Monday, September 25
Calling party on Forrest Street states there are cars parked on the side where the street sweeper will be coming and they need to be ticketed. Two tickets were given on that street. Street sweeping was completed.
Party on Summit Avenue came into the station to report that she feels as though she is being harassed. There has not been a specific incident, however she wishes to have a log entry made. She was advised of her rights.
Motor vehicle stop at Shirley Street and Wave Way Avenue. Citation issued.
Party on Court Road came into the station to report that his vehicle had been broken into while parked outside. Two credit cards were stolen.
Assault and battery reported on Grandview Avenue. A Volkswagen was seen leaving the Point, coming towards Billow. Calling party reports that she and her sister witnessed a male driver turning back and assaulting someone crouched down and covering himself. No plate was given. A BOLO was given to all units.
Taxi driver states that someone on Veterans Road owes him money for a fare, and the party he drove went up to her apartment and has not come back out to pay. Officer spoke to the female party. She is unable to pay this fare. She stated that she would go by Patriot Taxi tomorrow and pay it. The taxi driver was advised that if the female does not pay, they can contact WPD headquarters and speak to an officer if they wish to file a complaint.
Party came into the station to report that he has been receiving harassing phone calls from a blocked number. Also, someone has been anonymously sending food to his house.
Party on Billows Street reports ongoing problem with her neighbor over an addition that was built to her home over the summer. She wanted this reported in case of any further incidents.
Party on Pleasant Street came into the station to report that the unsolicited food deliveries he received on numerous occasions earlier in the year have started up again. He received two deliveries within the last couple of days. He notified the businesses and will report any further incidents. He then came in to report that he just got a delivery.
Calling party on Undine Avenue states there is a black car parked out front running with lights on and no one is in it. It has been running for about an hour. Party called back and stated that the vehicle in question had left the area.
Report of an erratic operator, possibly intoxicated, swerving in and out of the lanes and almost sticking other vehicles at Shirley Street and Veterans Road. Caller was following behind coming into Winthrop from East Boston. Units off with party on Shirley Street and Veterans Road. Calling party states that the driver is in the wrong lane three times, hitting curbs, and almost ran him off the road. Party stated he was going to crash or hit someone as he was driving extremely erratic. Units report one male party in custody for driving under the influence, second offense and marked lanes violation. G&J responding to tow the vehicle.
Tuesday, September 26
Party on Locust Street came into the station to report that he was walking his dog, and a resident came out and started yelling at him. He was advised of his rights and requested that this incident be documented in a log entry.
Cars parked on Shore Drive are in the way of road work.
Report of vandalism to a motor vehicle at Governors Park parking lot. Damage to rear passenger-side door that had been keyed multiple times.
Four vehicles needed to be moved for road work on Shore Drive.
Assisted State Police on Siren Street. Parties are refusing to come to the door. Entered the home with no incident. MSP has two in custody and are transporting them to court.
Calling party on Jefferson Street reports there is a blue Honda blocking the hydrant. Unit reports they need G&J for tow of the car since it is blocking the hydrant completely. Unit reports G&J stand down as the driver came out, and is going to move the car. He was issued a parking violation.
Unit is off at Governors Park bus stop. Unit reports the two individuals causing a general disturbance paid the fare and have went on their way.
Calling party states that a lot of noise coming from the Antique Table. Units report it was four guys playing volleyball, and they are ending the game and going back inside.
Wednesday, September 27
Caller on Atlantic Street state there are cars parked on the street, and there is street-cleaning today. He would like them removed.
Report of animal complaint on Shore Drive. There are several cats in the basement in deplorable condition. Nothing appears out of order now. Will follow up with home owner another day.
Reporting party on Cliff Avenue states a female is throwing things out of a car window, kicking and punching the back of her seat, then jumped out of the car. Female is filing out an assault and battery statement.
Reporting party on Cliff Avenue states that he arrived home and wants police to come and pick him up from an earlier assault. One juvenile in custody for domestic assault and battery.
Thursday, September 28
Caller on Washington Avenue report a car alarm that has been going off all night in the parking lot of the Nautilus Condos. Officer reports the area is quiet at this time. He did hear an alarm in this area earlier and checked the area but could not locate where it was coming from.
Report of a dog chained in the sun on Coral Avenue. Spoke with both calling party and involved parties.
Caller on Main Street stated that she has a small dog that is lost. Owner and the dog have been reunited prior to officer’s arrival.
Party on Read Street called to report that will not be allowing father his scheduled visitation with her two minor children today due to a report of physical injury that she alleges one of the children sustained. Caller is unable to come to the station as she is on her way to New York. She attacked an incident report which will also be forwarded to DCF.
Report of youths drinking in the middle of Winthrop Street. No beer bottles found. Only one individual and peace was restored.
On September 28, party came to the station to report that another party was seen knocking on her door on September 2 and driving past her residence for a second time on September 16. Caller would like this noted in the event that it occurs as she feels this is harassment.
A motor vehicle blocking entire driveway on Shore Drive. Vehicle was gone prior to officer’s arrival.
Caller states that there is no way fire apparatus can get down South Main Street due to an event being held at the high school. Cars are parked both sides of the street. Vehicles were moved and citations issued.
Caller on Willow Avenue reported a suspicious baggie at the bottom of the telephone pole. Officer reports the suspicious baggie contained a cookie.
Motor vehicle stop at Crest Avenue and Revere Street. A citation was issued for speeding.
Multiple tickets were given on Palmyra Street for parking 20 feet from intersection.
Friday, September 29
Party on Myrtle Avenue reports a loud party outside. This is an ongoing problem. Party was given a warning to keep it down.
Caller reports a group playing basketball at Massa Playground, and they are being loud. Three parties playing basketball were told to leave the property.
Motor vehicle stop at Revere and Argyle streets. Citation issued.
Motor vehicle stop at Revere and Hutchinson streets. Citation issued for red light violation.
Party on Shore Drive came to the state to report that someone had stolen his son’s bike overnight. The bike is a Pacific Fire Thousand, color silver with two plastic fishing pole tubes attached to the rear.
Female on Hutchinson Street called to report septic was backing up into her basement. DPW was notified.
White sedan parked in front of a fire hydrant. The car is parked in front of the water tower. Caller did not want to give his name or phone number. It was someone doing work in the tower. He is moving the vehicle.
Report of a male party on Revere Street sidewalk vomiting. Officer spoke to the subject an he refused medical.
Calling party states he is the general manager at Crystal Cove and states that customers won’t leave his property, and he wants them removed. G&J Towing was sent for. Vehicle is equipped with an interlock and is not able to be driven. Manager of the hotel will allow parties to stay until the tow truck arrives.
93 reports a vehicle is parked on the sidewalk at Atlantic and Revere streets. Female came out and moved the vehicle.
Party states that while driving by Governors Garden Florist, a vehicle coming toward her shot out her car window. She has no description of the vehicle. 93 reports possible contact with another vehicle or object. 93 went back to Revere Street and located the side view mirrors. It appears two vehicles made contact with one another to cause the damage.
Saturday, September 30
Caller at Governors Park reports a group of guys in the rear parking lot being loud. Stated they are in an SUV near the tennis courts. Parties were just talking. They will be leaving the area now.
Assisted fire/EMS with drunk female in a taxi. Female party had $520 in her wallet. $48 cab fire, $10 paid to Green Cab out of Somerville. $462 left in her person. Female party was transported to the Whidden.
Party using electric saw being loud on Pico Avenue. Nothing showing at this time.
Assisted other agency with party trapped in motor vehicle on Crest Avenue. Fire enroute. Horses put up to block motor vehicles from coming down the street.
Older gentleman came in to the station to seek refuge from the severe weather. The mane remained with us until he felt he could resume travel safety.
Vandalism reported on Winthrop Street. A smashed window.
Party at Governors Park reported people upstairs are being loud. Everything is quiet at this time.
Report of a man down on Taylor Street. Assisted medical and one transported to MGH.
Motor vehicle parked in the middle of Shirley Street. Possibly flooded.
Motor vehicle stop on Putnam Street with erratic driving.
Motor vehicle parked in the middle of Putnam Street. G&J towed.
Police report flooded vehicle on Putnam Place. Unit stated no report is completed for flooded vehicle.
Party walked to the station to report threats on social media.
DPW stated that water has receded on Walden Street. Barriers have been removed, tow company can now get to vehicle, which is stuck. Owner is on the scene with a private tow. Police will stand by to assist.
Another report of flooding on Buchanan Street. Unit requests fire regarding hazard.
Loud party on Summit Avenue with underage drinking. Units report this was unfounded.
Per order, units retrieved back pack on Shirley Street with laptop inside.
Possible domestic in progress on Shirley Street. Mother and daughter arguing over a food order. Peace was restored.
Sunday, October 1
Assisted fire with traffic control on Pleasant Street. Main to Brookfield Road blocked off. Aq called off to assist fire. One party was transported by Action. Action was notified to talk to the party being transported to see if there is anyone else inside the building. Waiting on call back. Action called back after talking to MGH. The party cannot talk at this time to give any information. A1 clear from Pleasant Street. Units cleared, a fire firemen will stand by and traffic is clear in the area.
Two male parties on Shirley Street, dressed in black and calling party overheard them talking about possibly getting in to a house. 91 off and stated nothing showing at this time. Will check the abandoned house in back. 98 off in the area. Nothing showing at this time.
Medical aid on Hermon Street. Female is conscious and awake. Transported female to MGH.
Calling party on Shirley street states there is a red vehicle parked behind her near the Crystal Cove Marina. Texas plates. She feels it may be stolen as it has been there for three days. Nothing showing and vehicle is parked on private property.
Caller at Governors Park states that her tires were taken from her vehicle over night.
Motor vehicle stop at Pleasant and Edgehill Road. It was cited for going 60mph in a 30mph zone.
92 stated he received a call on his cell hone of a report of a fight involving a knife on Siren Street. One in custody for two counts of domestic assault and battery.
Calling party on Ocean View Street states an asian male with grey sweatshirt is coming back to his street and has several times stated that he is looking for his backpack which may contain 94C. He is with a female and another male. Calling party states they look suspicious and he already has to clean up puke from his back porch from said individual. Officer spoke with male party and told him not to return to the above address and he agreed.
An Asian male was seen waling up Ocean View Street. He was involved with the call from Bowdoin Street earlier. 92 reports that the male party was sitting o the steps across from his house. 92 will be checking out the area. He could not find the male party, but will stay in the area.
Party on Veterans Road states a male party seems disoriented with three young children in the vehicle. Fire enroute. G&J enroute also. 92 reports the driver does not have license. 91 is going to notify guardian of child in the vehicle. 92 reports notifying DPW for guardrail damage.
Caller on Lincoln Street reports two males (one white, one Hispanic) who are looking in cars and yards in the vicinity. They came from a black Lincoln. Caller also stated he witnessed the white male in his driveway in his Jeep windows. Vehicle not found in the area.
Caller on Terrace Avenue reports there is a black roadster bicycle on the corner and has been there for two days. She suspects it may have been stolen. It was an abandoned bike and DPW was notified for pickup.
Report of a girl who was locked the tennis court on her bicycle at Ingleside Park. Before we were were able to dispatch the call, the calling party called back and stated that someone came by to pop the lock and the child is out. No need for fire or medical.
Report of a motor vehicle accident on Washington avenue. Nothing found. Called back Boston and their update on call is that is is now domestic. Boston confirmed that it is the address given. Called Boston back and dispatcher said they assumed it was Winthrop. Nothing was found.
Reporting party on Shore Drive states he found a child crying because he was asked to leave the house. Female party (girlfriend of child’s father) states that the child was asked to leave the house because he was disrespectful. She states he went to the mother’s house. The mother does not want him there. While on the phone, after units were dispatched, she states he was at the house. Units arrived and spoke with the child. He is safe with family at the house. They will have a talk with him about a comment that the child made about being chased by a knife. Father thinks the story may be made up by the son.
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