In a town already well-known for its excellent high school teams and youth sports programs, you can add another one to the list with the Winthrop Youth Lacrosse Program that has grown to 65 players in its four-year existence. League president and coach Richard Cifuni has built a program that has captured the attention of parents and their children who are acquiring of lacrosse skills and competing against other communities in league play.
Cifuni obviously saw a void in our youth sports offerings and decided he wanted to bring one of the country’s fastest growing sports to our town. Winthrop Youth Lacrosee will be a great feeder system for the high school varsity, but more importantly, Cifuni and the other coaches in the program are giving our children a healthy, vigorous, and fun activity in a sport they can enjoy for the rest of their lives.
We commend Richard Cifuni for his organizational skills and his coaching expertise — we understand that his Winthrop Viking 9-under team completed a perfect 10-0 record this season. And when we asked Mr. Cifuni to single out whom he thought were the best players and the highest scorers on the team, he asked that we just mention the whole team. That’s a great gesture by the coach who said he was proud of the entire team, not only for their perfect record, but for the sportsmanship and teamwork they showed this season.
Lacrosse is here to stay in Winthrop and we say bravo!