Great Police Work – Stepped-up traffic enforcement is working

Readers of the police blotter once again might be aware that our local police department has stepped up its enforcement of speeding and other traffic laws throughout the town.

We heartily applaud such action by our police department because it reaps so many benefits for public safety. First and foremost, those who drive too fast, slide through stop signs, and run red lights are getting what they deserve, a citation that carries hefty fines and increases in insurance premiums. Our streets are too narrow and too congested for drivers to be anything but super cautious. An entry in the blotter this week notes that a pedestrian was struck while in a cross walk. A motor vehicle is an instrument of death when operated negligently, and strict compliance with the traffic laws is needed in our town.

In addition, when police officers stop motor vehicles for traffic violations, many of these stops inevitably yield evidence for much more serious offenses, such as drunk driving, using illegal drugs, active warrants for criminals, suspended licenses, and operation of uninsured motor vehicles, just to name a few.

We would note too, that some of the entries indicate that officers are issuing written warnings (rather than just a wag of the finger) for some violations. A written warning is great tool at an officer’s disposal in the realm of speeding, because although a warning does not go against an insurance record, it does count against a driving record for possible suspension for speeding (such as receiving three speeding tickets in a year).

So, we’re glad to see our police performing law enforcement in this area. We realize that it might not make our officers popular with some members of our community, but for the great majority of us who drive safely, we appreciate that they are making our streets safer for us and our children.

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