Another holiday season is here and, as you are reading this, it almost will be over. All of the preparations and plans we’ve made in anticipation of the seasonal events soon will come to fruition and will become just another memory in our photo albums and DVD files.
Most of us will mark the occasion in our traditional ways. We will imbibe more food and drink than we ought to. But the holiday season only comes once a year, and after all, that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for, aren’t they?.
Regardless of how we observe the holiday season, this time of year serves as a time of reflection for all of us. We will watch with anticipation the reaction of our children on Christmas morning, and then we will compare it to how they acted on Christmases past, only to realize that they are growing up even faster than we had thought.
The friends and distant family members whom we see only at the holidays will go their respective ways afterwards until the same time, next year. But seeing them and enjoying their company will make us think about the friends and relatives with whom we shared the holidays in the past, but who no longer are with us, and we will count ourselves fortunate to be on hand for another holiday season.
Yes, we will realize that we are another year older, but are we also a year wiser? Have we done our best for ourselves, our families, and our community to make the world a better place?
In that spirit, we urge all of our readers who have the ability to do so to think about contributing in some way to make the holiday season a bit brighter for those less fortunate than ourselves. Yes, it has been a tough year for everyone. But as bad as it has been for most of us, it has been even worse for others.
So please think of doing something for those who are in need before the holiday season runs out.
We wish all of our readers a very merry and happy holiday season.