Monday, April 29
Mother on Cliff Avenue requesting we check on her daughter and granddaughter as conversation earlier seemed a bit off. W100 assisted 92 in the person check and spoke with the daughter who is fine and will call her mother tomorrow as she is having phone trouble. Called the mother back and informed her all was okay and daughter will call her tomorrow.
Caller on Pauline Street hears movement below her in first floor business, which should be empty. Units report locating proprietor who is spending the night.
Directed the patrol of the Ingleside Park neighborhood. The Pleasant Street section from Court to Lincoln is still closed. Spoke with some residents who are concerned with vehicles going too fast down the side roads due to the Pleasant Street closure. At this time, everything is going well, but will monitor the neighborhood.
Female on Shirley Street reports that she misplaced a case containing her black I-phone, license and debit card. Has already contacted the bank and cancelled the card; also notified the cell phone company.
Caller on Bowdoin Street reports that she is locked out of her home. W92 responded to confirm the caller’s residence.
Party reports that her pocketbook was just stolen out of her car in the 7-11 parking lot. W93 reports that after speaking with the woman and reviewing security footage, it appears she may have been mistaken and left her pocketbook somewhere else.
Female of apartment on the second floor on Washington Avenue called to report that another female on the third floor has been harassing her; the latest being April 26. She has been making threats to harm the first female’s cat and her. Wanted this on record.
Two young girls came in to report they were being harassed and bothered by a boy. Officer S. Hickey will speak to all and settle the matter.
98 Racow/Jaworski, 91 Curran reports they have one male subject under arrest on Winthrop Street. Charges: warrant from Revere PD (larceny and burglary tools) and arrant from Lynn (larceny)
Caller on Woodside Park reports water bubbling out of ground. DPW notified.
91 Curran located male on Revere Street with outstanding warrant. Placed in custody. Assisted by 93 S. Hickey. Charges: Warrant from Lynn (threats).
Male called to inquire as to why the police were looking for him at his former address on Shore Drive. He was advised that there was a warrant out for his arrest and he should go to Charlestown District Court to take care of it. He stated that he had already done that. He was advised to contact the court to insure cancellation of the warrant.
Female called to report that the locks have been changed to a property that she owns on Edgehill Road.
Female on Edgehill Road called to report she is concerned regarding the key to her home. W94 Lt. Scarpa responded and advised all parties of their rights.
Reports of a female on Shore Drive ringing tenant’s doorbell and saying that she lives there or used to live there. Call reports that she appears confused. W91 and W92 responded and reports that a female is there and they requested medical for an evaluation. Fire also notified. One female to Whidden.
Male on Shirley Street reports that two young men outside are yelling. 93 S. Hickey, 94 Sgt. Crisafi and 98 Jaworski report that the area is clear. No one around.
Frightening female on Governors Drive is concerned about male and his friends around her husband’s car. Bonavita, Freeman and S. Hickey report and spoke to the group. They are waiting for a friend and will leave.
Female on Pleasant Park Road reports that since acquiring a nice new car (BMW), cars have been driving by her house and stopping at her driveway. She is concerned that someone may do something to her new car and she would like us to check the area.
Tuesday, April 30
W93 reports a male party passed out on lawn on Shirley Street. Party known to officer, but party doesn’t know where he lives. After much investigation, officer transported party home to Trident Avenue where he lives with his brother.
Party on Shore Drive came in to advise police that he would be wrapping his stepdaughter’s car in caution tape as a prank.
Call of a young lady who fell off a bike on Moore Street. She may have broken a leg. Fire notified.
Call of a car on Floyd Street with only three tires and has been there for weeks. Officer reports that the vehicle is very secure, waiting for a part.
Female on Governors Drive came in to report vandalism.
Report of an unleashed pit bull in front schoolyard at Arthur Cummings School. Animal Control notified.
Report of work being done without a permit on Tafts Avenue. Officer Carter reports no work being done in the area.
School Principal at Fort Banks School called to report that she found a cell phone with a weapon for a screen saver on it. She would like to see an officer. Officer reports no problem
Man on Golden Drive requests an ambulance because he cannot walk.
Calls of a three-car accident at Winthrop Middle School Officers reports no injuries. While at the accident, Officers were told of a fight in the park. They report fight had broken up before the officers had arrived.
Det. Callinan and Off. Carter report stopping two males in Nick’s parking lot.
Officer will try to serve a harassment order issued by the Chelsea Court to a male on Nahant Avenue. He reports no one home.
Neighbors on Shore Drive are concerned that they have not seen male in over a week. Officer reports another caller called to report that he is fine and is in a nursing home.
Report that the Credit Union on Woodside Avenue has someone’s ATM card and will not give it back. Off. Carter reports a misunderstanding about bank policy, all was explained and understood.
Female reports that on April 29th, while she was at Cummings Physical Therapy, he I-phone was stolen.
Multiple calls of a bus hitting and knocking down the traffic control pole on Pleasant Street. Fire notified National Grid.
Wednesday, May 1
Reports of a sewerage backup on Veterans Road, coming up in the basement. Calla notified.
Son on Sturgis Street reports that his mom is having a heart attack. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Female on Winthrop Street reports loud music above her. 91 Gregarian reports he spoke to all parties to resolve matter with landlord-tenant dispute.
Party reports safety discrepancies in the Viking Taxi he rode in last evening. Matter referred to livery compliance officer.
Constable came in to report he would be executing a shutoff on Ingleside Avenue.
Party on Neptune Avenue reports that his HP placard is missing from his motor vehicle. He was advised to follow up with the RMV to obtain a replacement.
Reports of an unwanted guest at the Senior Center. Officer reports that the party left the area.
Doctor’s office on Crest Avenue requesting an ambulance for one of their patients. WFD notified.
Party on Revere Street reports that the owner apparently put some type of platform onto the public way. Officer reports the lobster trap is on his property and there are no obstructions observed around the property other than a handicap type ramp.
The chief received a report of a hit and run motor vehicle crash near the Winthrop Middle School. Officers report parked motor vehicle was struck by an older motor vehicle being operated by an elderly male. Officer will respond to his address and attempt to locate him.
Party on Winthrop Street reports receiving several phone calls from a “medical company†with a blocked number soliciting for medical coverage. She reported each caller spoke with a foreign accent.
Mother on Read Street reports that a male subject is bothering her 15-year-old daughter over the phone, claiming to be a police officer. Party was advised to hang up and block the calls if they continue. It appears to be a phone scam at this time.
Party on Fremont Street reports a possible drug deal.
Party on Quincy Avenue reports that his landlord shut off the heat again. He wanted this logged for future court action.
Thursday, May 2
WFD received information from harbormaster’s officer regarding two backpacks left unattended on the wall near the green rails on Shore Drive. Officers report no sign of the abandoned backpacks. MSP Revere Trooper notified to cancel.
Party on Grandview Avenue reports that her 89-year-old husband is feeling weak and dizzy. WFD and EMS notified. Officer reports speaking with the patient and standing by until EMS arrives. Services rendered. Party transported to MGH.
WFD responded to Shirley Street for an unresponsive male outside. W92 reports no services needed. EMS cleared.
E911 dispatcher placed call through from a male party reporting his ex-girlfriend is chasing him around the home on Pleasant Street with a hammer smashing belongings. Officers report female subject has been placed under arrest for domestic assault and battery.
Party on Enfield Road reports that her father-in-law may be deceased. WFD and EMS contacted and will respond. Officer reports the gentleman is deceased. Lt. Perrin notified and will respond. CPAC notified and will respond. ME notified and will contact officer on scene. Funeral home notified and responding.
Caller on Pleasant Street needs help getting a client off of the floor.
Three cars with loud group by swimming pool area on Governors Drive. Caller called back, subjects left.
Male on Shore Drive called that he had an unwanted guest. Female subject left prior to officer’s arrival.
Party on Somerset Avenue reports that kids are ringing doorbell and fleeting. This has been going on for months. His landlord asked him to report it. Cruiser will make frequent checks.
Friday, May 3
Officer requested a status on motor vehicle on Woodside Avenue. Vehicle comes back with revoked insurance. Tow truck dispatched for the vehicle. Traffic citation issued.
Party on Pauline Street reports he had a Sony Ericsson Experia X10 cell phone delivered to his address by UPS. The package was not sealed and inside was completely empty. He was informed by Amazon that his entire shipment would be refunded to him – $214.86. Party would like it placed on file should there be an issue regarding the refund.
Female came in to report that she lost some cash at Michael’s Mall. Please contact her if anyone turns it in via the police station.
Saturday, May 4
Call of loud music being played on Washington Avenue. Officers report speaking with the subject in question and he invited them in. The music is really low. This is a neighbor dispute. Caller reports that the music is back on. Unit 92 spoke with resident and music will be turned off for the night. Caller reports the music is back on again. Unit 92 spoke with caller and reports the music is very low. Officer unable to raise the resident and would like it noted that music was very very low, but caller complained about the vibration from the music.
Party reports smoke showing in the rear on Winthrop Street. She is unable to determine what is causing it. WFD notified.
Male came in to report that a Hispanic male on a yellow bicycle wearing winter clothing and gloves acting suspiciously over dressed for the time of year. He observed him follow an elderly female on Hagman Road and was concerned.
Alarm activation at the Senior Center. Officers report finding an open door. Units report walking through and finding everything in order and they were able to secure the door.
Officer reports a motor vehicle is parked on a hydrant on Sewall Avenue. Vehicle was tagged and he would like permission to tow the vehicle. Officer reports the owner showed up on the scene and moved the vehicle.
Party on Crystal Cove Avenue reports she was assaulted by her mother. She stated several times she does not want EMS to respond. All parties advised of their rights. No further assistance requested.
Female on Woodside Park reports that she lost or had stolen her I-phone in either Everett or Revere, but the GPS has it somewhere in the Perkins/Tewksbury Street area. Officers attempt to locate house it is located in but got no answer at any doors.
Landlord on Quincy Avenue again turned off the heat.
Three-month pregnant female on Sunnyside Avenue having seizure. Referred to EMS.
Neighbor on Washington Avenue complaining about loud music; ongoing problem. Hearing to be set up. Received a call shortly after from the landlord. Tenant served eviction notice today.
Sunday, May 5
W91 stopped motor vehicle on Main Street for speeding and driver bailed, ran toward Read and Morton. Evidence of alcohol in motor vehicle. W93 Officers Feeley and Ferullo, W94, W100 searched yards, sheds, to no avail. Vehicle towed. E911 call from owner of the vehicle looking for his car and the driver he identified as his friend and/or cousin. Owner came to station and spoke with Off. Freeman.
Directed patrol of the Public Landing. The Ferry Terminal is open and boats are being put into the water under the watch of the Harbormaster. Everything is well and there are no safety concerns or violations to report.
Caller on Quincy Avenue reports neighbors are engaged in construction activities in violation of the town code. W93 reports contractor advised of Sunday noise restrictions, and will cease work for the day.
Party reports her call phone is missing and she has pinged it in the area of Perkins Street. 9W93 reports speaking to a male at that address who promptly returned the lost item.
Caller reports he needs to obtain personal belongings on Main Street pursuant to a 209A. Units report property retrieved without incident.
Officer will try to serve a harassment order issued by the Chelsea Court to male on Nahant Avenue. He reports no one was home.
Caller reports two males of Latin or Middle Eastern descent; appear to be attempting to gain access to one of the units of a condo on Shore Drive through a window. Units report speaking with the subjects who are in fact the unit owners and attempting to install Direct TV cables.
Female on Governors Drive came in to report a larceny.
Husband and wife came to the station and reported that their vehicle has been vandalized some ten times in the last year or so. The latest last night. Can officers check the Shirley Street/Beacon Street area during their shifts and keep an eye on the vehicle?
Male caller on Crystal Cove Avenue reports that a car is in the wrong direction that would make it hard for a fire apparatus to make it by. Officer reports that the area is wide open and the vehicle is parked okay.
Male called to report a theft and vandalism to his property on Shirley Street. He will call when he comes home for an officer to take a report.
Female on Adams Street called to report that her estranged husband has been harassing her all day. She reports that she would like to see an officer as she has to do an exchange with the children today and she is concerned. W93 officer spoke with the caller and then spoke with the ex and all were advised.
Female on Pleasant Street called to report that her mother is missing from Golden Drive. She reports that she went to the apartment to see her mother and she was gone and all her belongings are gone. She reports that her brother in Quincy knows where their other is. When Housing was contacted we were informed that the mother has moved. Daughter was advised to contact the director in the morning. Also advised that maybe mother doesn’t want her to know her whereabouts. Message left for brother. Brother called back and said mother is fine and has been moved to an assisted living arrangement.
Caller on Shirley Street reports that over the past several weeks during the overnight hours items have been taken from his property. An American Flag and three white resin lawn chairs. He requests patrol to keep an eye out for his property during the late night hours and will contact us if any other acts are committed.
Male came to the station to report threats and harassing phone calls from the ex-husband of a client of his. He completed harassment form application, which was denied by the on-call judge. Hickey will apply for complete application for threats.
Male on Golden Drive requesting medical help. Fire notified.
Resident at East Boston Neighborhood Health on Sturgis Street fell and injured him. Transferred to EMS.
Monday, May 6
Neighbor on Washington Avenue complaining again about loud music from resident below. W94, W91, W100 arrived on scene without lights and siren. Listened at apartment door and it was quiet. Officers spoke with caller who again pointed out that the vibration comes through the floor and into her pillow. Approximately five minutes after units cleared, neighbor called back and said music was loud again. Wanted it recorded for court date.
Caller on Jefferson Street requesting medical attention for his wife who’s feeling discomfort.
Report of a lifeline activation on Golden Drive. Fire will handle.