There can be no doubt that the Short Beach project has beautified that entire area on the Revere-Winthrop line, greatly improving that entrance to our town. The dedication ceremony held Wednesday morning certainly marked a successful project that has not only dramatically enhanced the area aesthetically, but improved the public safety aspect and rehabilitated the seawall. All told, we see improved sidewalks, better street lighting, beautiful benches, and a parking lot that has access to the beach.
Speaker of the House Robert A. DeLeo certainly deserved the plaudits that came his way at the dedication ceremony. Once again the Speaker stepped up for his constituents in Winthrop and Revere and delivered a $4.2 million project that has revitalized Short Beach and made our waterway safer. It was two years ago that officials attended a ceremony announcing the Short Beach project. And now that it is completed, we thank Speaker DeLeo and the Department of Conservation and Recreation for seeing it through to the finish and affording our residents an opportunity for a safer and more enjoyable day at the beach.