Gala host and MGH President Peter Slavin and Lori Slavin (center) with MGH Trustee Jonathan Kraft (l) and Congressman Ed Markey
To mark the 200th anniverÂsary of its founding, the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) hosted its Bicentennial Gala on Friday, September 16, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Hosted by MGH President Peter Slavin, MD, for over 1200 guests, the evening featured a surÂprise video clip from President Obama and performances by the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, Steinway concert piaÂnist and MGH surgeon Claudius Conrad, MD, and the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra. Special guests included former US Secretary of State The Hon. Henry Kissinger and his wife Nancy, and Jianguang Xu, MD, from the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau in China.