Interim Town Manager Terence Delehanty and the Winthrop Town Council are pleased to announce that Winthrop Town Hall is open to the public on a limited basis. Residents will be able conduct municipal business in Town Hall from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday. Residents are reminded to visit the town’s website to conduct online transactions such as pay taxes, parking tickets or apply for resident parking stickers. Payments and applications can also be dropped in the drop box located at the Town Hall front door. If residents wish to request bulk permit trash stickers from the Department of Public Works, they can call 617-846-1341 Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Face masks are required in the building and signage will assist visitors in maintaining social distancing.
One resident at a time will be permitted in each of the department offices.
Residents will be expected to adhere to social distancing whenever possible and maintain a 6’ distance from others in the event a line forms outside any of our offices.
Hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout the building and their use is strongly encouraged.
Individuals seeking to obtain documents such as a building permit, birth certificate, applications etc. are encouraged to call the office responsible for the document in advance of arriving at Town Hall or any of our other buildings. This will enable personnel to have the document available upon arrival.
Department Contact information is as follows:
Town Hall Main Number – (617) 846-1852
Assessor’s Office – [email protected] or (617) 846-2716
Building Department – [email protected] or 617-846-4344
Harbor Master – [email protected] or 617-207-9092
Library – [email protected] or 617-846-1703
Parks and Recreation – [email protected] or 617-846-8243
Town Clerk – [email protected] or 617-846-1742
Tax Collector – [email protected] or 617-846-1750
Town Manager – [email protected] 617-846-1705
Veteran Services – [email protected] or 617-846-3065