We’re just dropping a note to wish Bob Driscoll Sr., one of our community’s long-time and most-esteemed citizens, a speedy recovery from his recent major surgery. Bob spent a week in the hospital and now is recuperating at home. Bob has been in the forefront of activism in our community for more than four decades. He was one of the original founders of the Winthrop Airport Hazards Committee in 1970 and has served continuously since, mostly as vice-chairman, a truly remarkable achievement and record of public service. Bob also has served on the Planning Board for many years, a position to which he was elected for many terms by the voters, who clearly recognized the value of both his sagacity and calm, steady demeanor in Town Hall. We know we join with all of our readers in wishing Bob well in the days ahead and that we’re looking forward to him being up-and-about in the near future.