Monday, January 4
12:03 a.m. – Police respond to a report that a snow blower is keeping residents awake on Read Street, but no one is seen using a snow blower.
10:18 a.m. – Due to complaints to the Town Manager and Police Chief about un-shoveled sidewalks, the Winthrop Police Department has its shift officers notify businesses that need to clear their sidewalks. Businesses were given until 2 p.m. to comply and avoid a $100 citation. All owners, except that of 120 Banks Street, shoveled their sidewalks. Throughout the week, the WPD responded to numerous calls about snowy and icy sidewalks. Numerous compliance checks were performed, and in most cases officers were successful in their attempts to get business- and home-owners to clean their sidewalks.
12:51 p.m. – An Enfield Road resident reports that she was the victim of identity theft in 2008.
1:08 p.m. – A pile of snow on a traffic island on Winthrop Street, near the Police Station, is making visibility difficult for drivers. The matter is referred to the DPW.
2:08 p.m. – A male caller reports that two males kicked in the rear door of a home on Quincy Avenue, and fled the scene in a maroon Jeep Cherokee with a gold bottom and gold rims. Police had neighbors help secure the door and watch the house until someone came home. Area police departments, as well as the State Police, were notified and a search was initiated.
3 p.m. – A female caller on Shore Drive reports that the people next door shoveled snow from their property to the front of her house. An inspection reports that the sidewalk is clear.
3:50: A caller reports that a car with a Michigan plate is driving erratically inside Governors Park.
11:26 a.m. – A caller reports that a 60-year-old male with “bulging eyes†told him he was a police officer and searching for two armed teenagers
Tuesday, January 5
6:51 a.m. – A caller reports that a car is parked in front of a hydrant on Coral Avenue. An inspection of the scene reveals that barrels were surrounding the hydrant in an apparent attempt to hide it from view.
8:34 a.m. – A caller reports that a suspicious male is in the area checking for gas leaks. Officer Hickey confirms that the person is a National Grid employee who has been in the area for two days checking meters for leaks.
8:42 a.m. – A person returns a wallet to the Police Station. The wallet contained a Mass ID card, a bank card, and other personal information.
9:28 a.m. – A person returns a wallet a Russell Street resident.
12:55 p.m. – A disabled car is towed from a potentially dangerous location on Revere Street.
8:30 p.m. – A Cliff Avenue resident calls to report that his elderly neighbor is outside in her slippers. He is concerned for her safety. Officer Delehanty and the woman’s son safely get her back inside.
Wednesday, January 6
2:50 a.m. – Officers arrest six men, four from Chelsea and two from Malden, on a variety of charges, including breaking and entering. See Page 1 for a complete report on these arrests.
9:27 a.m. – A woman reports that her car was broken into sometime the previous night.
9:28 a.m. – A woman reports that a man has been calling her and making “veiled threats.†A temporary restraining order (TRO) she had taken out against the caller expired on Dec. 1, 2009. She was advised to seek another TRO.
10:15 a.m. – A woman reports two fraudulent charges, totaling approximately $300, on her credit union account.
10:47 a.m. – A Marshall Street resident reports that approximately $9 in change was stolen from her unlocked car. No damage reported.
1:51 p.m. – A woman reports that a snow-plow operator pushed snow in front of her home on Overlook Drive and left the scene. Officer Feeley located the driver, who returned to the scene and cleared the snow.
2:30 p.m. – A report of an injured goose on Veterans Road is referred to the ACO. The responding officer reports that the goose appears to be fine and is “walking around and eating anything and everything.â€
11:17 a.m. – A Sargent Street resident reports than a Paine Street resident punched him in the face. He wants this noted, but no action taken. He is advised of his rights.
Thursday, January 7
9:17 a.m. – A resident of Viking Gardens reports that a woman with a laceration on her hand needs help. WFD and EMS respond.
1:09 p.m. – A party reports that she was the victim of a hit-and-run in the CVS parking lot on Woodside Avenue. Fender damage reported.
1:33 p.m. – A man who appears to be lost is transported to an MBTA station.
1:45 p.m. – Police respond to a report of a car driving 100 miles per hour on Pleasant Street. Juvenile occupants are said to be “obnoxious†and “throwing things out of†the car windows. No violations observed by WPD.
2:17 p.m. – A pedestrian is struck by a car near 400 Governors Drive WFD and EMS respond, and victim is transported to MGH via ambulance.
2:45 p.m. – A woman calls to report that she has observed a white male driving a tan pickup truck around her neighborhood over the past week. She confronted the man, who left the area. Woman advised not to confront suspicious individuals, and to call the police if he returns.
4:15 p.m. – A Winthrop Middle School student reports that she is being harassed, in and out of school, by a classmate. A hearing has been scheduled to resolve this matter.
Friday, January 8
2:38 p.m. – A doctor on Washington Avenue reports that his office has been broken into. Officer reports that a door in a common area had to be forced open for plumbing repairs.
11:11 p.m. – Police respond to a report that a daughter is trespassing in her mother’s apartment on Golden Drive.
Saturday, January 9
2:43 a.m. – A cab company reports that one of its drivers was involved in an accident on Revere Street. No injuries were reported. No two needed.
3 a.m. – Police respond to 16 Golden Drive, where a caller reports that a woman is in her hallway. Subject informs police that she was looking for a friend.
3:23 a.m. – A caller reports that her stepfather is “acting up†and would like the police to intervene. Officers respond, but man had left the area.
6:38 a.m. – Boston Police calls to inform the WPD about an altercation involving a handgun and a vehicle registered in Winthrop. The incident occurred downtown Boston, and the car was scene traveling through the Ted Williams Tunnel.
8:38 a.m. – A Court Road resident reports that a squirrel is inside her home. Officer Scorzella managed to get the squirrel out of the house.
9:48 a.m. – A female calls to report that her parents had called her and said someone is sitting in a car outside their home on Waldemar Avenue. It was a Chelsea Police officer waiting for his detail car to show up. Resident is given this information.
10:29 a.m. – WFD requests that an officer check the identity of a man who wants to remove a bike lock on Shirley Street. Officer informs the man that, in the future, he not tie up two emergency vehicles for the purpose of removing a bike lock.
10:30 a.m. – A Winthrop School teacher and Sargent Street resident that four Christmas trees have been placed in his front lawn. He thinks it might be students from his school.
10:56 a.m. – A caller reports that a car has been parked on Franklin Street throughout the past two snowstorms. Car is placed on the 72 Hour List.
11:31 a.m. – Officers report a fight between two men on Hawthorn Avenue. Complaints will be sought.
12:51 p.m. – A male caller reports that he just hit another car in a minor accident on Washington Avenue, near Thornton Park. The parties will exchange papers.
4:41 p.m. – A home health aid requests that a Banks Street resident be checked on. Party is sleeping safely at home.
Sunday, January 10
12:28 a.m. – A caller reports that male dressed din all red threatened to shoot him. Caller also reports that the party was “leaving rubber†in a white Cadillac on Wave Way Avenue.
11:32 a.m. – A female reports that someone broke into her apartment on Golden Drive. She alleges that a neighbor stole items from her apartment. Officers report that nothing was taken,
2:27 p.m. – A caller reports a fight on Hawthorn Avenue. When police arrive, a verbal argument is in progress. Scene is cleared.
8:16 p.m. – A caller reports that his ex-girlfriend will not leave his Shore Drive location. When police arrive, the woman said she had gathered her belongings. She left the quietly.
10:24 p.m. – Boston Police asks WPD to BOLO for a grey Chevy Impala that was involved in an armed robbery at a Store 24 in East Boston.
Monday, January 11
12:17 a.m. – A woman comes into the Police Station to report that her 24-year-old daughter, a waitress at a restaurant in town, had not been seen or heard from since 12 p.m. of that day.
2:48 a.m. – Sunset Road residents report that their apartment was broken into while they were away.
5:25 a.m. – WPD respond to a call from Faun Bar Avenue, where a woman who lost her key was loudly knocking on doors trying to get into the apartment.
Legend for police blotter: 51A = a report by a state mandated reporter of child abuse or neglect; 209A order = domestic abuse prevention restraining order; A&B = assault & battery; ACO = Animal Control Officer; B&E = breaking & entering; BOLO = be on the lookout; CMVI = civil motor vehicle infraction; DSS = Department of Social Services; D/W = dangerous weapon; MGH=Mass. General Hospital; MV = motor vehicle; MVA = motor vehicle accident; OUI=Operating a MV while under the influence; RMV=Registry of Motor Vehicles; SRO=School Resource Officer; tagging = graffiti; WFD=Winthrop Fire Department; WMS=Warrant Management Service.