Monday, Jan. 20
Motor vehicle stopped and issued citation for stop sign violation.
Parents came in seeking advice in regards to some peculiar behavior regarding an adult in town.
Caller states 2 male parties checking car door handles, one heavy-set, red/black coat and backpack, one skinny. Nothing showing in the area. Units checked the side street and will keep an eye on the area.
Complaint about multiple commercial vehicles parked on the street. Unit went by and checked two commercial vehicles, will come back to recheck the vehicle.
Todisco Towing reports towing vehicle for trespassing.
Male party requests escort to pick up some personal belongings. Attempted to contact resident who was currently at work. Police will attempt to contact her and set up an appropriate time at a later date.
Motor vehicle stopped for tailgating and speeding.
Wednesday, Jan. 22
Person states there is a dog she has been concerned about, the dog is now howling in pain for past 20 minutes and he is inside. Unit could not hear dog barking, clear.
Teenager struck by motor vehicle. Appeared to be patient refusal, waiting for the grandmother to arrive on scene. Grandmother arrived on scene, patient refusal, units Clear.
Caller states a male with a beard wearing dark cloths on a bike is all over the road, possibly drunk. Headed towards Deer Island. Unit has the party at Grandview. On his way to a friends house. Units clear.
Thursday, Jan. 23
Unit reports green light not working at Main St. and Pleasant. DPW notified.
Caller states she saw a male party possibly in this early 20s wearing gray sweatpants and a dark jacket, stumbling down all over the place, requesting to check on his well-being. Unable to locate male party.
Person wanted to log that she got a scam phone call from someone stating they were calling from the social security. Party didn’t provide any information.
Friday, Jan. 24
Caller stating they hear person screaming to herself for several hours – stated she lives alone and wanted an officer to check her well being. Officers on scene talking to female party and evaluating her. Unsure if they will need medical at this time. Female party was having an anxiety attack.
Caller reports vandalism to her car wishes to speak with officers. Will be in the parking lot next to the Dalrumple school. Front passenger window popped butn o signs of vandalism. Possibly due to weather.
Caller wanted to report a suspicious activity of a male party walking up and down Veterans Road with leaf blower dressed in construction gear. Party finds is suspicious because there are no leaves to be blown. Parties son saw this male again. Advised party when she sees him again to give station a call.
Caller reports someone smashed her window and stole her driverside airbag. Report to follow.
Minor motor vehicle accident.
There is a dog in a car, he’s been there for a few hours. Unit states no one is coming out. Will head over to owners address. Got hold of the party stated his friend is borrowing his car he will tell his friend to come out. Unit states dog brought back.
Saturday, Jan. 25
Individual came to the station to report that on the previous day one of this Capital Waste Trucks was involved in an accident. The driver of the other vehicle left the accident without giving his information to the Capital Waste driver. We will attempt to locate the other driver.
White tall dark hair wearing a parker coat (blue) with an elderly female pushing a shopping cart. No one in the area matching that description. Clear.
Caller states two said vehicles pulled up and began dumping trash on the ground. Was unable to see plates. Units will conduct patrol in the area for littering.
Brown-and-black Yorkie missing. Searching the area and would like a log of the dog being missing.
Young Hispanic male refuses to leave liquor store thinks the store is a bar. Party went on his way.
Large pot hole in the area of Bates Ave.
Sunday, Jan. 26
Hit-and-run out front of Main Street address. Husband found vehicle on Morton Street and is getting the plate. Neighbor witnessed hit and run.
Party called in an erratic operation in a black Honda Accord on Pleasant St. in the vicinity of Lowell Rd. continuing on Pleasant, unable to get plate number.
Caller states she cannot move her car due to something being stuck under wheel. Woman had parking stone under car.
Caller concerned about his girlfriend whom he has not heard from. She was coming home in an Uber. Units stood in the area to see if Uber showed up…units now clearing almost certain no one is home.