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News Briefs

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday

With the help of sponsors, volunteer organizations and U.S. Postal Service employees in 10,000 communities nationwide, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) will conduct its 26th annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11.Stamp Out Hunger is the nation’s largest single-day food drive. 

Last year’s drive resulted in carriers collecting 71.6 million pounds of food from local communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Since the drive began in 1993, total donations have surpassed 1.6 billion pounds of food. The food drive has become the nation’s largest one-day campaign to collect food for distribution to needy families. 

Making a donation is easy.  Customers should leave their non-perishable food donations in a bag near their mailbox on Saturday, May 11, before their letter carrier arrives.  In the days leading up to the food drive, letter carriers will be delivering special bags along with your mail that may be used to make donations. Food collected during Saturday’s drive will be delivered to local community churches, food banks and food pantries for distribution.

While all non-perishable donations are welcome, foods that are high in protein such as canned tuna, salmon, beans and peanut butter are most needed. Canned fruits and vegetables, whole grain, low sugar cereals, macaroni and cheese dinners and 100 percent fruit juice also top the list of most needed items.

For additional information about this year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit

Food Drive TIPS

WHAT TO GIVE: Most-wanted foods include:

Canned meats (tuna, chicken, salmon).

Canned and boxed meals (soup, chili, stew, macaroni and cheese).

Canned or dried beans and peas (black, pinto, lentils).

Pasta, rice cereal.

Canned fruits.

100 percent fruit juice (canned, plastic or boxed).

Canned vegetables.

Cooking oil.

Boxed cooking mixes (pancake, breads).


Rusty or unlabeled cans.

Glass containers.

Perishable items.

Homemade items.

No expired items

Noncommercial canned or packaged items.

Alcoholic beverages or mixes or soda.

Open or used items.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Support the Fireworks

Winthrop Fourth of July Fireworks t-shirts are on sale now for $15 at the Winthrop Pro Shop and the Winthrop Yacht Club or at the fire station, 40 Pauline St. during regular business hours.

Donation checks can be made to Winthrop Fireworks, 40 Pauline St., Winthrop, MA 02152. Questions call 617-539-1062 or email

Spring cleaning brings health benefits

Spring is here! This time of year offers a perfect moment to stop and enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful flowers budding, like tulips and daffodils. It’s an exciting moment and welcome relief from the colder months, but it also means we should think about kicking off our spring cleaning efforts — a dreaded task for many. However, for older folks, this chore holds especially important health benefits.

Cleaning inside the home can vastly improve indoor air quality. Increasingly, research shows that indoor air can have as much, if not more, of an impact on overall health compared to pollution outside. Poor air quality may cause irritation to the eyes or throat and worsen existing medical conditions like asthma. Older adults, and people with pre-existing conditions, should be especially mindful about ensuring the air in the house is clean since they are at greater risk.

Here are simple ways to keep the air cleaner in your home:

Make sure that air conditioners, fans or vents are clean and dust-free before plugging them in for the season.

Clear away clutter from surfaces (kitchen table, dresser, coffee table, etc.) and dust each at least once a week.

If you are already suffering from allergies, remove shoes before entering the home. This small change may help to keep pollen and other allergens from impacting air quality.

While in the cleaning spirit, it’s a great chance to make sure each room has a clear pathway. This is especially important for older adults since clear paths will help to reduce the likelihood of falls in the home. At the same time, open the medicine cabinet and sort through medications based on the expiration date. Be sure to open each bottle and discard pills if they smell bad or appear to be discolored. If you need to dispose of prescription drugs, see if there is a designated Prescription Dropbox Location near you.

Starting a spring cleaning project may seem like a daunting task at first but it can become easier by breaking it into smaller activities each day spread out over several weeks. Reach out to family and friends and see if they have time to help and look through old photo albums and mementos with you while cleaning. It’s always easier to do chores and big tasks with loved ones. One last suggestion, while cleaning, remember to organize important documents, marriage license, birth certificate, health insurance information, and other financial information. It’s helpful for family members to understand where these vital documents are in case there is an emergency.

If you are exploring options in care, meet the compassionate team at Cambridge Health Alliance by calling 617-665-1305 or visit

Transcript Staff

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