Monday, February 11
Party reports that a large square grate is pulled up from the street on Nahant Avenue. DPW notified and will handle ASAP.
Caller reports that the entranceway into the old Dalrymple School parking lot (private property) is obstructed by a truck. Officer responded to attempt to assist and reports entrance is now clear.
Party concerned about the aesthetics of the area of the town land to marsh on Sunnyside Avenue as someone is saving a parking space with a chair. Code Enforcement Officer notified and removed it.
Motorist on Pleasant Street reports that someone is blowing slush and snow into the oncoming traffic. Officer reports speaking with the man who was advised he would receive a $300 fine if observed again committing this violation.
Caller from Seal Harbor reports receiving phone calls every night around 3 a.m. on his landline. He states that this has been happening for over a year. He has attempted to block the number from his house phone. His provider is Comcast. He stated that the person calling never says anything, they just hang up.
Party from Main Street requests we check for illegal dumping of snow into the harbor per a complaint she received from the MA Dept. Officer reports no signs of snow being dumped or having been dumped into the water. He did observe snow drifting by from natural sources further up Belle Isle Creek. Spoke with the detail officer assigned there who also stated that nothing was being dumped into the water from near his location.
A request from a person that we check on her sister on Court Road, as she is not answering her phone. Party will call her sister.
Tuesday, February 12
911 from Pauline Street transferred to fire. Caller requests medical as her husband has lacerations on his face. Fire, Action, 91 report patient refusal. All clear.
Father on Chester Avenue called to report his son assaulted him because the son didn’t want to go to school. Units report mediating matter. Son will go. All clear.
Officer responded to Winthrop Middle School to investigate a bullying problem. Officer will file a report on the mater.
Reports of a loose pit bull on Sunnyside Avenue. ACO notified and will investigate.
Party on Revere Street requests officers to respond, as her son is very worked up and acting out. WFD and EMS contacted to respond. Officers report subject will be transported to the Whidden for evaluation. W91 will escort the ambulance to the Whidden.
Caller on Douglas Street reports being threatened over the phone by several people known to her.
Wednesday, February 13
Caller on Upland Road states she wants her boyfriend out of the residence. Lt. Perrin and 91 respond and report verbal dispute and both parties will stay at residence and resolve their differences.
Party on Court road called and appears to be confused. He is accusing a police officer of just arresting his mother and stealing her jewelry. WFD notified and will respond. Party refusing medical and after evaluation, units cleared.
Party from above called reporting he needs medical aid. WFD, EMS and Officer responded. Subject was transported to Whidden for evaluation.
Search warrant being served on Quincy Avenue by Winthrop and State Police. Male arrested for child pornography, and five counts of possession of child pornography.
Received complaint about no snow removal done on Cottage Park Road. According to the caller, this has been abandoned for two years. He complained that he gets no satisfaction from any of the departments he calls. Code Enforcement and Building Inspector were notified.
Party from Winthrop Arms Hotel requests an officer come by and do a well being check on one of her tenants that she hasn’t seen for about three days. The unit is empty. Television was on, that was the noise that was heard. All of the tenant’s property is still inside. Room was secured.
Elder Services requesting a well-being check on a female on Court Road. WFD notified. 91 reports party was medically cleared by EMS. Elder Services contacted and notified.
Party on Ocean View Way reports an older male wearing a red hat was knocking on her door. He did not answer her when she asked him what he wanted. She did not open the door. Party left the area in a gray van. Caller was unable to provide a plate number or additional. Information. Units notified to BOLO.
Mother on Circuit Road reports her daughter is out of control. Verbal only and daughter left for the night.
Caller on Revere Street reports that her CO2 detector is sounding and she has changed the batteries but it is still sounding. WFD responded. Officer reports it is a low battery, faulty detector.
Call from SCM Transportation to report that there is a patient they are to transport to Pleasant Street and they cannot get in the building. Also, there is a patient that is trapped outside and he cannot get in. Fire and officer report that all is okay.
Thursday, February 14
Caller reports that a plumber is injured on Winthrop Street and requesting an ambulance.
Officer reports heavy smoke from an oil burner on Revere Street. Fire will handle.
Owner on Moore Street came to the station to report that his rear door was damaged by someone trying to kick it in. Officer reports all doors are locked and nothing is wrong with the house. Owner now thinks it was already there.
Caller reports that a registered Level III sex offender was seen walking down Hermon Street in the company of a young female child. Det. Perrin reports stopping and speaking with the man and the child who he identified as his niece. No restrictions listed that would prevent him from being in the company of young children. Incident will be forwarded to the state SORB.
E911 dropped wireless call on Shirley Street. State reports caller reported yelling and screaming coming from the second floor. Units report a domestic. Parties advised and male left the area.
Friday, February 15
Caller from Kennedy Road reports that she is being harassed by her neighbors. Officers spoke to the neighbors and they will be calmed down for the night. Parties were advised to speak with Housing.
Party from Putnam Street reports he hasn’t seen his young neighbor in three weeks. Trash is left at the side of the home and there are two dogs inside the house. Officer reports speaking with the residents there and all is fine.
Directed patrol of the Cummings/Middle School. Everything was orderly. However, under the new security policy there were three late arriving students who could not gain entry to the rear door. They were wandering around the building. They were escorted to the front door and the officer spoke with the principal about what had occurred.
Snow Detail Officer Vitale reports that a young mother with a baby carriage stopped him to state that the sidewalk in front of the old CVS needs to be shoveled. East Boston Health Center was contacted and they will have a crew there today.
Mother on Main Street reports that a group of youths are banging on her front door and harassing her son. Officer Curran reports speaking with the parties at both Douglas and Main and advising parties to stay away from each other and minimize contact. Advised of all their rights.
Female on Sea Foam Avenue came to the station to report that her ex-roommate’s boyfriend took her Town Parking visitor pass and will not give it back. He will not tell her where he and his girlfriend moved to. His plate is a New Hampshire plate. She will go the Town Hall for a new pass on Monday.
Owner of a restaurant in Peabody called asking that we check on one of his workers on Shore Drive who has not reported to work for the past two days. Caller reports that this is out of character for this worker who is always there and timely. W91 and W93 responded and located management of the apartment. No answer. Off. Curran found an open balcony door and entered the apartment to check on the party. Officers Curran and Hickey request medical. Fire notified. Det. Jaworski contacted CPAC at the scene and they are responding. ME’s office notified. 942 report that the next of kin was contacted.
Caller reports someone may have alcohol poisoning from a residence on Cottage Avenue. Fire and ambulance notified. Units report bringing a 17-year-old male party home to his mother on Somerset Terrace. Male dropped off to custody of his parents.
Saturday, February 16
Party on Kennedy Road reports that her neighbors are making noise all night. Officers report speaking with the caller. The matter is a civil matter.
Caller on Court Road reports that her neighbor is screaming for help out her second floor window. Officers report coming in with a prisoner arrested for domestic assault and battery. Mother does not want her son to call her or come back to the house. She was told if he gets bail money from a friend, he might come back. She was told to obtain a 209A. There is a warrant out for domestic assault and battery on son.
Male on Pleasant Street called to report that someone used his wife’s credit card in India and someone used his card to get airline tickets.
Caller on Trident Avenue reports that her sister is intoxicated and may have broken her arm due to a fall. W93 reports 67-year-old female to MGH for shoulder injury.
W93 reports discovering a parked motor vehicle with the back windshield shattered on Trident Avenue. Upon further examination, it appears a seagull dropping shellfish onto the vehicle may have caused the damage. Owner contacted and notified.
Male from Malden came to the station to report that the mother of his children will not give him the kids. She won’t answer the phone or the door.
A neighbor on Court Road reports that a female appears to be confused and in need of assistance. Caller reports that she is wandering around her front yard and yelling for help. Further states that she is requesting a ride to the police station to retrieve her car, even though her car was still parked in her driveway. Officer and Fire will have her evaluated. Officer reports she is being transported to the Whidden.
Caller on Bartlett Road called to report that the father of her two-year-old son continually calls her threatening her to stay away from the man she is dating. She was advised.
Man on Cottage Park Road called to report that young people are already going down towards the water past his house and it isn’t even warm out yet. He reports that kids were down the steps on the extension last night wanted us to check it tonight. He observed them out at 2 a.m. and they were noisy.
Call of holdup alarm at Energy to Go. Units report altercation over a newspaper. Customer given a trespass notice.
Sunday, February 17
Caller reports an unwanted guest on Bowdoin Street. Units report party left prior to arrival. Calling party advised of rights and to contact station if the unwanted guest returns.
Party on Read Street reports her home may have been broken into sometime yesterday evening. Units report it appears an attempt was made to force a screen door open. It does not appear access was gained.
Call from Stoneham Police to report they had a domestic last night involving three children from Temple Avenue. They are at that address with their mother. Two of the children were hurt, but due to the weather, they cannot make it to Stoneham until later. Mother came to the station for a 209A. Off. Curran will handle and reports a 209A was granted. 209A was faxed to Stoneham Police for service. Off. Feeley will respond with mother and the fire department to check out the children. He reports that the medical people have cleared the girls. The Stoneham Police served the father the 209A that we faxed over to them.
Female caller on Bellevue Avenue reports there is some type of animal on her rear porch. It is making aggressive noises. Officer reports it was a squirrel. He opened a window and it went out.
Caller reports a female possibly sleeping behind the wheel at the 7-11 parking lot. W91 dispatched to investigate and reports a female party all set and sent on her way.
Party on Golden Drive reports that her son is giving her a hard time. Party called back reporting that her son left. Officers report subject left on foot with his girlfriend.