On 3A Zoning
Dear Editor:
Perhaps this explanation of our town’s response to the state 3A law will help.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is constitutionally the final authority of land use in the state. That is what makes Massachusetts a state—it is in charge of the use of its land and has been since 1779. What land use the state does not specify falls to the towns and cites.
The state passed a law that applies broadly to zoning in many towns and, knowing they are each unique, asked them to show how they would comply in order to increase potential housing. The state saw town documents that much of Winthrop was zoned for single family housing, so based on that saw that Winthrop needed more multi-family housing.
But the state looked only at zoning maps and not at what was actually built there. It is not up to the state to contradict the town’s zoning. Seal Harbor and Governor’s Park are zoned for single family, so the state “thinks” they are single family. But they are multifamily and got that way by appeals to the town to allow exceptions.
Those exceptions did not come to the official attention of the state. Now our Planning Board is showing the state the real extent of multifamily housing in Winthrop and not just what they assume from reading zoning maps. Bringing those maps up to date will satisfy the requirements of the state law. The unfortunate confusion came from the inflammatory figure of 882 units, which concerned citizens took literally as a requirement to build. The state did not know that they have already been built.
Tom Derderian,
Point Shirley
3A Zoning Act for Winthrop
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to express my extreme concern regarding any possibility that the above noted proposition might ever be written into law. A large majority of residents – hard working and tax paying voters of this community – are adamantly opposed to this proposition. I am sure that by now you have heard the many legal, ethical, and financial arguments/concerns against this proposition, and will therefore refrain from listing them here. Suffice it to say, I ask that you, as elected officials of this community, respectfully honor our wishes and vote “No” and “Against”: the 3A Zoning Act for Winthrop, the designated zones of Seal Harbor 1; Seal Harbor 3; the Fort Heath Apartment Building; and any other zones covered under the 3A Zoning Act, and please Honor the Citizens’ Petition on our right to vote on 3A with a town-wide referendum.
Robert Paci
Walden Street is Best Option for New Fire Station
Dear Editor,
The Town Council has created a survey question with two options for the location of a new Fire Station, either Walden Street (existing basketball courts) or Pauline Street (Old Middle School and Auditorium).
The Walden Street Site is better for several reasons: (1) it will cost $5 million less; (2) it is a better location and is less intrusive on neighboring homes; and (3) it preserves the Old Middle School Site for revenue generation through commercial, business, or other development.
The Walden Street Option would consist of moving the existing basketball courts across the street to Ingleside Park and would include improvements to the adjacent land, such as a new turnaround for school drop-offs and pickups and replicating the 20 parking spots at the basketball courts, which some teachers currently use.
The Pauline Street Option would have the new Fire Station constructed close to the intersection with Waldemar Avenue and have access off Brookfield Road through Ingleside Park. The $5 million in additional cost compared to the Walden Street location is for the demolition of the Old Middle School and Auditorium, and the relocation of an existing stormwater pipe.
The Fire Station Location Survey ends on Friday, October 18, so residents have a couple of weeks to make their views known to the Town Council. The survey is available online at the Town of Winthrop website, and hard copies are available at the Senior Center, the Public Library, the Town Clerk’s Office, and the Town Manager’s Office.
William Schmidt
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