Letters to the Editor

Supporting Capobianco

Dear Editor:

We are writing to strongly endorse Valentino “Tino” Capobianco’s candidacy for the Winthrop School Committee.  We believe that Tino’s combination of integrity, vision, and hard work would be a tremendous asset for the School Committee.

Several years ago, when he was President of his senior class at Winthrop High School, Tino wrote an eloquent letter to the Transcript in support of legalizing same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.  We were impressed that such a young person would have the courage to support a controversial policy, and also by the clarity of his arguments.  Here was a young man who was not afraid to stand up publicly for what he believed to be a matter of basic human rights.  In the years since then, we have observed Tino apply that same compassion and courage in a variety of other situations.

Tino is also a “do-er.”  He is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and work hard for something he believes in.  As a relatively recent product of the Winthrop school system, Tino has experienced first-hand both the good and bad of Winthrop schools, and will work hard to make our schools the best they can be.  And with no immediate family members employed by the school system, Tino will bring an un-biased perspective to his role on the School Committee.

Please join us in supporting Valentino Capobianco for Winthrop School Committee.

Michael Bacon and   Timothy Burgers


Supporting Bob on Nov. 3rd.

Dear Editor:

Please join me in supporting and voting for Bob Driscoll for Town Council President, on Tuesday November 3rd.

Bob will bring a wide variety of skills and experience to the Council President position. He is a Winthrop native, attended Winthrop public schools and continues to champion quality education in Winthrop. Bob graduated from UMASS and received a Masters Degree from Bentley University.

Bob began his community service as a Town Meeting Member in his late teens. He then served on the Advisory Committee in the early ’90’s, which advised Town Meeting on the budget and non-budget issue of the day. He was elected to the Board of Selectmen in the late  90’s into the early 2000’s. In that capacity he gained the executive experience that is an important aspect of the Council President position.  He is currently a member of the Citizens Advisory Finance Committee, which is part of the Town’s Finance Commission. In this capacity he helps analyzes the Town Manager’s budget; ultimately advising the Town Council on the overall budget.

Bob’s business career has been in the world of finance, including taxation, budgeting, investing, planning and management. He is currently the Director of Finance for the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC). He also sat on the Board of Directors  for the Winthrop Federal Credit Union and the EBNHC, prior to taking on the Finance Director position.  These positions give Bob the skills necessary to manage a business or a Town. He can work with and negotiate with people in State government, within State agencies and with members of the Town Council and Town government.

Bob will be an effective Town Council President because he has a simple but effective vision for the Town. Strong leadership, which includes thinking inside and outside the box but coming up with effective solutions and guiding the decision making process in a professional manner. Continuing to improve the quality of education. Supporting the business community. And, most importantly, overseeing a government that is responsive to the people it serves.

Join me in voting for Bob on November 3rd.

Bob Wynne

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