The town’s swearing-in ceremony Tuesday night at the Cummings School was the impressive, dignified event that an inauguration ceremony should be. We commend Town Clerk Carla Vitale for her leadership in making the event a special one for the officials, their families, and residents.
We couldn’t help but notice the family of new Councilor-at-Large Rich Boyajian, who was seated in the front row and was so very proud of his taking the oath of office as the only new member of the nine-member board (Councilors Russell Sanford, Nicholas DelVento, and Paul Varone were also inaugurated for new four-year terms in office).
The family of Council President Peter Gill was well-represented and Mr. Gill paid an emotional tribute to his wife, Maureen, who has been his biggest supporter in his decision to seek the town’s highest office two years ago and during his successful campaign for re-election.
Mr. Gill spoke of the town’s many accomplishments over the past two years and described the optimism and energy in the town for the year ahead. Gill credited the teamwork of many for the positive changes and new developments that are happening in the town.
Town Manager James McKenna, who did an excellent job as the master of ceremonies, thanked the town residents for stepping up and doing all that had to be done to bring such a commanding margin in the vote for the new middle/high school project.
Speaker of the House Robert A. DeLeo and Sen. Anthony Petruccelli also attended the festivities.
From start to finish, our town’s swearing-in ceremony was a first-class event – WCAT Executive Director Mike Cabral recorded it all for posterity – and we wish our elected officials a banner year ahead.