Grade Schoolers Saving Lives Using Heimlich Maneuver:Fourth Grader Deemed A ‘Hero,’ at Arthur Cummings School

We all have that childhood best friend that we remember from our school days, but how many of us can say that our oldest pal saved our life?

Devin Brandano and Fabiano Rodrigues,
best buddies.

For years to come, fourth-grader Fabiano Rodrigues will be able to share a story about how his best bud, and fellow fourth-grader, Devin Brandano saved his life while he was eating a Pepperidge Farm’s Milano cookie at lunch.

It all happened when Rodrigues started laughing in response to another classmate’s joke. Having been in the midst of eating his cookie, Rodrigues began choking and as luck would have it, Brandano responded with the ease of a trained firefighter and the skill of an experienced medic. He jumped into action and gave Rodrigues the Heimlich Maneuver. Seconds later, the cookie surfaced and Brandano was being hailed a hero thanks to his quick reaction and know-how.

“I learned the maneuver on television,” said Brandano when asked how he knew how to use the life-saving technique.

And just like that, the two formed a lifelong bond and a story to share forever.

“I’m sure he will be my best friend forever,” said Rodrigues, who admits that he will still eat Milano cookies.

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