It’s been well over five years in the making, but the regional emergency dispatch center for Winthrop and Revere is coming along. If all goes well the center could be online in April 2016.
Executive Director Julie Davie said the complex transition is coming along. At the regular monthly meeting held last week, members of the North Regional Emergency Communications Center, were updated on electrical work and on the fire services end of the project.
Members of group include Davie, Adrianne Javery (dispatch supervisor), Winthrop Fire Capt. Richard Swartz, Winthrop Police Chief Terence Delehanty, Revere Deputy Fire Chief Mike Viviano and Winthrop Fire Chief Paul Flanagan. Also sitting in is Christine Wingfield, the regional coordinator of the state 911 department.
Currently, the group is working on fire services, developing the needs and the scope of the work. Work is also being done on the coding used in the dispatch system. The company L.W. Bills will be working on the fire side of the contract at the dispatch center. Nelson Communications, will be providing technical consulting services. They are responsible for working on the Lynn and Swampscott dispatch centers.
Delehanty said he would like to see a seamless transition. The group is now gathering information. Work has now begun on working with both the Revere and Winthop police in developing guidelines. Work is also being done with the unions and working on employee handbooks. Javery has been in Winthrop gathering info to create a set of standards and implementing training on how to use the system. The current system has been in place in Winthrop since 1996. Davie said they are also working with Motorola on equipment needs.
        Davie said the project is being built with an opportunity for growth.
        “We are doing better than ever,†Davie said. The group has been productive, setting a small timeline of goals and finding full support in mutual aid. So far the center has received over $2.5 million in funding awards from the state.