Monday, November 16
Male party from NH came to the station to register as a sex offender as he will be working in our town for several months. 942 registered the party.
Visiting nurse requests medical for resident on Overlook Drive.
Mother called to report that her daughter’s co-worker called her to tell her that her daughter had a black eye. The caller was advised to have the co-worker call police to speak with her daughter. The daughter reports it happened during a sporting event.
Caller at the Winthrop House of Pizza reports an elderly female operating a vehicle who may need assistance. Units responded and located the individual parked and requested medical. Elderly female cleared by medical. She will get a ride home and someone will pick up her vehicle.
Caller on Bartlett Road called to report that the landscapers for the house across the street are noisy and riding equipment and blowing leaves all over and some of the debris is coming onto her property. While on the phone with the caller, the landscapers left.
A female came to the station to report being harassed by another resident of her building. She reports that the party beeps at her when she sees him on the street. W92 responded to the building to speak with the other party and could not gain entrance to the building at this time. Officer will follow up tomorrow.
Party came in to report that sometime between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. today an unknown vehicle struck his car while it was parked in the municipal lot behind the Methodist Church on Winthrop Street. Damage to the passenger side doors, both front and rear, and damage to his left side rear quarter panel. All damage was to the lower portions of the vehicle. This damage was confirmed by an officer.
Tuesday, November 17
Party reports a male seated in a dark vehicle with the marker lights on appears to have been there for a while. This was at Dawes Playground on Veterans Road. Officer spoke to owner/operator who was waiting for a friend he was driving to work.
Caller on Lincoln Street reports a person there needs an ambulance. Call transferred to EMD and WFD for service.
Reports of a student who passed out on the practice field in the rear of Winthrop Middle School. Transferred to EMS and fire notified.
As a result of information sent to our department from another agency, W92 reposted to Shirley Street to speak with subject there. 951 responded to assist. Officers spoke separately to each party and advised all of their rights. The family refused any services.
DPW reporting illegal dumping of yard waste on town property. Inspectional Services notified and will investigate along with W91. The party was spoken to and agreed to clean up the debris left on town property.
Request for an ambulance on Putnam Street.
Party from Pleasant Street brought an ID to the station and W92 returned it to the owner.
Caller reports that he was bitten by a small dog belonging to a resident on Forrest Street while working for Capital Waste trash pickup. This occurred on November 14. He would like information on the dog. ACO notified and will handle.
Male called the station asking about his ERO that was issued and he was served via the phone on Sunday. The caller states he is at Lynn PD and they don’t know anything about it. Lynn PD was contacted and will verbally serve the caller the newly issued permanent order and the EBC will fax the new order to Lynn PD to be served by an officer. Also, while the party was there, Lynn PD served two newly issued outstanding active warrants on the subject that Lynn found and was also brought to their attention.
Party came to the station to pick up his Iphone 6 that was taken during an incident at the basketball courts several days ago. The receipt was signed.
Party on Winthrop Street requesting an ambulance to Melrose/Wakefield Hospital.
Caller on Hermon Street reports a possible OD. The party was transported to MGH for an evaluation.
Caller on Sagamore Avenue reports motor vehicles parked on the sidewalk. Officer repots no vehicle in violation of the parking laws.
Caller at Seal Harbor reports that her mother is diabetic and going into shock. EMS responded.
Wednesday, November 18
Party on Shore Drive reports very loud music. The party then called back stating that the sound appears to have ended.
W91 reports parking violations on Somerset/Pleasant Street. Parking ticket issued to vehicle for left wheels to curb.
W91 reports the bumper of a motor vehicle is off the car and on the street on Veterans and Hadassah Way. It is a hazard and appears to have been hit, possibly overnight. Officer checked the registration and tried to call the owner with no results. A message was left. Officer will leave a note at the address regarding the car’s whereabouts. G&J summoned to remove the vehicle form the public way as it is a hazard. The back of the car/bumper is off and in the street. G&J arrived and will remove all debris. The owner came to the station and confirmed that his vehicle must have been hit. He had parked it there sometime after 2 a.m.
Party on Overlook Drive reports a person having a seizure.
Female caller on Revere Street requesting Andover Police her daughter who might harm herself. The caller had also dialed 911 stating the same but thought her daughter was in Worcester. The call was transferred over PSAP to Andover.
Visiting Nurse requesting medical for patient on Bowdoin Street. Call transferred to EMS.
Party on Emerson Road reports that her father-in-law is down.
Someone came to the station with a flyer of a newly released female. It was put on the board.
Caller from Dunkin Donuts on Revere Street reports that someone is passed out in the bathroom. WFD responding with an officer. The officer reports that the subject got up and left prior to his arrival and the fire department’s arrival. He will keep an eye out in the area in an attempt to locate the subject.
Party reports following a motor vehicle that struck his car on Short Beach. The vehicle is now pulling into a driveway on Washington Avenue. Officers report the accident happened in Revere and they assisted the parties in exchanging the paperwork.
Caller on Kennedy Road states that someone is ringing her buzzer and she is afraid to answer the door as she is not expecting anyone. W92 reports speaking with the caller and searching the area with negative results.
Party on Chamberlain Avenue states that he has a harassment order against his neighbor and his neighbor just came out and yelled at him and his guests. The guests were leaving and were a little loud. All parties advised.
Thursday, November 19
91 initiated a car stop on Walden Street. The operator was placed in custody for driving with suspended license, failing to stop/yield and an outstanding warrant out of Canton. G&J towed the vehicle.
Caller on Edgehill Road states a past breaking and entering. 92 and 94 ponded and spoke to the victim.
Party on Harbor View Avenue reports a blocked driveway. 91 responds and reports having the vehicle moved.
Another blocked driveway on Vine Avenue. 91 responds and reports a parking ticket was issued.
Detective on follow-up on Winthrop Street. The child does not live at the address.
Female came to the station about harassing phone calls to her and her sister. Officer advised both female parties to block their numbers and to report any further phone calls.
Detectives on surveillance on Lincoln Street. A suspect is in custody after a brief foot chase. The charges were: distributing of Class D drug and drug violation near school/park.
Caller from Governors Park report the hall is starting to fill up with smoke No alarms are going off. Fire notified.
911 calls of a person struck by a vehicle on Revere Street. Fire and medical notified.
Caller reports finding a suspicious black box near the high school. She will point it out to the officer The officer reports it is a pest control box.
Detectives are off on a search warrant on Lincoln Street.
Call for medical on Walden Street. Transferred to EMD.
Detectives are on a search warrant on Beal Street.
Call for medical at Executive Apartments. Transferred to EMD.
Friday, November 20
Report of an accident near Dunkin Donuts on Main Street. Off. Carter reports the accident is on the East Boston side of the bridge. Parties exchanged papers. There is a DOT truck on the scene and they are cleaning it up.
Calling party from Viking Gardens request an ambulance for transportation to the hospital for what the caller believes to be a problem with his leg. Fire and EMS responding.
Caller on Crystal Cove Avenue reports that something has struck the temporary water line in front of his home and he has shut the water off. He is requesting DPW to repair the pipe. DPW notified.
Officer reports being off on Cutler Street for a follow-up investigation.
Officer reports going to Hermon Street for a follow-up investigation.
Party came to the station lobby and could hardly stand or speak. Fire and Action notified. Off to the Whidden he went.
Female having a heart attack at Belle Isle Seafood. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Party reports she was just hit from behind on Shirley Street.
Officer reports vehicle is parked in a no parking here to corner area at Shirley and Irwin Street. He also reports that they vehicle is not registered. G&J notified.
Saturday, November 21
Resident on Trident Avenue states that the new tenants are playing loud music. Officers report speaking to the tenant and they will be shutting of the music. Peace was restored.
Party on Cottage Park Road called to report that last night someone hit the front of his white car. Officer reports no vehicle in the area with any damage.
Party on Washington Avenue reports a fire alarm is going off. Winthrop Fire responding.
Caller on Nahant Avenue notified the station that two windows on his house were shot out by what looks like a BB gun. The windows were on the Hanford Park side of the house. The caller stated that his son had an argument with an ex-girlfriend earlier that night and would like an incident report filed.
Party on Shirley Street reports that sometime overnight her vehicle was struck by an unknown vehicle.
An individual came into the station to request that an officer do a well being check on a resident on Circuit Road. 93 responded to the residence.
Party on Cliff Avenue called to report that her friend is “passing a stoneâ€. EMS was notified.
Daughter called from Governors Park to report that her other may have had a stroke. EMS notified.
W93 Feeley reports having two males taking photos of the airport. Both have no record.
Report of a wire having very low to the ground on Hutchinson Street. Fire notified.
Caller from Shirley and Ocean Avenue reports he saw a male steal a license plate off a vehicle and running an apartment on Shore Drive. Officers report the plate was not stolen and is still on the vehicle. Subject stated he was asked by the owner to remove the plate for them as it needed to be towed. Officers will follow up with the owner.
Party on Lewis Avenue reports a motor vehicle parked in front of his house and would like it towed. The vehicle comes back to his neighbor but have an expired registration. Officer repots owner is on the scene and placed he vehicle in the driveway and will renew the registration.
Caller on Revere Street requests medical for her mother. Transferred to EMD.
Female on Golden Drive called to report a fight. Officers report a verbal argument between mother and son. Father is also there and no fight took place.
Report of low hanging wires on Hutchinson Street. Fire notified and stayed they already checked it out. It is safe and they contacted Comcast.
Caller reports an erratic operator in a gray van. It just pulled into the Crest Avenue lot. Officer reports finding the van unoccupied in a handicap spot. A citation was issued.
Party at Alcohol and Drug Free Lodging Home reports an ex-resident is on the scene and will not leave. She may be under the influence. Officers report she is a resident. This is a civil matter.
Party called and stated that her daughter was assaulted about an hour ago at a residence on Trident Avenue. The daughter then went home to Lynnfield. Parties were advised to come into the station to fill out a report. They will be coming in tonight or tomorrow morning.
Party came to the station to fill out a victim/witness statement and file a report for a past assault and battery.
Sunday, November 22
House manager at Alcohol & Drug Free Lodging Home reports a resident being loud and disruptive. Units report speaking to the individual who is going to sleep. House manager advised of his rights.
Code Enforcement Officer called to report a roofing company working without a permit on Washington Avenue. Officer reports the company stated they have only an hour left and it is going to rain. They were given an hour or they will be shut down and fined. $300.
Caller reports hearing loud yelling while walking by on Pleasant Street. Units report speaking to all parties and confirm only a verbal argument.
Mark Cronan, 29, of 5 Faraway Lane, Blackstone, MA arrested on Monday, Nov. 16 and charged with speeding and two warrants from other police departments.
Adika Manigo, 36, of 129 Eutaw St. Apt. 3, East Boston, arrested and charged with driving with a suspended license, failure to yield/stop and a warrant from the Canton Police Department.