Monday, March 31
Detail Off. McFarland reports a juvenile shoplifter. W91 reports Mobil Mart does not wish to prosecute, only wants individual trespassed. Transported to the station and released to his mother’s custody.
Officer off to speak with parents of juvenile on Fairview Street who was involved in a school related incident last week.
Party on Bowdoin Street reports a 45-year-old female may be having a heart attack. E911 unable to transfer, being worked on. Direct dial to WFD.
Female on Cutler Street called to ask if we could check on her brother. She stated he needs an attorney as he is special needs and is being taken advantage of by the lady he lives with. She was told to call an attorney, as we cannot give her one. Officer reports that no one is home.
Caller on Governors Drive reports water in his basement. He was told to contact WFD to pump out the water. Caller given the number for the fire department.
Party came in to report a credit card account opened fraudulently in his name with Capitol One. He has already opened a case with the company to investigate the charges.
Manager of the CVS reports a woman down. Transferred to WFD and they will handle. 92 Bonavita also on the scene.
Male on Sewall Avenue reports a problem with his gas line to his house. WFD notified.
Female called to report walking her dog in the ditch on Veterans Road last night and noticed a lot of syringes there. W93 came to the station and retrieved the Sharp’s container and walked the length of the ditch. 989 recovered 13 syringes and disposed of same. Good job as it was wet back there.
Tuesday, April 1
Resident on Summit Avenue reports noise in above apartment. Music, people in basement. W91 and W93 spoke to all parties and they quieted down for the evening.
A motor vehicle stop on Shirley and Pearl Avenue resulted in an arrest of male subject for operation of motor vehicle with suspended license and speeding.
Caller on Pleasant Street requests an ambulance for ill male party. WFD notified.
Report of alarm activation at Deane Winthrop House. W92 reports the custodian on the scene, it was an accidental activation.
Agency asked for assistance on Section 12 for subject on Almont Street. 91 and 92 respond and report the party does not want to go willingly. Subject (66 years old) is being transported to MGH without incident.
Party came to the station to report an incident of fraud/identity theft. The caller states that she has received notice that another individual is receiving her DTA benefits with the wrong employer listed. Caller would like this noted in the journal so she can provide the DTA with proof that she had reported the fraud.
Party on Read Street reports that her white and blue bike is missing. W92 responded and checked the area.
Transfer from the state reporting some type of an argument at Executive Apartments. Call back to the number and a male said everything is okay. W91 and W94 responded and report speaking to the caller and all is now okay. It was verbal only.
Couple reports loosing their dog’s collar with a town dog license, rabies tag and name tag – Ziva with the owner’s address on it in Coughlin Playground.
Reports of a raccoon in the area of the high school. ACO paged on the air. 902 checked the area and it was clear.
Party called to report receiving a call from phone 876-412-0234 multiple times while she was on the phone with another. When she finally answered the call, it was a male asking for her information and telling her that she had won a large amount of money. She will report this to Comcast as well.
A motor vehicle stop on Main Street resulted in citations issued to passengers and driver for seat belt infraction.
Wednesday, April 2
Sgt. Femino reports a truck from the Airtight Contractors are doing work in the area of Douglas Street and took down a low hanging wire. No damage was observed by the officer. The company will contact the cable company.
Party on Kennedy road requested EMS for an ambulance transport. Call transferred to EMS for service.
Caller on Overlook Drive requesting assistance for a fall. WFD notified.
Chief requested an officer go by Beacon Street and keep the peace while property is picked up by a family member.
Female caller requested a cruiser to Pauline Street for a bipolar male who just cut himself and is acting out. Officer responded and located the party on Pleasant Street. WFD and EMS contacted to respond. EMS medically cleared the male subject. Officers transported him to the Revere line where he will stay with his family.
Party came in to report a past domestic assault and battery that occurred over the weekend. Victim/witness form provided.
Sgt. Dalrymple requests a status on the owner of a motor vehicle on Crest Avenue. Party is suspended per RMV. Licensed operator arrived on the scene and will drive the party to her home. Tow truck canceled.
Party on Pauline Street reports that her stepfather is back requesting to go to the hospital. WFD notified. Units repot voluntary transport and EMS report the paperwork, if necessary, would be invalid as completed.
Male brought in a blue handbag he found on Winthrop Street. Owner contacted and will come to the station to retrieve it.
Officer off to Cottage Park Road to follow up on a report of vandalism done there.
Neighbor reports open front door on Johnson Avenue. Officers report no sign of forced entry. Nothing appears disturbed in the house. Door secured.
Peace restored on Beal Street.
Thursday, April 3
Caller reports a problem with her husband. Unit report a verbal argument. Party advised of their rights.
Party on Madison Avenue reports that her 24-year-old son was assaulted. Fire has been notified. Units report male heading to MGH.
Party came to the station to report receiving a frightening phone call from a male claiming to be federal agent demanding money. The call was from 617-830-2066. I phoned the number back several times and spoke with “FBI Agent Anthony Williams†and “Special Agent Harry Summers†who hung up several times when questioned. Party was advised it was a scam and to block the phone number which more than likely has been spoofed.
Party on Belcher Street reported to the officer that sometime yesterday someone entered her apartment without her authorization. She observed a door was locked that is left unlocked and a light that was on that is always left off. Nothing missing at this time. She believes it may be a party known to her but she has no proof.
Party reports that she overheard her son making arrangements to purchase 94C at Dunkin Donuts on Revere Street. 98 checked the area to no avail.
Report of an incident that occurred at the Winthrop Library. Units searched the area for the subject to no avail.
Winthrop Library Director brought in a copy of a no trespass order issued to the above named subject. A copy of the order will be sent to his last known address. Library employees will call if the subject returns today.
Party reports two teens in the gazebo at Ingleside Park appear to be smoking marijuana. Officer reports speaking to three subjects who just stopped in there and had a cigarette. There were no signs of marijuana in the area.
Caller on Shirley Street reports neighbor is smoking marijuana and crack and t he smell is permeating the building. She wanted this reported for future action for the landlord.
Friday, April 4
Caller at Ft. Heath Apartments is requesting an ambulance for a hospital transport per her doctor. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Units attempt to serve a warrant of apprehension to subject on Golden Drive.
Party on Bowdoin Street requesting EMS for her husband. Transferred to Action EMD.
Caller on Douglas Street reports that her sister took an overdose of medication. Call transferred to EMS. WFD line was ringing busy. WFD was contacted by hone and will respond with EMS. WFD requested officer to the scene. Officers are investigating the living situation there as well as checking on the patient’s children in the school system. The school resource officer will check on their well-being.
Party on Chester Avenue reports a very sick looking raccoon is in the rear of his home. ACO was contacted and will respond.
Party called on 911 stating she believes her juvenile son was involved in a shooting and robbery and she wants him arrested. She was asked to call back on the business line and she hung up. When sis did not call back, Det. Jaworski called her and spoke with her at length. All information he received was relayed to Revere PD and he will follow up on it tomorrow.
Caller on Pleasant Street reports that her grandson is out of control. Units report he left before units arrived. Grandmother thinks he may have gone to fathers house in Revere. Area search negative.
Saturday, April 5
Caller on Pleasant Street reports a motor vehicle struck a Winthrop Taxi. Units are off in the area. Unit requesting fire and ambulance. Units report taxi was the vehicle that was struck. Both vehicles and operator come back active. Unit 91 report they have one female under arrest for driving under the influence, operating recklessly so as to endanger, possession of open container of alcohol in vehicle, assault with a dangerous weapon – a motor vehicle.
Party on Shore Drive reports a white male in a green Honda is parked near the corner and appears to be smoking drugs. Officers located the motor vehicle and report speaking with the subject and will be summoning him into court for a violation.
Female on Faun Bar Avenue came in to report that her motor vehicle was keyed from front to rear on both sides sometime overnight, while parked in her driveway. She has no suspect(s) at this time.
92 reports receiving a report of a fight at Ingleside Park. 92 requesting EMS for an injured victim. WFD notified. Suspect fled and was located at Bowdoin and Ocean View.
Party reports another silver colored motor vehicle just drove by him at a high rate of speed after following the caller along Pleasant Street. He knows the subject who has had issues with him in the past. He believes the vehicle may be parked in the public landing. No plate given but he will contact the station if he observes him again. Officer checked the landing for the subject vehicle to no avail. He will BOLO for the vehicle and have a word with the operator.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a male smashing car with a baseball bat. Officers report locating the car, male not in the area. Sgt. Hickey spoke with the owner who identified the male who had called to tell her what he did.
Sunday, April 6
Caller on Locust Street reports construction taking place in violation of Sunday ordinance. W93 will check the area. Located tree company working at location due to tree falling on home.
A camera was found on the bleachers near the high school baseball field. A check of the log did not reveal a report of a lost camera. Camera was found early Saturday morning and was wet from the rain overnight. Party dried the camera and SIM cards, which reveal some family photos.
Numerous reports of outside fire with smoke showing on Shirley Street. WFD notified and extinguished.
A female called to report that an elderly male fell at Winthrop Market Place. Transferred to EMS and fire notified.
Caller reports locating what appears to be a set of teeth on the sidewalk on Main Street. Officer reports nothing suspicious, item brought to the station.
Caller reports two males, possibly in their early 20’s, tossing a football around who were speaking of a gun and a fight. W92 and W91 responded to Ingleside Park and spoke with the two parties. Male gave officer permission to check his car and nothing was located.
Request for a medical on Irwin Street for stomach pain and possible medicine reaction.
Reports of a woman at Seal Harbor that is in and out of her clothing and pictures are being taken of her. May be a modeling assignment. Caller called back to report that the female has not left the property upon his command. Units diligently searched the area to no avail.
Male on Putnam Street called and reported that after a party his brother’s pills are missing.
Female called to report that today while in Winthrop for youth lacrosse, she inadvertently put her black pocketbook inside a black truck that looked like her daughter’s. Her pocketbook contained a green wallet with all her ID’s as well as her checkbook. Please call her in the event that someone finds it and calls.
Female on Irwin Street reports a hanging wire. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Male on Morton Street called to report that his wife went into labor. Transferred to EMS and fire notified. W92 responded to assist.
Motor vehicle stop on Nahant Avenue resulted in an arrest for male subject for being a fugitive from justice on a court warrant, and operation of motor vehicle with suspended license.
Monday, April 7
Motor vehicle stop on Main Street resulted in an arrest for male subject for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, lights violation, and driving under the influence.