Categories: News

Town Manager Updates Council on Miller Field, Seawall Repairs

By Adam Swift

Miller Field will be opening for public access this Saturday from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., Town Manager Tony Marino announced at last week’s town council meeting. The field will be open to the public at 5 a.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Marino added. “We will have additional summer hours after June 17 after the kids get out of school,” said Marino. “We can’t have people on the track while kids are in school, so once school is over, we will have some additional hours.” In other business, Marino announced the dates of several meetings involving the planning board. On Tuesday, June 4, there will be a joint meeting of the planning board and the town council on the town’s flood plain bylaws. “Our flood plain bylaws need to be updated and it needs to be done by July 3,” said Marino. “Most of our 2016 bylaw is intact. There are some changes to definitions and minor changes, but we are required to adopt those.” There will be a presentation on those minor changes at the June 4 joint meeting, Marino said. The changes will then require public hearings by the council and the planning board before the council makes a final vote later in June to comply with the July 3 state deadline. There are also several planning board meetings scheduled on the MBTA 3A communities act with the town’s 3A consultant, RKG. Those meetings will take place at the senior center on June 10 and July 16, Marino said. “We are anticipating a larger crowd, and we want to make sure we have the capacity,” said the town manager. While WCAT will be able to broadcast the meetings live, Marino noted that there is not Zoom capability at the senior center, and anyone who wants to comment and participate will have to attend the meetings in person. Marino also updated the council on repairs to the town’s seawalls. He said he has contacted the DCR about making repairs to the state-owned seawall that heads into Revere. “There is rebar showing and there is certainly deterioration, so (the state needs) to fix it,” said Marino. There is money in the town’s capital budget to fix the remainder of the town’s seawall on Shirley Street near the town landing, he added. “You can see that a lot of it has been done, but the other half down by the landing entrance, we will be finishing up that seawall in the upcoming year,” said Marino.

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