Monday, June 2
Caller on Locust and Cross Street states that two white males, one bald, the other with a baseball cap, appear to be checking car doors. Units respond and report they are off with two individuals. Both subjects have been cleared from the area.
Party on Governors Drive states that her neighbor which she is having an ongoing dispute with, is at it again slamming doors but just wants it noted in the log.
Caller on Sunnyside Avenue reports that his wife is having severe leg cramps.
Female on Fairview Street came in to report a larceny from her house.
Report of rapid heartbeat at Fort Heath Apartments.
Off. Feeley reports going off with code enforcement on Morton Street. He requests another unit for tenant dispute.
Off. Ramadini reports going off for an ongoing parking issue on Wave Way Avenue. Message was left for resident to contact when he gets home.
Caller reports group of kids with airsoft guns in marsh on Corinha Beach. They were concerned about recent fire from yesterday. W91 will respond. A group was dispersed.
W92 was flagged down by a motorist reporting possible drunk male walking on Main Street. Officer located the subject. All is fine, he was advised.
Caller on Winthrop Street requests EMS. Fire dispatched.
Two callers about well being check on party sitting on curb on Hermon and Lincoln Street. W92 dispatched. He was sent out of the area.
Party reports his wallet was stolen from motor vehicle at Crystal Cove Marina.
Party turned in wallet he found. Revere Police will attempt notification.
Caller on Pleasant Street reports animal struck by car and injured. ACO and W91 dispatched.
Party on Harbor View Avenue requests EMS. WFD dispatched.
Caller on Governors Drive reports downstairs neighbor causing disturbance. On-going issue between neighbors. W92 dispatched. All parties advised of their rights to a harassment prevention order.
EMS request on Buckthorn Terrace for medical aid. WFD dispatched.
Caller on Beal Street reports male and female arguing in the street. W91 and W92 dispatched. Units report call unfounded.
Party on Dolphin Avenue reports loud group on rear porch. W92 and W94 spoke with adult group who will take it inside for the night.
Benjie type dog with no collar found on Fairview Street. Caller brought him home until the owner is found.
92 reports off with party that has an active warrant. One male in custody.
Tuesday, June 3
92 reports off with a suspicious parked motor vehicle with two occupants. One male in custody for outstanding warrant.
Caller reports a group of youths have bonfire on Yirrell Beach. W91, and W93 had cooperative group extinguish fire and move along.
Sgt. Dalrymple requests medical for a man down on Sunnyside Avenue.
Request for medical aid on Walden Street for difficulty breathing.
Transfer from Boston EMS for a diabetic male who has fallen and hit his head in the shower at Governors Park.
Report of a stolen ring from home on Cottage Park Road.
Report of stolen items on Fairview Street.
Call of a fight near the playground on Walden Street. Officers report male left the area. All quiet at this time.
Call from East Boston Neighborhood Health of a patient with a serious problem. EMS/fire on it.
Caller reports suspicious activity near the stairs at top of Hannaford Park. Three parties involved. Officers located a few youths playing in the area.
Walk-in reports of a suspicious situation on Underhill Street. Party states he found an inappropriate note on his car at night and feels like he is being watched. Off. Freeman will keep an eye on the area tonight.
Female reports red Chevy trailblazer with three kids inside and female driver might be under the influence. This is near Winthrop Federal Credit Union. 92 Dutra reports all appears okay.
Caller on Bartlett Road requests EMS for medical aid.
Party on Almont Street reports that his son was assaulted and threatened earlier at Ingleside Park. Units will check area before going to take a report. Area search for group is negative.
Caller reports an 18-20 foot powerboat was drifting and is now washed up on the beach on the Strand Way. WFD notified and will contact Harbormaster.
Male on Winthrop Street repots two teens near his neighbor’s shed looking for bike. He went out and they ran away. 92 Dutra checked surrounding area. All clear.
Female on Shirley and Bayview Avenue complains of loud music. 94 Curran reports music turned off.
Wednesday, June 4
91 Freeman reports gang tagging in the area of Beacon Circle.
Caller on Franklin Street states that some individuals appear to be vandalizing a car. Units respond and request medical for a male party, who will be transported to MGH.
Report of fireworks on Cross Street.
Caller on Shore Drive states possible leaking fuel tank of a parked motor vehicle. 93 respond and confirm fuel leakage. Fire and G&J notified and has vehicle in tow.
Party on Almont Street states there was a sick/stray cat on her front porch. ACO notified and will respond. ACO spoke to caller and it was unfounded.
Male on Madison Avenue came in to explain that he is going through a divorce. His wife threatened to hurt herself yesterday. She is becoming more aggressive towards him and he is afraid she may try to hurt him. They both reside in the same house. Off. Ramadini advised him of his 209A rights and was sent with medical to speak to her about her threats to hurt herself. Female evaluated by medical and cleared. Her mother is staying with them and the male party is going to leave for a few hours.
Calling party reports that a neighbor phoned him to advise him that his ex-girlfriend was placing the caller’s personal items in the trash. The 91 unit responded to Douglas Street to speak with the ex-girlfriend. A friend of the calling party retrieved the belongings.
911 call reports an individual being threatened with a knife on Winthrop Street. Units report order restored and they have one in custody for assault with a dangerous weapon and malicious destruction of property.
Call for a shoplifter at CVS. Person stopped and given trespass notice.
Caller on Woodside Avenue reports a person acting suspicious placed a back pack in the trash barrel in front of CVS. Fire notified as well. Fire and police responded and cleared all barrels. Backpack was owned by a shoplifter in the previous call.
Party on Sturgis Street reports a young female approached party requesting help. 91 and 93 responded to area. Female party stating she is not feeling well. Fire and EMS notified. Transport to Whidden with W93 escorting.
Male on Winthrop Street complaining of noisy backyard. 98 Jaworski, 93 Ramadini and 91 Curran report male will stop and resume in the morning.
Thursday, June 5
W91 asks for check on party on Douglas Street with two active warrants. At 1:55 p.m. juvenile probation contacted and requests the party held. At 2:00, the clerk contacted and orders arrestee to be held without bail. Charges are two outstanding warrants.
Caller on Governors Drive reports her downstairs neighbor is slamming her doors. She just wanted it logged. Reports that the party downstairs is making a lot of noise again and is slamming doors. Officer responded and could not get into the building after buzzing the caller. When the caller was contacted, she did buzz the officer in. She was told to try again and if not, she needed to come and open the door if she was able. Caller stated that she would. Officer reports caller never came and opened the door.
Party on Shore Drive reports that he has not heard from a friend and he was supposed to be at a VA doctor appointment on Monday. He would like his well being checked. After tracing the phone number, officer dispatched and reports friend is fine and he does not know who the caller is.
Caller on Douglas Street reports that his neighbor is placing trash bags and debris in front of his front door in retaliation for him calling the police. Officer spoke with both parties. The party removed the trash and she was advised to cease any further issues with her neighbor. WHA Director arrived and was apprised of the situation.
Party on Shore Drive reporting a cardiac arrest. 91 reports subject located and is being evaluated by EMS. 91 report an overdose. Lt. Perrin notified and on the scene.
Caller on Douglas Street reports a male and female arguing outside residence. Female stated her mother’s ex-boyfriend showed up and she was yelling at him. He left prior to officer’s arrival.
Friday, June 6
Cab driver came to the station to pick up his cab fare that was left here for him by a fare that could not pay last week from Boston to Winthrop. $50.00 given to him and receipt and envelope signed.
W91 reports a directed patrol at the 7/11. While there he was informed that a black male with a slim build in a black Honda just tried to shoplift. The male left when W91 came to the store. Clerk will call if he returns.
More reports of downstairs neighbor making noise at Governors Drive. 92 reports he spoke to the party and he believes he woke her up. No noise to report.
Reports of a tree limb down on Egelton Park. DPW notified.
Party came in to report rubbish dumped in the marsh area on Morton Street. Code Enforcement VanBuskirk notified and will follow up.
Caller on Revere Street reports that sometime last night she was in the store and someone picked up her phone and walked off with it. The IPhone is valued at approximately $300. Officer will follow up with an investigation at 7011 for surveillance video.
Party on Wave Way Avenue came to the station with information regarding threats he received from a male in his neighborhood on June 2nd. Victim/witness statement was filed. The party was advised to call the police right away in the future. Officer went by the address and reports speaking with the subject and advising him to stay away from his neighbor. He will comply. Phone message was left for the caller advising him of the situation.
Party reports a confused male is stumbling around the rocks near the jetty at Deer Island. MSP Revere was notified and will have someone respond. MWRA was notified and will have gates opened for WFD and EMS. WFD located the subject who appears to be okay and does not want any medical attention.
Beverly PD would like an officer to respond to Main Street and have party contact the Beverly Police. 92 reports he left a note with the pertinent information.
Party called reporting a sick bat is on the backside of the Winthrop Yacht Club. ACO was notified and will respond.
Caller on Sagamore Avenue request we go by his address and check on his wife who is disabled. Officer reports speaking with the party who will call her husband.
Detail officer requesting a WMS check on a male subject involved in a disturbance on Crest Avenue. Party came back active and no WMS. Other involved subject queried by State Police and both parties cleared.
Party on Beal Street reports a dirt bike racing through the area. Officer checked with the usual suspect and reports the MC is in the garage and the party is out with his daughter.
Caller on Bayview Avenue reports two vehicles flying in the area towards the playground. She believes one has four kids in the bed of a black pickup and also a blue SUV. She also believes one may have been chasing the other. 93 will check the area. Area clear at this time.
Party on Sturgis Street came into the station regarding the identity theft of her information and her son’s information by her ex-husband who resides in Canton. There are credit cards, an NStar gas account and an NStar electric account. She is in the process of notifying the credit companies and NStar regarding the unauthorized accounts opened in their names.
Caller on Cottage Avenue reports a manhole cover off. DPW notified.
Party on Sagamore Avenue reports locating someone’s license. Officer went by and picked it up.
Alcohol enforcement compliance checks of all package stores were conducted.
Caller reports two men fighting in parking lot of Winthrop Auto Repair. Officer spoke with victim who refused medical attention and refuses to press charges. This occurred over parking at the auto shop parking lot, across the street.
Party on Willis Avenue was very upset stating that she believes she was just followed home by someone to her address. She appeared reluctant to give further information. Officer reports speaking with the caller and advising her of her rights.
Saturday, June 7
Caller on Hermon Street called regarding her grandson who is having a hard time regarding a death in the family. Officers spoke to the family members and all is okay.
Loud party reported in back yard on Somerset Avenue. Officer reports all parties are over 21, and the party is breaking up. Peace restored.
Caller reports man lying down in parking lot on Revere Street. Officers report one male going to Whidden via Action Ambulance. Motor vehicle towed for safety.
Female called on Lewis Avenue to report a loud, noisy group in front of her house. They woke her and her children up. She then called back to report that the parties left the area and she believes they took off in a car. No description. Officers located a group in the area and checked them out and sent them on their way. It was three locals.
Male on Winthrop Street reports a woman is there knocking at the door. He reports she is now coming to the police station. Officer reports speaking with the caller who reports the female was knocking at his door and she was looking for a juvenile that works for him.
Female came to the station to report a problem with the male caller from the previous call. Party was reporting something like an assault, but it was hard to decipher the purpose of her coming to the station. She would not give any information and thought that we were recording her and taking her picture at the window. She was given a form to complete. She then left the station and returned to the address across the street where an incident allegedly occurred. W91 was there speaking with the other party. Female was advised to return to the station to make her report. She did not return and declined any medical attention. She would not give any information. Some information was learned from her husband who was with her.
Male on Cottage Avenue reports a manhole cover is half off. He believes that if a car hits it, there could be a problem. DPW notified.
Daughter requests ambulance for her mother on Somerset Avenue.
Caller on Winthrop Street reports a fight going on next door. Officers responded and brought the combative and out of control female subject to the station. WFD and EMS were notified. The subject was transported to the Whidden via ambulance under MGL C. 123 Sec. 12. Complaints will be sought for the criminal violations.
Verizon customer service called to report a female on Hermon Street spoke with him and appears very confused. Officer reports speaking with her but she does not remember everything due to her medical issue. Officers spoke with an out of town family member who will attempt to get down here to check on her further.
Party at Café Delight came in to report his portable GPS valued at approximately $200 was taken out of his Viking Taxi sometime between 8 and 8:15 a.m. The windows were down and the vehicle was unsecured.
We received two calls from a female on Washington Avenue reporting a domestic there. However, she did not want assistance and would not give any information. Responding officer repots speaking to both parties. Female was given a warning regarding misuse of the 911 system.
Call from Winthrop Lodge of Elks to report a 209A violation from the night before.
Party on Golden Drive requested EMS for a transport to the hospital for severe back and leg pain. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Caller on Townsend Street reports someone smashed his glass table in the yard. Officer reports glass table appears to have been broken by a golf ball from someone in the area. It was most likely an accident.
Sunday, June 8
Caller on Summit Avenue reports that her landlord has her keys and won’t let her in her apartment. Units report a boyfriend-girlfriend problem. Both parties have been advised of their rights.
Reports of a fight on Summit Avenue. Units report they have one under arrest for disorderly conduct.
Caller reports fight on beach at Shore Drive. Units report area search negative.
Caller on Shirley and Forest Street reports noise and loud music in the area. Units located parked car with loud stereo. They were sent out of the area.
Party came into the station reporting that he believes he dropped some cash while walking last night. $800 was wrapped in an electric band.
Caller reports that his mother is on Summit Avenue and requested he call the police. He heard yelling in the background. Units located female party and she was gathering property to leave. She was advised of her rights per 209A.
Report of a male yelling in the area of North Avenue. No specific address given. Units report observing the area for an amount of time and unable to hear any yelling or other disturbance.
Male caller on Siren Street reports a female wants to hurt herself. Units report voluntary transport to Whidden via Action for evaluation.
Female party came to the station to report that when police arrived to clear youths off Pico Beach last night, her daughter ran off and left her handbag behind. She wanted to know if we recovered a handbag. Spoke to the officer on call and officers saw no property and took no property from the scene.
Caller on Myrtle Avenue reports a dog barking excessively for several hours.
Party came to the station to repot the theft of his HP placard on Friday at French Square.
Boston PD reports looking for vehicle in connection with possible narcotics violations last seen on Meridian Street, East Boston. Vehicle is listed to party out of Winthrop. Caller also reports vehicle passed him on Main Street, traveling at a high rate of speed. All units BOLO’d.
Caller states that he has not heard form his sister on Governors Drive in a long time. He stated that his niece takes care of her and he cannot get her to answer the phone and is worried. Officer spoke with mother and daughter. All is well and they will contact the brother.
Party reports missing four-year-old child with blue shorts on Yirrell Beach. All units sent to area along with Fire and Harbormaster. Off. Curran reports child is located and fine. All clear.
Officer from Malden Police called and asked if we could attempt to locate someone on Waldemar Avenue. She states that his flower shop in Malden was left open with the keys in door. She also states that the owner is listed out of Winthrop, but Malden PD has no address. Officer went to the address and could not locate the party.
Caller on Golden Drive reports that her sister won’t leave her apartment. Unit reports a female party being sectioned and transported to the Whidden.
Female caller reports that she was involved in a small accident on Crest Avenue and she believes the other female party gave her false information. Peabody PD called and left owner of vehicle message to contact our department with driver’s information.
Party reports kids on raft in lagoon behind the water tower. They were either lighting it on fire or they have a fire going on the raft. Officer reports fire not on raft, but on the beach nearby. Fire put out and parties sent from the area.
Caller called to report a couple fighting in motor vehicle in the parking lot of Governors Drive. Units run checks on all parties. No wants or warrants.
Sex offender, Level 2 presented himself for registration. Sgt. Crisafi registered him. Off. Freeman photographed.