Monday, October 16
Reporting party at Governors Park would like to speak with an officer regarding that the neighbors upstairs are making loud noises and flushing the toilet. This is an ongoing problem. She was advised to contact management.
891 request motor vehicle moved for construction on Pearl Avenue. Owner will move the vehicle for the officer.
Two motor vehicles parked for some time on Pleasant Park Road. They will be placed on 72 hour list. No further parking obstructions found.
93 off with lost are dog who almost got hit by a motor vehicle several times on Shirley Street. 93 has dog in cruiser for safe keeping until ACO responds. The owner was located to take the dog.
General parking complaint at Cutler Street and Shore Drive. A warning was issued, and the owner came out and moved the vehicle.
Lieutenant from WFD called stating there is a car parked on the corner of Cutler and Shore Drive. The driver exited the car and when the firefighter asked him to move the vehicle, he disregarded his request. The fire apparatus had difficulty getting around the car. This was a duplicate call and the vehicle has moved after being given a warning.
Report of a vehicle blocking the hydrant at Locust and Revere Streets. Owner moved the vehicle after he was issued a ticket.
Transporting one female to house on Perkins Street. Juvenile was delivered to her parent.
Suspicious activity on Pauline Street. BOLO was put out for a black truck which was driving extremely erratic. It almost drove into the calling party and her boyfriend. No description given, just that the driver was white and thin. No weapons. Units searched the area and no sign of vehicle but will keep an eye out.
Officer investigated some suspicious activity on Myrtle Avenue.
Tuesday, October 17
Motor vehicle stop at Shore Drive and Neptune Avenue. Report to follow for multiple charges. The car was towed to private property. G&J called stating that they towed the vehicle to the home of the owner, but when they arrived, they had no money to pay, so vehicle was towed to G&J.
Assisted cab driver with passenger. The cab driver returned the party back to residence.
Motor vehicle accident involving a parked car on Veterans Road. Vehicle hit was a parked semi-trailer.
Party on Pleasant Park Road called and stated that a blue Subaru with New Hampshire plates has been parked there for over nine days. It was put on the 72 hour list. If car is still there at that time, it will be towed.
Party on Pleasant Street states there are cabinets and drawers in the middle of the street and have been there for a couple of days. Alpha Charlie 1 was contacted and he will contact the building management.
Employee at the laundromat on Main Street stated a bicycle that has been on her property for a couple of days. Officer stated there was no employee on the scene and officer did not observe a bike.
Detail Officer called in a driver speeding on River Road. Units were off with the party. The officer on the detail will be giving him a citation for multiple violations.
Party on Pleasant Street stated a female is harassing her calling her cellphone. The party stated she was also pounding on her door. This has been an ongoing issue between neighbors. Officer spoke with the calling party and he could not reach the other party, but will attempt to contact her later in the day.
Walk-in from Bowdoin Street with possible breaking and entering.
Officer spoke with the female party who was harassing the next door neighbor on Pleasant Street and advised her to stay away. She was also advised that there will be harassment charges brought against her if she continues.
Vehicle on Pleasant Park Road is being towed for abandoned over 72 hours. It is also being tagged for expired inspection sticker. G&J has the vehicle to tow.
Party came to the station to report losing her white gold halo setting diamond ring with diamonds across the top of the band. Party believes the ring was lost on Winthrop Beach on Sept. 27 near Dolphin Avenue entrance while she was bathing on the beach. Due to the location of the loss, the party will make a full report with the State Police.
Calling party witnessed a hit and run on Crest Avenue. The other driver left the scene but is driving a gold Ford. Calling party also stated that the driver may be impaired. Officer spoke with the owner of the vehicle, which was hit, and he will be going through his insurance. Both parties were from Revere but came to Winthrop Headquarters to fill out a report. The driver that left was given a citation for leaving the scene of an accident.
Report of two women fist fighting on Putnam Street. Calling party got into an altercation with her neighbor. Units requesting medical for female assault victim who was hit in the head. One individual went back to their apartment. She has been medically cleared. The other is voluntarily going to MGH.
A nurse called about a patient in ER. As a result of the patient’s condition tonight, it would be more accurate for an interview of the victim to take place tomorrow. The day shift was notified to call the Whidden ER in the morning.
Party on Bowdoin Street reports that earlier this evening while playing online gaming (Playstation) he called the other party a name. He states that as a result, the party said he was going to kill him. Reporting party reported this to Playstation. Party wanted this on record should anything come of it.
Wednesday, October 18
Motor vehicle stop at Pleasant and Waldemar Avenue. Verbal warning for headlight violation.
Tow company came to the station to report towing three vehicles from property on Veterans Road. A Dodge Charger, a Nissan Altima, and a Dodge 2500.
Caller on Harbor View Avenue states that her landlord hired a tree removal company and a truck backed into her vehicle. No medical needed, as damage to the car only. Officer reports landscaping truck was unmanned at the time and it hit the other vehicle due to not having fully put the emergency brake on.
Party came to the station to pick up his LTC which was given to him.
Tow for motor vehicle on Siren Street for revoked insurance.
Reporting party from school would like a well being check on individual on Winthrop Street as she has not been showing up for school. Female party is fine and will be calling the school.
There is a white pickup truck which has been parked on the sand of Yirrell Beach by the stairs. Parties are surveyors.
93 off with disabled motor vehicle at Washington and Veterans Road.
Lawyer for party at Governors Park walked in to request we start an investigation for harassment.
Party came to the station to report a road rage incident that took place at Orient Heights Station in East Boston. A male whom she knows cut her off by placing his car in front of her and then accused her of hitting his motor vehicle with her Jeep. Then he said she caused him to hit the curb. Reporting party recognized the male and called him by name. The party then left. Female was advised to report the incident to Boston where the incident occured. A number was given to assist her.
Caller on Pleasant Street states that a male party is calling him and making threatening statements towards him. Unit stated nothing serious. Both parties reside in different group homes and unit had both parties talk to each other.
BOLO given for silver Honda serving in and out of lanes. Four people in the vehicle. 93 off with the vehicle. It was an Uber drive who was lost, not drunk.
Thursday, October 19
Fire requesting police on Overlook Drive. Police standing by with individual who is on vacation visiting the grandmother who is being transported to the MGH with an active cardiac arrest. Winthrop 93 and 92 are working on getting a family member to pick up individual. Spoke with the mother and she has given authorization to a close family friend to watch the individual for the night.
Unit assisted party who locked himself in his basement on Banks Street.
Calling party on Deane Avenue asked us to keep an eye on his property. He lives out of town and had to fire a contractor that was working on the property.
Disabled motor vehicle on Washington Avenue. It is missing a tire. G&J sent to tow.
Report of a 12-year-old riding a dirt bike up and down on the sidewalk on Circuit Road. 91 checked the area and was unable to locate anyone.
Third-party caller on Pond Street states that her neighbor just sent her a text to call the police to have a male party removed from his house. A 37-year-old male was sent to Everett CHA.
Party came to the station to report that she had lost her entire set of keys somewhere on Shirley Street in the vicinity of the Holy Rosary Church.
92 is off with motor vehicle on River Road. Individual is being transported to headquarters and a citation was issued to driver.
Manager from the 99 Restaurant in Revere called to say he found some important documents belonging to an individual on Golden Drive. These were left about a month ago. When trying to call the individual, but got no answer. 93 made contact with the party and delivered the message.
Assisted WFD with possible fire at Governors Park.
Female party is swinging on a pole then lying down on the street on Winthrop Street. She does this until cars come and then stands up and paces back and forth. Officer spoke with the female and this party is known to them. She checked out and is now going home.
Saturday, October 21
Two parties tried breaking into female party’s house on Sunset Road. Calling party needed a translator and it took over five minutes to get one to get more information on what happened. The calling party stated that two men that used to rent a room upstairs from her do not live there any more. They started kicking at her door and said to call the police. The calling party did not want to open the door as she was too scared and called us. Unit 200 transported tow males to the station. They are in custody for disturbing the peace.
Saugus PD called and asked to do a notification for female party on Hale Avenue. Female was given information from Saugus and she was advised to call them.
Motor vehicle repossession on Lincoln Street.
Caller on Wilshire Street has two used needles outside her home on the sidewalk. Unit secured the items.
Report that a bike was stolen from Ingleside Park. Small toddler balance bike, baby blue, “banana†written on it. Two wheeler with no peddles.
Walk-in from Jefferson Street to report that her driveway was blocked. Unit located the owner of the vehicle and the vehicle has been moved.
Passerby states that there are two Hispanic males drunk sitting on the wall at the beginning of Deer Island facing Nahant. Unit reports they notified State Police.
Report that two or three kids destroying property where the recycling bins are being held at Fort Banks School. Unit reports group of four people and they were sent on their way.
Party from Almont Street came to the station to report a past larceny of an Android tablet.
Unit called in that there are two parties who are sleeping in a vehicle and 94C activity at Hannaford Park. Registration of the vehicle came back canceled. G&J was notified to tow the vehicle.
Sunday, October 22
Calling party states that two men and one female are walking on Franklin Street towards Cross Street and were being very loud verbally. There was a lot of pushing, grabbing and screaming. Officers spoke to all three parties and report they are all friends and were horse playing. They were loudly discussing what they would be buying at the store. All parties checked out and were sent on their way.
Motor vehicle stop on Washington Avenue. Officer stated that everything on the vehicle checks out and the individuals are good.
Female party walked into the station concerned about her boyfriend who has not returned home all night. Her boyfriend was pulled over on Squire Road in Revere and the vehicle was towed for being unregistered. He then left the scene with two friends. S-3 will be notified and will contact the reporting party.
Motor vehicle stop at Shirley and Coral Avenue. Citation issued to the driver and one under arrest for outstanding warrant.
Well being check called in by a third party. Reporting party on Read Street states that her friend told her that her boyfriend made Q5 statements and was on his way home to Winthrop by MBTA from Braintree. Unsure if the male party is home. No mention of weapons. No other information at this time. Well being check is being requested by a third party friend. Officers spoke to the male party and he stated he never made Q5 statements. Everything is fine.
Calling party on Bartlett Road states a white car is blocking her driveway, and her daughter is on her way home, and will not be able to pull in. Vehicle left prior to police arrival.
Report of a vehicle parked in the middle of Villa Avenue. Headquarters is aware of this parking complaint, and will go check it out shortly. This was unfounded.
White male with a Mohawk doing 94C activity and acting erratically. On scene with nothing showing. The vehicle had left prior to their arrival.