Month: February 2009

A Night with the WFD

Winthrop Fire Department Chief Paul Flanagan invites residents to support A Night with the Winthrop Fire Department fundraising event on Saturday, March 7, at Don Orione Hall in East Boston. The department’s goal is to replace the current windows in…

Police Blotter

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 8:11 AM: A caller reported a large sinkhole on Somerset Avenue. 9:26 AM: A Sunnyside Avenue resident reported a breaking and entering (B&E) into her motor vehicle (MV). 10:18 AM: A resident came into the station to…


Priscilla Woytaszek, 86 Teacher and secretary at First Church Priscilla E. (Pollard) Woytaszek of Winthrop died at the Masconomet Healthcare Facility in Topsfield on February 16. She was 86 years old. A former secretary and Sunday school teacher at the…

Winthrop Public Library

By Sandra Miller The public library raised about $300 in dropped-off donations as of yesterday. The Friends of the Public Library pledged its kitty of $14,000 collected over the years through used book sales. There’s talk of teaming up with…

Community Health Center

By Seth Daniel It seems as if everything in Winthrop has been lost or has been threatened with being lost in just a few months. First it was the library, then the senior center, and this week, it’s jobs at…