Monday, May 27
Caller on Coral Avenue reports that her neighbor is disturbing her. He goes outside and puts his phone on speaker and yells into it. Officer spoke to the party and he stated he was sorry and would go to bed. The person called back and said as soon as the officer left, he came out yelling again. Sending officers back, officers report having him shut his windows and W92 will stay in the area for a while.
Officer requests tow for motor vehicle as registration is expired. G&J towed vehicle from Lowell Road.
Caller on Winthrop Street states that an ongoing dispute with upstairs neighbor with banging on her ceiling, which she claims has been going on since 5 a.m. this morning. 92 respond and advised both tenants of their rights in court.
Party on Beal Street reports that her father is unresponsive on the porch. Transferred to Action EMD.
Caller on Moore Street reports a group behind his residence on a porch being loud, obnoxious and using vulgar language. 91 reports area appears to be quiet and reasonable at this time. Caller was advised to call when noise level is unreasonable during nighttime hours.
Party on Beacon Street reports a male is breaking into the vacant home in his neighborhood. The party is wearing a sky blue T-shirt and just entered the home. Officers entered the unlocked door, searched the house and found nobody inside. They then departed the house and the door was secured.
Call of some large tree limbs that just fell in the roadway on Woodside Avenue. DPW Esposito notified. 91 reports neighbors moved them off to the side of the roadway.
Party on Sturgis Street believes someone is waiting to jump him outside his home and wishes an escort there just in case. Officers request additional officers, as there were two possible subjects in front of the house. Parties separated and questioned, one subject brought home to Tewksbury Street.
Report of a car fire on Revere Street. No fire, WFD determined the parking brake was locked and the pads were smoking while the operator was driving. All clear.
Tuesday, May 28
Constable attempting to execute an arrest on Buchanan Street.
Male reports his 86-year-old grandmother on Circuit road left him a message last night that she needs help. He did not get the message until this morning. He stated she is not answering the phone right now. Another male called to let us know that his mother is in a nursing home and not at her residence and she is fine.
Gorman School called regarding a female party who is a victim of domestic abuse and is requesting assistance in the office. Unit reports transporting party to court for emergency ERO. Units went to Governors Drive to place party in custody. Unable to locate him. Information has him returning home at 1 p.m. and will attempt to locate then.
Unit reports a person came up to him and stated that there is a baby in a motor vehicle on Putnam Street. Vehicle located and caller talked to owner. No baby in car.
Units report a dispute between neighbors on Douglas Street. Housing Authority director is on the scene and will attempt to resolve issue with parties.
91 will attempt to serve a 209 issued from court. 91 spoke to a party who reports that subject is not home at this time. Defendant called the station a short time later and was served over the phone. He will come by after work and pick up his copy of the order.
Male caller came in to report he overheard his neighbor’s phone conversation from an open window as she was describing him and his daily activities to whomever she was talking to on the phone. He wanted it placed on record. He was provided a victim/witness form which he completed and requested the matter be placed on file.
Units off at Governors Park for the suspect in the earlier domestic assault and battery. Subject placed in custody. 93 also served the defendant an ERO.
Party came in requesting an officer accompany him to pick up some clothing at Governors Park pursuant to an active ERO that he was served with at the East Boston District Court. Message left on plaintiff’s voicemail. Party advised he would be contacted once the plaintiff calls back to make arrangements.
Wednesday, May 29
Call reporting a subject appears to be shooting up heroin in a parked silver pickup truck at Governor’s Garden.
Principal Conlon states that high school seniors are causing a disturbance by speeding around the school. Units report all clear at this time.
Caller from Seal Harbor reports a female has passed out. W93 reports subject evaluated by EMS and refused transport.
Call for an ambulance at St. John’s Evangelist Church.
911 caller reports a young male appears to be pushing around a young female in the alley between the 7-11 and Marketplace. Units report speaking with witnesses and identifying the parties. Judge issued a TRO on male subject. Curran reports he was served over the phone.
Caller on Sunset Road reports her 8-year-old son is acting up and she would like an officer to speak with him. W92 reports he spoke to the youth.
Report of a pole hanging on Read Street. WFD responded and reports pole is unsteady and they will notify Verizon.
Male reports 6 to 7 Hispanic older males taking over the courts on Walden Street. They will not let others play. They have been there all day. 91 Curran sent them from the area. He dealt with them earlier.
Wild squirrel in trash can on Read Street. Left message for ACO.
91 Curran reports a strong odor of gas on Franklin Street. Referred to WFD and they will handle.
W91 reports moving four kids out from the Main Street bridge construction area.
W91 reports six kids at Hannaford Park that were sent out of the area. The youths are local and officer will attempt to contact parents as two were under the age of 17.
Female 911 call from Russell Street reports that her neighbor just hit her head and her eyes are in the back of her head. Fire and ambulance notified.
Mom on Sunnyside Avenue fell and needs help up. WFD notified and they will handle.
Report of some type of mini bike riding around the courts on Walden Street. Units report bike was taken away. No sign of operation.
Female on Main Street reports her fire alarm was going off and she sees no smoke or fire. Transferred to WFD who will respond and investigate.
Thursday, May 30
Female on Golden Drive reports that there is a male in her apartment. Officers checked the apartment and area. No sign of forced entry. Apartment was all locked up when police arrived.
Report of a break into a motor vehicle on Trident Avenue.
Cell phone caller reports black smoke coming from a building on Shore Drive. WFD notified. Units report unable to locate any sign of smoke or fire in or around the building.
Lt. Perrin reports he is off on a follow-up investigation on Argyle Street.
Male from previous incident came to the station to turn himself in. Officer Curran arrested the subject when he entered the station. Subject was booked and transported to the Court House.
Officer will try to serve a 209A issued by the East Boston Court to male subject on Revere Street. He reports he is not home and his mother stated he comes home around 5 p.m.
Male caller from Governors Park stated that his wife needs an ambulance.
Another call for an ambulance on Fremont Street.
Officer Curran reports going off with a group of youths possibly drinking on Bayview Avenue. All individuals identified over 21 years of age. All alcohol on scene was seized. Verbal warning given.
Call from Paesan’s of a woman in need of medical transferred to EMS. WFD also notified.
Revere Police notified our department of a violation of a 209A and malicious destruction of a motor vehicle. Victim is female from Crystal Cove Avenue. Suspect’s brother lives on Banks Street. All units searched the area to no avail and Revere PD was notified of our search. Brother will call if suspect shows up.
Suspect from above and his brother came in to turn him in. He was placed under arrest on the probable cause from Revere PD. 91 Curran will book and Revere was notified. They report the incident took place under the State Police jurisdiction in Revere. State Police were contacted also to pick up suspect. Upon further investigation by State and our department, trooper believes there is no probable cause and suspect was released immediately.
Male subject on Jefferson Street was served a warrant.
Female came in to station to report that her motor vehicle was stolen from Bolster’s Repair Shop. The car was being worked on and the engine was apart. To move the car, a tow truck was needed. Message sent out to LEAPS and NCIC by Lt. Scarpa.
Mother-in-law on Golden Drive is in need of an evaluation. Fire and W92 will respond. She was voluntarily transported by ambulance.
Report of three males appearing to break the lock on the gate to the boat launch at Atlantis Marina Condos. W93 and W91 responded and report checking the area and speaking with the caller.
Call from Executive Apartments to report that a patient who came to the hospital left before being discharged. She has an IV attached to her left arm. W93 responded to the address and located the female who had left the hospital because she was tired of waiting. Female is a nurse and was able to remove her IV without any problem. Whidden Hospital advised.
Cab drive reports a fare won’t pay at Suburban Extended Stay. W92 responded and reports speaking with all parties. Officer reports the cab decided to leave and not wait to get the fare.
Friday, May 31
Male from Shore Drive called requesting medical.
Caller on Otis Street believes another animal is attacking a cat.
W91 observed lone man packing up his vehicle in the Town Landing. Upon further investigation it was revealed he just left from a fishing trip. Departing momentarily.
Report of a resident on Trident Avenue having approximately 3-4 vehicles parked on the public way and all advertised for sale in violation of the Town By-Law. W92 reports one vehicle with a “for sale†on it. No other vehicle any near this area had a for sale sign on it.
Female called to report a school bus brushed hard against a pole on Shirley Street. Officer reports that it should be checked out. Fire called and they will have National Grid check it out.
Female on Washington Avenue came to the station to report being stalked and harassed by a male that lives in her building. 93 Feeley assisted and a judge issued a TRO stay away and no contact or abuse order. 93 Feeley and Oyola will attempt to serve.
Alarm for medical emergency from “E Care Solutions†for someone on Overlook Drive. Transferred to WFD.
Caller is Intensive Care Coordinator for NSMH. Requests well being check on client on Wave Way Avenue. Last talked to her at 1:30 p.m. and is unable to get back in touch with her after some concerning statements were made. A 14-year-old daughter resides with her. W91 sent to the area. Woman will speak with her caseworker and straighten out the issue.
91 Curran reports he is off with a group on stairwell below Grovers Avenue. Requests a field interview.
Party on Beacon Street called to report that kids were playing baseball in the park and the ball keeps hitting his house. Unit 91 spoke to the group and sent them on their way.
Reports of a Co2 monitor going off at Governors Drive. WFD notified and they will check it out.
Saturday, June 1
Unit 93 reports he is off with a group on Shore Drive. 93 reports he has one in custody for warrant.
Party on Shirley Street reports she is locked out of her apartment and needs assistance in reentering the apartment. WFD notified and will respond.
Caller reports she was instructed last night by an officer here to call regarding no barrels along Yirrell Beach. DPW notified and will have some dropped off. Please note: DPW can be contacted any time of the day.
Female states that her vehicle was just hit by another car on Crest Avenue and fled the scene. A witness observed the accident.
Caller states a parent is mistreating her son at Gorman School. 92 responds and reports that the child spoke to the mother and the child has many mental issues. The child appears to be okay and unharmed.
Party states she lost her keys on the beach at Shore Drive and if turned in to police to contact her. She states that a long “head†key, as for a boat, that’s attached to the key chain, can identify her keys.
Report of a possible water main break in the area of Faun Bar Avenue. Officer reports it was someone watering his or her plants and lawn.
Caller reports seeing smoke on Shore Drive. Transferred to WFD. W92 and W93 dispatched to check area. WFD reports defective oil burner on Shore Drive.
Multiple 911 and 1212 calls regarding loose German Shepard in area of Main Street, Winthrop Street, Pauline Street and Walden Street. ACO unavailable. W93 will check area.
Call of an unwanted guest on Summit Avenue who is refusing to leave. W92 and W93 dispatched. Units report parties will spend some time separated to cool down. Advised of rights.
Mother reports that her son’s Apple I-phone 4 was stolen from his bag while at the beach today. Phone tracker has been turned off at this time and she will notify us if that changes. Phone has been reported as stolen to Apple as well.
Caller on Revere Street reports observing two females smashing a window on the second floor of what is believed to be Upland Road. W92 and W93 respond and report a misunderstanding. Owner on scene. All parties checked out.
Party on Myrtle Avenue reports and outdoor fire pit next door and smoke is coming into her window. Officer spoke to fire pit owner and the fire is out.
Caller on Waldemar Avenue reports a large group of kids walking in the road and blocking traffic. W92 responded and reports four girls sent out of the area.
E911 hang up. 92 and 93 respond and report verbal altercation between brother and sister on Governors Drive. Brother left prior to units’ arrival and sister does not want to file a complaint. She was advised of her rights.
Report of group of youths on Shirley Street. They are causing a disturbance and being very loud. W93 dispatched.
Sunday, June 2
Caller on Beal Street states they are locked out of their home. Fire and 91 respond and report fire gained access for the residents.
Report of a suspicious looking male in front of the high school. 91 and 93 respond and report area is clear and building appears to be secure.
Officer reports he is off with a group disturbing near the beach wall on Shore Drive and Forrest Street. Officers report group sent out of area after being warned.
Caller reports she is having an altercation with her boyfriend on Whittier Street. 91, 92 and 93 respond and report male party leaving the area and the female party has been advised of her rights.
Party on Shirley Street requests an officer respond for an ongoing argument between her boyfriend and her ex-husband. Officers report all parties advised of their rights and the male subject has agreed to leave the area. Peace has been restored.
Request of an ambulance for mother on Cliff Avenue who does not feel well.
Party came to the station seeking advice for an issue with an ex-girlfriend. He resides in Revere and she in Newton. Advised of rights to seek a protection order or a harassment order through the Chelsea Court. Courtesy call was extended to female to cease further communication with the male.
W91 reports getting a LOJACK hit in the area of Pleasant Street. Vehicle does come back as stolen out of Revere. It appears that Revere is tracking the vehicle as well.
Caller reports that vehicles parked in violation of signs causing the bus to sit in front of her house on Tafts Avenue and idle. She was advised to contact the State Police.
Female caller reports she just observed a male walking along Revere Street hill with what appeared to be a rifle over his shoulder. He was last seen walking down the hill toward Dunkin Donuts. Officers report checking the area as well as adjacent streets for the subject to no avail.
Caller on Governors Park reports a neighbor may have thrown a cigarette butt into the mulch and it is beginning to smolder. Referred to WFD.
Fax received for 209A on male subject at Atlantis Marina Condos. Officer McCarthy found that he possesses several firearms. Officers will attempt to serve and have him surrender LTC issued out of Swampscott. Off. McCarthy followed up on suspension of firearms license due to a 209A. Information was faxed to Swampscott PD, the issuing agency.
Monday, June 3
Party reports the door is open to Tuttie Fruitti Ice Cream Parlor. Officers report the door appears to have been left unlocked. Lead to hallway and all businesses are secure. Viking Taxi dispatcher has not seen a soul near the building. Officers will secure the door the best they can.
Lt. Stevens from the Swampscott Police stated that the defendant in 209A order is in the lobby. He served him the order. Lt. Stevens will advise male subject when he arrives back to Winthrop he is to contact Swampscott to have his firearms surrender.