the Winthrop Fire Department assisted the chelsea Fire Department in fighting a fast-moving, four-alarm fire that struck separate houses on Marlboro and Library streets in Chelsea
Tuesday morning. the firefighters had to contend with extremely windy conditions and below-freezing temperatures
at the scene of the fire. Fire chief  Paul Flanagan spoke of his
department’s assistance to the Chelsea department during his
remarks at the Winthrop town council meeting Tuesday night.
The Winthrop Fire Department assisted the chelsea Fire Department in fighting a fast-moving, four-alarm fire that struckseparate houses on Marlboro and Library streets in Chelsea Tuesday morning. the firefighters had to contend with extremelywindy conditions and below-freezing temperaturesat the scene of the fire. Fire chief paul Flanagan spoke of his department’s assistance to the Chelsea department during his remarks at the Winthrop town council meeting Tuesday night.