Monday, May 26
As a result of Saugus Police Department BOLO, Off. Curran developed information, which led officers to address on Revere Street in an attempt to locate suspect in a domestic assault and battery. The suspect was located and placed in custody. It was a courtesy booking. Saugus PD picked up the prisoner.
Caller on River Road reports newly planted trees ripped out and tossed in the middle of the road. W93 moved them off to side of street. DPW to be notified. W93 patrolled the area looking for possible suspects.
WFD request assistance with a lockout on Marshall Street.
Female called to report she is having a hard time obtaining some of her property from another person’s home. They will not cooperate with her. She was advised to seek the proper advise from the Court.
Report of a dirt bike racing up and down Lincoln Street. Off. Carter stopped the vehicle just before this call came in and had the young male operator bring it home.
Male on Court Road requesting ambulance for a female who is not feeling well.
Female on Buchanan Street called of a branch that came down after a truck hit it. DPW notified.
Reports of a dirt bike going up and down Beal and Lincoln Street. Officer reports the area is clear.
Report of a larceny from a male on Morton Street.
Call of a motor vehicle obstructing the sidewalk on Bellevue Avenue, which caused an elderly man with a walker to have to walk into the street. 91 reports vehicle is tagged and then moved.
Woman on Tafts Avenue complaining of motor vehicles in lane outbound side of Deer Island. She insists on enforcement of entire area. She claims the MWRA gave us authority to enforce. After checking with the Chief, he reports that is “not trueâ€. We are only authorized to enforce on Winthrop property line and not further. 91 Curran reports no parking violations on the Winthrop town street.
Report of loud noise from landscaper working at Bank of America. 92 Ramadini had them stop and observe the holiday.
Emergency center reports activation of medical alarm on Golden Drive. Female fell down and needs assistance. Fire and ambulance will respond.
Unit reports motor vehicle pulled over at end of Pleasant Street for speeding. Ticket issued.
93 S. Hickey has a male sleeping on sidewalk on Trident Avenue. 92 Curran will take him home.
Female on Governors Drive reports banging doors. 92 Curran reports with 91 Freeman assisting that there is a feud between tenants.
Tuesday, May 27
Caller on Shirley Street states that her husband is having trouble breathing. Transferred to fire.
Det. Carter and Code Enforcement Officer VanBuskirk will serve an administrative warrant and initiate an investigation on Shirley Street.
Officer has vehicle stopped for illegal U-turn at Magee’s Corner. Citation issued.
Officer has vehicle stopped for speeding near Lewis Lake. Citation issued.
Sgt. Dalrymple reports a hole in a water valve that is large enough to have someone get hurt at Sunnyside and Pleasant Street. DPW notified.
Female on Walden Street called to report an odor of gas in the hallway. Fire will respond.
Party reports that his wife is yelling at kids throwing rocks at the swans on Lewis Lake. 92 Ramadini reports it is not rocks, they are feeding bread to the swans.
Report of a head on crash at Domino’s near the bridge in East Boston. Boston PD notified.
E911 call of a motor vehicle and person in the harbor at the Public Landing. Fire notified. Ambulance notified. Harbormaster notified. G&J notified. Units report male assisted out of water by passerby. Male party checked out and refuses medical treatment. WFD checking with area departments for a diver to assist tow company. Reports the tow has a hook on the car and may not need any more assistance. Fire informed. W91 reports that G&J has the vehicle.
Wednesday, May 28
Woman called seeking information regarding speeding fines. She then started talking randomly about federal agents who got speeding tickets and one is her sister who has custody of her child. The party was not making too much sense and has called in the past.
Party on Sunnyside Avenue called requesting medical for her father.
Party reports he had a minor crash with another motor vehicle on Fremont and Buchanan Street. It appears the registration of the other vehicle is expired. Officer queried all the parties and the trailer is active. Officer will file a report due to the amount of damage done to the parked motor vehicle.
A very upset resident called reporting the crew doing work for National Grid have a large pile of dirt and sand in front of her driveway on Sunnyside Avenue. She is quite concerned about being able to get her sick mother out of the address. She also claimed they keep coming onto her property and she wants them to stay off. Detail officer Freeman will respond and check the situation out. He spoke with the caller and informed her that they are working on the gas line in front of her home. She feels better now knowing and is no longer concerned.
Detail officer Lt. Scarp reports a Winthrop taxi was observed speeding outbound along Revere Street onto the Winthrop Parkway at an excessive speed. He identified the driver and reports speaking with the operation manager for the taxi service regarding his poor driving habits.
Party on Summit Avenue came in to report the theft of cash from her apartment by her landlord.
Party came in to report being the victim of identity theft.
Received a complaint relative to trucks and equipment entering and exiting the site being directed by construction workers on Veterans Road. Officer responded to the area and observed three trucks obstructing the lane of traffic. Officer reports tagging one truck for obstructing traffic and the other truck drove off. The job site manager contacted the station and was advised the trucks were obstructing the lane of traffic, which caused motor vehicles to go in the one single lane. He was also advised that it’s an unsafe condition and could not be allowed to continue.
Several reports of a dirt bike tearing up the park area at Ingleside Park and there are children inside the park.
Officer reports youths with airsoft guns playing in the marsh near Sea View Avenue. No crime.
An unwanted guest reported on Bellevue Avenue. Subject left prior to officers’ arrival. Area search negative.
Resident at Governors Drive complaining of noise and slamming of doors. W92 responded and no noise coming from the apartment. Unable to get anyone to come to the door. All is quiet.
Thursday, May 29
Caller on Shore Drive reports that roommate is under the weather and causing a problem. She is afraid. One under arrest for two outstanding warrants.
Female caller on Short Beach reports a man ran up to her and said to call the fire department for an odor of gas. Fire notified.
Party reports he is being held hostage and basically cannot leave at A1 Auto on Shirley Street. After questioning he reports he is having a disagreement there. Officer reports it was a disagreement between an appraiser and the shop owner. The calling party went on his way.
Caller on Hermon Street requested EMS for her husband who is not feeling well. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service. Officer reports a 29-year-old patient to the MGH via ambulance.
Subject served a 209/ERO in hand at the East Boston Court with abuse prevention orders.
Party on Franklin Street reports losing her wallet that contained her driver’s license. Employment ID card, BOA debit card and approximately $40 in cash.
Caller on Tafts Avenue reports that he is observing via video camera, someone walking onto his property and pacing back and forth out front. The subject got out of a pickup truck parked nearby. Officers report no truck in the area or person(s). When the caller was contacted, he stated that the truck left just prior to the officers’ arrival. He was advised to call back if he sees it return in the future.
Detail officer requesting a unit for vehicle he stopped for speeding on Crest Avenue.
Visiting Nurse requesting EMS for her patient at Nick’s Place. WFD notified.
Party came in to request an officer accompany him to pick up some clothing on Shore Drive. Plaintiff resident contacted and has no problem with it.
Party came in to report being the victim of identity theft. 92 reports crimes alleged occurred in Canton. The party was advised appropriately.
SRO Armistead reports missing female juvenile in the Odyssey Grill. Officers report the party left prior to their arrival. Boston PD reports being flagged down by relative of missing female and they have her stopped on Saratoga Street. They are requesting an officer on the scene. The officers have female along with a missing juvenile male from Revere and are brining them to the station. Female mother notified. Off. Armistead will bring her home. Male juvenile picked up at the station by his parents.
Mother on Winthrop Street requests transport to MGH for an evaluation of her daughter.
Party on Pleasant Park Road filled out a victim/witness statement regarding a threat made to her by her boyfriend’s cousin via Facebook.
Driver came to the station because he has not received payment from an incident last week. The fare was contacted and she said she had tried to contact him. She will bring the money to the station to be picked up by the cab driver on Tuesday next week. All were satisfied.
Caller on Myrtle Avenue reports music coming from a yard and is loud. Unit reports the music has been turned off.
Report of a kayak in the middle of the ocean at Halford Beach. Units report they are unable to locate a kayak.
Friday, May 30
W93 requests an assist with several sitting on the wall at Cliff Avenue. W91 responded and reports the parties are involved with the kayak from above and all is okay.
Male called requesting we make his brother give him his mother’s EBT card. When the caller was told that we don’t do that he became abusive on the phone and stated he would call the state police.
Caller on Trident Avenue reports a white male sleeping in her basement. Units report they spoke with the caller and searched the property. Unable to locate the subject.
Party on Cottage Avenue requesting EMS for her husband. WFD notified.
Irate caller at Ingleside Park stated there is someone in the park riding a dirt bike around with no helmet, etc. Officers check the area to no avail. W91 did speak with male on Beal Street who was working on a dirt bike in his backyard. The officers observed no violations at that time.
Party reports a third grade male student left the Cummings School in the rear by the cafeteria. Student was located and SRO notified and will respond.
Caller reports she was exiting Winthrop near the town line and was signaling to take a left turn into the marsh park when she was tailgated by the first truck in a group of four heading outbound onto the Winthrop Parkway. The driver was blowing the horns and flipped her off as he went by. The DCR engineer was contacted and will investigate further.
Party on Wave Way Avenue reports there is gray SUV parked with the radio blaring. There does not appear to be anyone around the vehicle.
Party reports a 209A violation by her ex. She followed him and would like to speak with an officer in the Ace Hardware parking lot.
Hang up call from North Avenue. The party called back and then hung up again. When he then called back, he said he was robbed. It happened an hour ago.
Assistant principal at Winthrop High School reports under class members are at the back door to the school and may be in need of assistance. Officer responded from the station along with detail officer to assist the vice principal. Fire was notified as well. 977 assisted from his detail as one juvenile took off from the school. The student was located at home and left in the custody of his parents. Another juvenile was brought to the station for protective custody. The mother was contacted and took him home.
Saturday, May 31
Reports of very loud noise/party on Coral Avenue. Units all busy at this time. Officer reports youths outside waiting for a taxi. Taxi came and they left.
Caller on Ocean Avenue reports loud noise coming from house on the left. Officers located group of middle-aged adults who will knock it off for the night.
Reports of a warrant that has been issued for a party living in Quincy but he has victims in Winthrop. His batteries are dead in his monitoring device so they are letting us know of the warrant if we should across him. The warrant was faxed to us from the agency.
Call from a very excited cab driver and it was difficult to understand him and get a location. Finally it was determined to be somewhere on Bartlett Road and there is a problem with a fare. Second call from a resident reporting a problem there. Officers helped to settle the matter. Fare was paid and party walked the rest of the way home just up the street. All satisfied.
Male reports a black pickup truck on Morton Street driving erratically and fast. The caller reports a male got out and urinated and then took off towards out of town. Information was being dispatched when multiple calls came in for a motor vehicle accident on Pleasant Street.
Male caller reports bad accident on Pleasant Street. A truck hit a house. Another caller reports someone lying on the street. Vehicle may have left. Caller reports multiple damages. First caller reports air bags deployed. Units diverted from Morton Street to Pleasant Street. Fire notified. G&J notified. Three occupants in the truck.
W94 Off. Gergerian reports that while at the active crash scene, two other vehicles had a minor crash near Pleasant Street and Court Road. According to the officer, both parties will be exchanging information.
Party on Cross Street reports sewerage backing up into his basement. DPW notified.
Party came to the station reporting that his brother just left his home on Summit Avenue stating he wants to kill himself. He has not been acting right and left the area on foot toward the Crest Avenue area. Officers were dispatched to the area to search for the suicidal male. Officer located the subject at the top of Winthrop Shore Drive and Hawthorn. WFD and EMS were sent to the area to evaluate the subject.
Party on Willow Avenue requesting EMS for an overdose. WFD notified.
Chief requested a query on a motor vehicle on Temple Avenue, which was being operated by a male subject known to the department. Query reveals his right to operate in Massachusetts is currently suspended. Officer will check the area for the vehicle and the operator.
Party reports striking a pedestrian at Bartlett and Pleasant Street. 92 was approaching the area simultaneously and reports party declining EMS.
Two juvenile females came in with three other younger children to report that a group from East Boston was swearing at them to leave the area.
Party on Read Street requesting the police to remove her daughter’s boyfriend who does not reside there. Units report having subject leave the area.
Caller at Wyatt’s Mobil Mart reports a male subject is inside the store shouting and causing a disturbance. Officers report local party told to leave the store and given a trespass notice by the store clerk. The subject walked down Main Street and then contacted the state police via 911 and talked nonsense on the phone. Officers located him and attempted to take him to Morton Street. The subject would not comply and began shouting at neighbors in the area. He was then placed under arrest for being disorderly.
Party states that youths are possibly going through some boats that are on Ward Marine property. The caller states he spoke to parents of the youths who were at the Amvets and the boats were not disturbed.
Units request an inquiry on two individuals and a vehicle at Harvard and Revere Street. All parties were dispersed form the area.
Caller on Pauline Street states that upstairs neighbor is causing a disturbance. 92 responds and reports a young child running around but will soon be in bed.
Party states that kids are throwing the traffic cones in the middle of Veterans Road. Officer reports he spoke to the parents of the youths, which came from a function in the Amvets.
Party came to the station as a mandated reporter about a minor who contacted her by phone on the well being of his mother. That minor also arrived at the station. DCF contacted and are sending out a team. 91 and 944 did a well being check on the parent. Two DCF investigators arrived at the station and interviewed the minor; then determined he will remain in his residence. DCF initiated a case file and have a team at the residence this week to follow up.
Detective units request assistance for a large group causing a disturbance on Hermon Street. 91 and 93 respond to assist. Units report one in custody for possession of Class B drug and possession to distribute Class B drug.
Caller on Cutler Street reports a handicap parking violation. Then called back to report that the vehicle had moved.
Caller on Walden Street says that a group of about 10 youths hanging out in front of elderly neighbor’s home being loud. All units tied up on Hermon. After clearing party on Hermon, W91 and 944 cleared the group.
Party on Johnson Avenue states a large group causing a disturbance. 93 reports area is clear and he observed one couple walking quietly on public way.
Sunday, June 1
Motor vehicle stop on Argyle Street for erratic operation of vehicle leads to an arrest and towing by G&J Towing. 93 responds and reports going off with that suspect’s vehicle. 93 requests tow for vehicle and operator in custody for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation, registration not in possession and open container of alcohol in vehicle.
Health care working states client is having chest pains at Fort Heath Apartments.
Repossession company reports taking custody of motor vehicle for repossession on Beal Street.
Caller on Court Road reports an old neighbor is trespassing on his property and is intoxicated and will not leave. Units requested EMS for the subject and he is being transported to the Whidden. Officer reports Section 12 being filed.
Caller on Sturgis Street reports 55-year-old female is in respiratory arrest.
Call from the Rowley Police to report they have recovered a Congressional Medal of Honor Plaque from an individual that has breaking and entering, larceny record. The name on the plaque leads them to believe it belongs in Winthrop. We will check with cemetery people on Monday to see if it is ours and if it was stolen.
Caller on Read Street reports a possible domestic going on, and stated that two women just fled in a red SUV. Officers report a verbal argument between parties involved in past relationship. Officers attempted to speak with the party that left the area. No luck.
Resident came in for advise about roommates.
Several 911 and 1212 calls of a marsh fire on Sunnyside Avenue. Fire notified.
Female on Shore Drive called of a man and woman running on the beach and going into the water in their underwear. State Police will handle.
Male at Fort Heath Apartments called to report low blood pressure. Fire notified.
Male on Locust Street reports his black billfold type wallet was lost or stolen. It contained his driver’s license, his American Express and MasterCard. He was advised to contact all involved and get new cards.
Caller on Bellevue Avenue reports that work is being done on motor vehicles in yard including painting. He believes the owner rented out garages as mechanic shop. Unit reports no work on motor vehicles or any painting.
Unit reports having vehicle pulled over on Shore Drive. Operator acting suspicious. Units clearing for a domestic. Citation will be mailed.
Caller on Summit Avenue reports a basement tenant ran upstairs after being in a verbal dispute with her boyfriend. She requests police to escort her back to the basement. Units report that matter has been settled and parties advised of their rights.
Mother on Bowdoin Street reports that she wants her daughter removed from her home and believes she needs medical help. Medical refused and party sent on her way. Child left with the grandmother at request of the father.
Caller on Dolphin Avenue reports that her mother suffered an eye injury and requests and ambulance. Fire and ambulance notified.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a fight and 94c violations. W94 reports no disturbance other than loud television turned down and no sign of 94c violation.
Caller repots there is a group playing paint ball at Coughlin Park. Unit reports three adult males will stop and they were advised.
Woman reports she got a text message “I don’t want to hurt you†from an unknown person. She was told not to answer any e-mails or texts from someone she does not know. She will also speak with the SRO to see if it is related to a school issue at the high school.
Party on Kennedy Road requests we check on 78-year-old female. 92 Curran reports a cell battery problem. All fixed and will call friend back.