Monday, May 16
Caller on Sunnyside Avenue reports that there is a deceased raccoon that was discovered in the marsh area. ACO has been notified.
A female caller reports that she has “run out of gas†near Main Street. She is on her way to get gas and the vehicle is out of the way parked along the curbside.
Off. Gergerian reports a woman has fallen on Locust Street. Fire notified and they report a 60-year-old female is going to the Whidden.
Party from Governors Park came in to report that his identity was compromised and some $2,114.94 was illegally taken from his bank account.
Daughter called to report that her father on Ocean View Street needs help getting up. EMS notified.
Report of a bicycle that has been discarded on Shirley Street. A unit will retrieve the bike and store it at the station.
Father on Somerset Avenue called to report that his child spilled hot coffee on himself and is requesting medical attention for the child.
Caller reports not being able to exit the driveway on Cottage and Hillside Avenue due to a trench dug by workers. W92 reports a construction company has assisted the caller and the caller was able to exit the driveway.
Party on Irwin Street reports that there is a suitcase on the sidewalk. An officer is responding to the area. The officer reports that the suitcase appeared to be discarded as trash. He will dispose of the suitcase.
Call of a tree branch lying on electric wires on Sturgis and Shirley Street. Fire will handle.
Walk-in from Bowdoin Street to report a number of items stolen from his house.
ACO reports the sign on the pole on Revere Street is about to fall off. DPW notified.
Caller on Cross Street reports the window of his vehicle was shattered. Officer reports the windshield was hit by a baseball while parked near the baseball field.
Mother on Siren Street reporting that her 14-month-old baby is unresponsive. WFD and EMS notified. Officers responded and report the baby is now responsive and being transported to a Boston hospital.
Report of a sealed up package on the sidewalk near the beach wall on Shore Drive. Officer reports it is just an empty box, he will discard it.
Tuesday, May 17
Party on Locust Street reports smoke in the building. WFD notified and will investigate. It appears to be a furnace burner blow back.
Motorist stopped for violation on Veterans Road. A citation was issued for C89 and failure to stop for a stop sign.
DPW requesting assistance with moving a vehicle from a construction site on Hillside and Cottage Avenue. Owner moved their car.
Party on Wave Way Avenue called to inform us that her son checked out of a sober house with two active warrants. She asked us to locate him in order to help him. He may be in the area of Harvard Street.
Caller on Central Street states larceny from his bank account but he is currently on a job site but he stated he would be in town later today for an officer to respond and take a report.
Several calls of a woman down with head laceration at Almont and Revere Street. W91 reports a 74-year-old woman tripped on the curb. No apparent abnormalities visible.
Winthrop Arms reported that someone fell inside the hotel, but no further services needed.
Caller at Barone Corp. states that his computer system was involved in a fraud. Officer got all the information and will file a report.
Party came into the station to report that her sign at Mally’s Hair was spray-painted. Officer spoke to the caller and advised her that this is an ongoing issue around town and that a report was already done about her business.
Newton PD reports an abduction of a woman from a rehab facility by boyfriend. The suspect’s brother resides in town. Units BOLO’d and area search negative at this time.
Calling party states that the mental health house on Pleasant Street is parking on Bellevue Avenue and he thinks it is a public safety issue. Officer reports no issues.
Visiting Nurse requests EMS for his patient at Viking Gardens needs to go to the hospital. EMS responding.
Newton PD requests we check again on Court Road and Ingleside Avenue in regards to the earlier possible abduction of a female from a rehab facility. Officer spoke to the brother who has no idea where his brother is. Wanted motor vehicle is not in town near his family’s home nor his brother’s.
Party on Franklin Street requesting an ambulance for her husband.
Caller reports a disturbance outside of Blackstrap BBQ. It is an ongoing issue. Party was advised again not to use the 911 line. Officer reports speaking to the manager. He will speak to his customers.
Caller on Shirley Street reports finding his motor vehicle window smashed.
Wednesday, May 18
Caller reports a vehicle in the middle of the street near Twist N Shake blowing its horn. Officer spoke to vehicle operator who apologized.
Party on Court Road reports two dogs trying to get into her yard and one of them being a pit-bull. ACO is unavailable at this time.
Caller states a woman entered Quick Foodmart and said she was assaulted and pointed out the suspect sitting on a bench in front of D’Palma’s. Victim did not want any charges to go forward and suspect was voluntarily transported to MGH for an evaluation.
While on the scene at another call, officers responded to a medical aid at the Hi-Tide. Male party transported to the Whidden.
Female on Corinha Beach reports she is locked out of her house. Fire notified and officer verified owner’s address and fire gained access to the house.
97 reports parking dispute at the Cumberland Farms. Both parties sent out of the area.
Calling party on Ingleside Avenue stated that the media is going onto people’s private property. Officer spoke to the news and advised them to stay on public property.
Caller on Ingleside Avenue reports that the news media are bothering her neighbor. Unit responded and reports no media in the area and all is clear. Units advised to make checks of the area.
Calling party on Ingleside Avenue states a man sitting inside a vehicle for two hours. Officer reports the man is from Fox news.
Report of a fire alarm sounding at Executive Apartments. Transferred to WFD.
Party on Beal Street requests an ambulance for an unknown emergency.
Thursday, May 19
Parking ticket issued for parking violation on Shirley and Cutler Street. Over 12 inches from the curb.
Party on Golden Drive is requesting an EMS for transport to the hospital. She is not feeling well.
911 line rang several times and was busy on Shirley Street. Contact was made to the number and the female said she called due to an alarm clock going off but must have been finally shut off. Officers checked the address and all is quiet.
Staff member at East Boston Neighborhood Health is requesting an ambulance for a patient with difficulty breathing. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Unknown male party came in complaining about some workers next to where he is painting somewhere in Pt. Shirley. Party stated that yesterday he could overhear them talking about him and his political sticker on his vehicle. Party was told to call the police if anyone starts with him today. The male party then begun shouting that he is not going to take it and left the station.
Party on Shirley Street requested to see an officer regarding a dispute she is having with another tenant. Officer spoke to both parties and peace was restored.
Caller on Russell Street reports that there are items missing from her home after having friends over. Officer responded and spoke to the caller.
DPW workers called to inform us of a man that fell on Willow Avenue. Fire and EMS notified.
Report of water coming from water pipe on Terrace Avenue in large quantity flooding the street. DPW notified and reports pipes being flushed.
Caller reports there are cars parking in the rear of Faunbar on the path behind his building. He repots that he has called numerous times and the cars still park there. Officer responded and spoke to the caller. Vehicles in violation of signage were tagged.
Detail officer reports resident received damage to his right front tire as a result of a valve sticking out from pipes placed by construction on Harbor View Avenue. Officer reports that this matter has also been reported to DPW and wants this on record for the damaged tire of resident.
Caller on Sunset Road requests EMS for an elderly woman possibly having a heart attack.
Party on Brewster Avenue reports a possible alcohol overdose. W92 and EMS responded. Party transported to MGH.
Party on Shore Drive came to the station with her son to report more harassment by another juvenile. She is going to court this week and would like us to pass it on to SRO Armistead. She would also like officers to check on her home in case the youths show up. Officers will do directed patrols in the area tonight.
Caller on Wilshire Street reports that his apartment was broken into. Officers report that a male was in the apartment but fled out through the yards. Units responded to do an area search for the suspect.
Party on Golden Drive called requesting EMS for a medical problem. WFD and EMS notified.
Report of an odor of gas on Winthrop Street. WFD contacted and will respond.
Friday, May 20
Female on Shore Drive reports that her boyfriend passed out.
Owner of a NH license was observed operating a motor vehicle without a Mass license after she has obtained residency in the town. She only has a NH license, which is not allowed once residence is obtained.
91 DeFrietas and 92 Ferullo stopped a motor vehicle for excessive noise violations at Pauline and Brookfield Road. Young male and female operators were issued warnings and advised to cease their illegal antics.
944 SRO Armistead and 91 DeFreitas and 92 Ferullo responded to The Strand on an East Boston DC warrant for apprehension. The party in custody and being transported to EBDC by W92 and SRO.
Female caller on Golden Drive stated that yesterday she and her kids were at the Fort Banks School and she thought she saw another female from Golden Drive video taping her children. Officer spoke to the suspect and advised her of future actions if this happened again. Director of Housing also notified.
Individual from Veterans Road wanted to report that he was a victim of fraud/larceny by an insurance company in our town. Calling party was advised that they must come to the station to file a report and give information pertaining to allegations. They will come in to file a report.
Call from two separate parties on Washington Avenue about harassment occurring between condo tenants. One party was accused of trying to strike the other with a vehicle while parking. The other was yelling and “verbally assaulting†her. Parties informed of their rights in civil court.
Party on Temple Avenue reports unauthorized use of his name by unknown persons to open a credit card. Balance of $11,196.25. Capital One has been notified and will investigate.
Caller reports six youths smashing bottles in the middle of French Square. Officer reports speaking with the youths who were cooperative and not committing any infractions. They left the area.
Caller reports a group with a bonfire at Yirrell Beach. Officer reports no bonfire. Group had a small charcoal grill they were attempting to light. They were informed of the applicable laws and are now leaving the beach.
Reports of kids drinking at Massa Playground. Officer reports no one in the park, or any evidence supporting drinking going on.
Caller on Shirley Street reports kids being loud on the beach with a bonfire. Officer dispersed one group of 20 and had them extinguish a small fire. Officers observed another fire with a group down by Wyman Street. They and WFD responded and extinguished the fire and dispersed the group.
Saturday, May 21
Party on Cottage Avenue is requesting EMS for a medical condition. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Caller on Kennedy and Overlook Drive states that an individual is laying on the ground all covered up and has not moved. 92 responds and the subject requests medical. Fire notified. Officer reports the 58-year-old male going to the Whidden.
Party on Woodside Avenue reports that a fence used to secure construction equipment has fallen over. Officer responded to investigate. Officer reports the fence was taken down by force and also sees some graffiti on some work vehicles.
Reports of a dead skunk on Temple Avenue. ACO notified.
Female on Court Road reports there was a landscaping truck parked in front of her house blocking her walkway. 92 reports the truck is parked legally and there are no issues.
Parks and Rec director asks for a police officer to take a vandalism report at Pico Playground. Officer reports someone damaged and took down a sign that the town had put up.
Owner from a Crest Avenue business called to say there is a sewer backup from the street entering the business. DPW notified.
Party on Cottage Avenue called to report that he is taking on water in the basement. DPW notified.
Caller stated she yelled at the man who is placing leaves in the street near Holy Rosary Church. She stated that she is a taxpayer and wants a police officer there now to stop him.
Walk-in to report that he paid $2,753.00 for his insurance and his agent took the checks, cashed them and never gave him insurance.
Reports that Sea View Avenue is a racetrack and everyone is speeding down it. Safety officer on detail reports no speeding at all, just traffic.
Party on Circuit Road reports suspicious males parked outside for over 30 minutes. Officer reports a livery driver was checking out an address where he will be moving to. Advised he was parking in violation and was moved from the area.
Caller on Tafts Avenue reports the house has an unsafe fire pit. Fire notified.
Boston PD asks us to be on the lookout for a vehicle. All units BOLO.
Report of a large fire on the beach at The Strand. No one is around it. Fire notified.
Caller on Winthrop Street reports there is a live band and people on the sidewalk at the photo studio. Units report no permit, party will be dispersed.
Report of a loud party on Lincoln Street disturbing the neighborhood. Units respond and report call unfounded. The area is quiet and units will clear.
Caller on Woodside Avenue states a large party causing a disturbance in the neighborhood. Units respond and report a birthday party that is clearing out.
Reports of a loud party on Grovers Avenue. Officer spoke to the homeowner and peace was restored.
Caller on Lincoln Street reports the groups has returned to this address and are very loud. Officer spoke to the property6 owner who agreed to end the party. Peace was restored.
Sunday, May 22
Caller on The Strand states she observes a bonfire on the beach. Units respond and report no bonfire.
Party on Revere Street states a male in dark clothing may be attempting to vandalize vehicles. Units respond and report the subject was located and headed home. No evidence of any crimes committed.
Report of the mulch laid down on Nick’s Place property is smoking. Fire will handle.
Call reporting an unresponsive male on Locust Street. Fire, Action and officer report subject is going to the MGH.
Male on Brewster Avenue called to report that someone in the house is having an alcohol overdose. Officer, fire and Action report this may be an alcohol/drug overdose.
Party on Irwin Street came in to report he believes the girl that lives with his son may have taken money from him. He stated she is gone. He also stated he wants her out. She lives there, and he was told to check with the Court for the proper information on how to get her out.
Off. Gergerian will speak to a subject on Winthrop Street involved in a past call. He reports making contact with someone in the house and leaving his card.
Report of an overdose on Coral Avenue. Officer reports party was revived by WFD and transported to Whidden.
Walk-in to report that her roommate kicked her out of the apartment on Shirley Street and wanted to know her rights.
Officer advised her and will speak with the other parties and inform them as well. Reporting party stated she will go to East Boston DC in the morning. Officer stood by while some personal items were collected. All were advised.
Caller on Shore Drive reports a male and female on the wall doing a possible sex act. Caller called back and stated that they had left and are walking on Ocean towards Shirley Street. Officer reports he was informed the subjects were picked up by a vehicle prior to his arrival.
Reports of no water in house on Harvard Street. DPW notified.
Caller on Governors Park reports a white van is all crashed up in the parking lot driving around. Units report vehicle was involved in an accident in East Boston. Subject lives in Governors Park and will have his mechanic pick up the van in the morning.