Monday, August 5Â
Disturbance of loud music from Washington Avenue. Female reports tenant playing his radio. She just wants it logged.
Caller reports loud music coming from first floor of above incident. Units report an ongoing problem, but no music could be heard while they were on location.
Female caller on Walden Street requesting an ambulance for her elderly husband who is having difficulty breathing.
Party requesting EMS for the resident who fell on Overlook Drive. WFD notified.
Female party came into the station reporting she just observed two males and one female carrying a baby who all appear to be under the influence standing outside the CVS. Officers report speaking with the parties. The mother is fine and the two males both just out of the hospital.
92 will attempt to serve defendant a 209A on Hermon Street. He reports serving the subject in hand.
Party reports a raft tipped over near Bayview Avenue and the occupants appear to be having difficulty. Transferred to WFD. Party then stated they appear to be fine now. WFD and harbormaster dispatched.
Female on Johnson Avenue turned in two pistols and a LTC. Her husband has passed away and she wanted to turn the items in.
Units will attempt to serve the defendant on Ocean View Way a 209A.
Party at Winthrop Golf Club reports an older male appears to be in pain and may need assistance. 91 located the subject who was picked up by a friend to be taken home.
Report of an unconscious female in the lobby of the East Boston Savings Bank. WFD notified.
Male party reports a problem with his ex while dropping his kids off on Revere Street. Officer reports suspect intentionally hit her ex’s vehicle while driving on Winthrop Parkway. State PD will handle.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a drunk on her porch. Party was transported to the Whidden for his condition and abrasions on his face.
Party on Douglas Street walked in to report she had an unwanted guest in her house who refuses to leave. Officer escorted the subject out of the area.
Clerk at Thompson’s Towne Liquor reports a man walked in bleeding from the head stating he was assaulted. He was transported to MGH. The party refused to answer officer’s questions regarding a possible assault. The officer states wound appears consistent with subject falling down.
Tuesday, August 6Â
Male from Lincoln Street reports that his motor vehicle was broken into overnight. Wallet was removed and scattered on the street. The only missing item is a bank debit card. He was advised to contact all cards and banks and cancel accounts. 92 Brown and 91 DeCarlo are checking the area for other victims.
92 Brown located another vehicle on Lincoln Street with the car door open and interior gone through. An attempt was made to locate the owner.
91 DeCarlo found another vehicle also gone through on Enfield Road. Unable to contact party there for notification.
Yet another vehicle was gone through on Brookfield Road. Wallet left, credit cards taken. Owner was told to cancel accounts.
91 DeCarlo located another vehicle on Marshall Street. $100 gift cards missing.
91 DeCarlo was flagged down by another owner on Lincoln Street. The vehicle’s interior was gone through, but nothing missing.
Several calls from residents in the area of Main Street regarding someone entering their unlocked vehicles overnight. Nothing of value reported stolen.
Bus driver pulled over at Beach Fire Station seeking medical assistance for male subject who has facial injuries he sustained in East Boston. Action transporting to Whidden. Male subject went to sleep drunk and unable to get any information.
Rear window of car was smashed on Court Road.
Unlocked car entered on Marshall Street. Registration stolen from vehicle.
Detective off investigating a larceny at Metcalf Square.
Another report of a vehicle that was entered last night on Main Street. Items were stolen.
Party reports his truck on Fairview Street was broken into overnight through a sliding rear window and some tools and other items were stolen.
Party on Ingleside Avenue reports that her son’s motor vehicle was broken into and some loose change was stolen. Doors were left unlocked.
Caller on Cliff Avenue requesting the police for an unwanted guest that will not leave.
Another unlocked vehicle on Marshall Street rifled through during the night. Nothing taken.
Unlocked vehicle on Beal Street rifled. Small change taken and an old Magellan GPS.
Further investigation into multiple car breaks.
Call of a disturbance on Willow Avenue. Officers report area quiet. They finally located the house where there was a sleepover of teenage girls. It appears to be a neighbor dispute, not a domestic/noise complaint. Caller refused to go outside and speak with the officers.
Officer reports a minor verbal altercation via social media between young juveniles on Woodside Avenue. Spoke to all parties. Settled for now.
Report of kids loitering on Bowdoin Street. Multiple callbacks from an initial caller. W98 sat in area and saw no one. The caller insisted they were still out there, but when I asked to have an officer stop by her home so that she could point them out, she refused. Units clear.
911 call reporting someone just stole her mother’s car on Shirley Street. Numerous calls of hit and run along Locust Street. Units recovered the motor vehicle on Golden Drive. G/J will tow. Units searching the area for suspects. 98 reports having suspect on Overlook Drive. 92 transport to station. Fire, Action called to evaluate suspect. No transport. Charges: four counts of leaving the scene with property damage, destruction of property and operating recklessly so as to endanger.
Wednesday, August 7Â
Manager of CVS called requesting to see an officer regarding threats made to a worker who is cleaning the parking lot. She will show officer where the male live in the area. Officer interviewed the worker involved. He does not want to take further action. Peace has been restored. The involved party resides on Pauline Street.
Party from CPYC came to the station to report some possible vandalism. Officer took the report and it appears to be more like a prank, than vandalism, as it is the beginning of a youth sailing competition.
Female party on Fairview Street reports that someone had gone through her motor vehicle, but nothing is missing. She was last in her vehicle a day or two prior. It appears to be part of the early morning larcenies from vehicles on August 5.
Party on Ingleside Avenue reports that someone entered her car the other day. Nothing stolen.
Male party reported to the officer that he was assaulted last night and has an injured jaw. WFD and EMS dispatched to the station side entrance. Party was transported to the Whidden via EMS with a visible jaw injury. Detectives responded to Nick’s to do a follow up investigation.
Caller on Upland Road requests medical for her father.
Chief observed adults in front of house on Hermon Street drinking. The chief had them take it inside.
Several 911 calls of motor vehicle crash on Shore Drive. Units, fire, Action respond and secured the area. State Revere arrived and will assume control of investigation.
Party on Strand Way reports that she believes that her neighbor tore out her strawberry plants. No proof, but the neighborhood has been having a problem with his behavior as of late and there is a hearing coming up.
Kids on beach possibly drinking on Lorean Terrace.
Thursday August 8Â
Party on Pearl Avenue called requesting medical assistance. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Caller reports people singing and making noise in the marina area of the Elks Club. Officer reports the subjects have turned off the stereo.
Party on Birch Road reports a motor vehicle with Nevada plates with a person inside. Officer reports the party is an investigator.
Caller from Governor’s Garden requesting the police for a dispute with a customer.
93 received a report of suspects in the area on the beach at the green bars on Shore Drive who were in their undergarments. Units spoke to them and advised.
Nick’s called to report that a male fell in their establishment. WFD notified.
Detectives will attempt to serve a straight warrant on Somerset Avenue.
Party from Fairview Avenue came in to the station to report to Off. Dalrymple that his motor vehicle was entered sometime within the last few days and some coin change and paperwork are missing. No damage reported to the vehicle.
Female caller requests an officer to respond to Pico Playground and escort her 13 year old son home to Woodside Avenue as he is being threatened and believes they are waiting for him in front of his house. She will follow up with Off. Freeman.
Friday, August 9Â
Call for medical aid for drunken male at Demetri’s Liquor. Units report one male to Whidden.
Domestic Violence Injunction was faxed to our department with victim who now resides in Florida. Officer reports no one home at Governors Drive. A roommate will have him call.
Above male called about the police going to his apartment. He was told about the Florida restraining order. He was told it was like our 209A and he should come in and pick up his copy as it has a date and time for him to be in Florida and it was extensive. He said he would be in on Saturday afternoon to pick up his copy.
Female called to report that while she was on a Paul Revere bus and when the bus stopped she fell back on her seat and hurt her back. She is now home on Wave Way Avenue and does not want any medical attention. She just wanted it noted.
91 Malacaso stopped a motor vehicle at Hannaford Park. Female operator has a suspended license.
Male called from Fort Heath Apartments to report that his neighbor went out early this morning and has not returned yet. He believes he was not dressed right. The caller reports that the man’s apartment is open and no one is there. Male lives there with his daughter who is gone a great deal. The caller and another neighbor are concerned for this man as he has been acting strange lately and knocked on one of their doors at 4 a.m. today. The party is okay, it was learned that the male was taken to a hospital earlier today.
Female from Russell Street called to report that her daughter and her boyfriend are at her house and they are not supposed to be there. Officers report the parties took off in a vehicle and they are checking the area.
Saturday, August 10Â
Mother on Marshall Street came in to report that her son sold a car to a guy who wants his money and has made threats to harm him. It was logged for now.
Caller reports a female appears to be “relieving†herself in the middle of the street at French Square. 93 requests WFD/Acton for an evaluation. Female subject medically cleared.
Request for an ambulance on Elliot Street for father not feeling well.
Report of a hydrant, which has sprung a leak and is flooding the street at Corinha Beach. DPW notified and will address the issue.
Man on Bowdoin Street called for his wife who has fallen.
Caller from Seal Harbor called to report that her fiancé has fallen off of his jet ski and appears to be in distress in the water. WFD and harbormaster notified. WFD reports the party is not in distress and no service necessary.
Life Alert called stating they received a manual alert from male on Washington Avenue. He has fallen and has unknown injuries. Door is open and daughter is on the scene. Medical notified.
Caller on Sunnyside Avenue stated that the DPW hooked up a hose to their house to supply water to a house on Corinha Road. (water main break on Corinha). They were very upset. DPW will call them.
Mother on Lewis Avenue reports that her son is sending disturbing and threatening e-mails to her and she is concerned for his well being. The party is not home. We spoke to the father and he will try to resolve issue with his son to have him cease messages.
Chelsea PD requesting a notification to be made on Ingleside Avenue location for an accident in their city. 91 unable to locate the resident and left him a note with the pertinent information.
Caller reports that a vehicle struck a motor vehicle with four youths in it. BOLO sent out. It was a Toyota Camry, color brown.
Party came in to report that two males in a white four-door sedan attempted to speak with her 13-year-old daughter and her friend as they were walking in the area of Nick’s. The males were asking them to get into the car. The females were unable to obtain a registration of the vehicle. Occupants described as one white male and the other possibly Hispanic, both in their twenties. Units advised to BOLO with limited description at this time.
Party came in to report that he was threatened via text messages by an individual from Rhode Island that he transacted business with over Craig’s list. East Providence Police contacted and will have an officer attempt to locate the subject and speak with him.
Party on Quincy Avenue reports she put a fire out in her stove, but there is still smoke everywhere.
Sunday, August 11Â
Officers report a party shut down for the night on Lewis Avenue. Units encounter an individual outside the party placed in custody for disorderly conduct and a threat to commit a crime.
Ret. Off. McFarland reports that two of the new trees and a new town sign appear to have been vandalized at some point during the night on Main Street. He also stated that some traffic barrels and other debris were thrown over the bridge and now sitting along the rocks.
Party on Linden Street came to the station to report that he went to pick up his child per court order agreement but no one answered the door.
Party on Beach Road reports a manhole cover is off. Officer reports a small plate displaced but he cannot move it. DPW notified and will move it back into position. Officer placed traffic cones around it for the time being.
Several 911 calls for a swimmer in distress off of Winthrop Shore Drive. WFD notified. W92 reports all parties safely out of water. No medical attention required.
Caller reports that she was behind another vehicle and she is concerned about his driving as he has been swerving back and forth since he entered Winthrop. Vehicle pulled over near Alia Restaurant. Officers spoke with the operator and all was in order. No signs of intoxication.
Caller reports that there is a car full of youths parked behind the Middle School next to a white van and she observed other youths who keep walking up to the vehicle. The group of youths were cleared from the area.
Party states a man is down in the area of Shirley and Peal. Units locate the male and request medical. Party being transported to the Whidden.
Officer went to serve the Florida 209A to party on Governors Drive. No one home.
Caller on Golden Drive reports that she has not heard from her friend in about four days and she is concerned for his well being. She states he does have medical issues. W93 reports making contact with the individual who is fine and does not need any services.
Another Life Alert for manual alert from male on Washington Avenue.
Above male from Governors Drive came to the station after he was called on his cell phone. He was given the full copy of the Florida restraining order.