/witness for to complete.
Caller wanted to speak to an officer about an altercation that had just occurred.
Caller reported numerous boats parked on the public way.
Caller reports his new fence was knocked down by a vehicle. The vehicle was described as a newer brown SUV with silver trim.
Caller requested well-being check on his mother.
Caller reported loud, violent domestic where it sounded like parents abusing their children.
Caller reported illegally parked cars on street because of a party.
Father reported son had friend over and he wants them to leave.
Caller reported she heard a female voice yelling from the area of Lincoln Street at Reed Street.
911 dropped call. Then another cal-in from party yelling, then disconnected again. Called back with party stating all was ok.
Verbal family dispute.
Alarm company reported motion alarm activation in pro shop.
Caller report group in the pool area at Fort Heath.
Caller request EMS.
Sunday, June 15
Party called to report that she was woken up by her neighbors several hours before due to noise. She was advised to call police when the disturbance was occurring so that they could be able to assist better and identify the location.
Call reported a large truck parked on property that did not belong there.
Caller Reported that all 4 of her car tires were slashed.
Caller stated someone went into his unlocked vehicle overnight.
Caller reported raccoon fell from tree and the mother was trying to protect it.
Party reported she wants to enter her room mates room and take cable box out. Room was locked and room mate didn’t want her to enter. She was advised not to enter room as this was a civil matter.
Caller reported that her sister is 15 years old and took off in a cab. Called cab company and told them to bring the girl to the station. Cab company called back and stated party fled with cab at Orient Heights with male party she was with. Units sent to Boston Orient Heights area in an attempt to locate subject.
Party reported suspicious motor vehicle parked in front of his house when he came home. Saw a male coming out of with his or his neighbors yard. He thought is suspicious. Units BOLO..
Caller reported group under the main pier.
Caller reported a female yelling.
Caller reported two males arguing with each other.
Monday, June 16
Caller reported a loud group on the beach.