Monday, July 2
Group of kids brought in a damaged gold colored Seiko ladies’ watch they found in Ingleside Park. It was placed under the front counter.
Party would like to place on file that a military jet flew over Winthrop Street at approximately 12:58 a.m. at a very low altitude and a very high rate of speed. He made several calls to Massport and state government officials regarding the unsafe and frightening matter.
Male came in to report his pool cleaning device on Fairview Street was stolen from his enclosed yard sometime over night.
Party on Villa Avenue reports her neighbor is cutting her tree on her property. Officers report a civil matter which was settled for now.
Female reports a male stopped and made some strange statements and remarks to her on Crest Avenue. He informed her he was Jesus Christ and was creating a traffic issue in the area. Last observed heading inbound toward Shore Drive.
Party came to the station to report his juvenile daughter is being threatened by another girl. Officer Armistead will follow up.
Officers request EMS for evaluation for previous male claiming to be Jesus Christ. Subject was transported to Whidden for evaluation. Motor vehicle was left at the Beach Fire Station.
Possible unconscious male behind wheel of black motor vehicle at CVS. Officers request EMS. Medically cleared and civil citation issued.
Detective asks for more officers. Report of two under arrest on Washington Avenue.
Party states she is being threatened. Female called from Washington Avenue and stated while arguing with her neighbor, her neighbor spit in her face.
Male called from Pauline Street stating that his ex-girlfriend is at his door trying to kick it in. He then called back and stated that she had not left. Units report party was advised of his rights to a restraining order. He then called back and stated that she is at the door again. She was given a trespass order and sent out of the area.
Tuesday, July 3
Kids in pool at Executive Apartments. Officers report 15 kids given trespass for pool hopping.
Father on Douglas Street came to the station to report his 14 year old daughter has not returned home. She has been calling them on and off. Last time was 5 p.m. BOLO sent out to all units. Father called to report the daughter has returned home at 3 a.m.
Detail officer requesting an ambulance for a woman in a motor vehicle at Mobil Mart. She is experiencing extreme pain. WFD notified.
Party reports the window to his motor vehicle on Nahant Avenue was smashed. 93 reports no foul play involved. Owner will file a claim through her insurance carrier
Mother requesting the police for her daughter in Boston who may be involved in a domestic. Transferred to Boston Police.
Female requesting EMS for her boyfriend on Pleasant Street who has stopped breathing. WFD notified. Party transported to the MGH.
Syringe with needle found by female in her recyclable bin. Secured in the Sharps container.
Party on Shirley Street requesting the police for a disturbance with his ex-wife’s spouse. Units report speaking with all parties and advising them of their rights.
Report of a motor vehicle on Washington Avenue operating erratically and cutting other vehicles off. He was also operating on the opposite side of the street. 92 stopped the vehicle on Veterans Road by Ward Marine. Vehicle and operator are active.
Party reporting a domestic in the parking lot by the Bank of America.
Party from previous incident called to report the pool equipment he reported missing yesterday had reappeared today.
Sister reports her brother was assaulted. Units report incident occurred on the beach side. State Revere notified and will send a unit to take a report.
Report of a group stockpiling wood on the Bay side of Shirley Street. Units requesting the WFD to respond.
Man came to the station to report that his female tenant on Hutchinson Street reported to him that last Thursday, the man who lives behind him on Sagamore Avenue came out to the porch where the tenant and some friends were sitting. He yelled fresh comments and called her fresh names and threatened to punch her. A victim/witness form was given to the reporter to bring to his tenant to complete to further access the situation. This appears to be an ongoing problem.
Motor vehicle at Delby’s Corner was stopped for violations. Subject placed under arrest for operating after suspension/revocation. Charges were operating a vehicle with alcohol in vehicle and possession of open container of one way.
Party reports large amounts of fireworks being set off in the area of Walden Street.
Male called to report white motor vehicle at Pond Street Playground with a large amount of people in it. Vehicle is in the middle of the street. Officers spoke to the operator who had trouble with the headlights and was sent on his way.
Party reports he just observed a group of people walk behind the water tower carrying alcoholic beverages. Officers report clearing two groups out of the area after they extinguished the small bonfires.
Report of people drinking on pathway at Buckthorn Terrace.
Officer reports fireworks done for the night at Ingleside Avenue. Male sent from the area.
Wednesday, July 4
Caller states he thinks someone is destroying the fence at the Senior Center. Officers reports damage to the Barone fence.
Caller from a party on Tafts Avenue would like help clearing some young party crashers.
Caller reports a female yelling and screaming coming from the top floor on Belleveue Avenue. Units dispatched to the area. Officer reports verbal argument between mother and daughter.
Officers remove four individuals from the area of Halford Beach.
Officers off with two and report one under arrest on Bayview Avenue. Charges. Possession of a Class B drug, municipal by-law violation.
Caller from Atlantic Street reports loud party and has asked them to quiet down a few times. He stated that people came down his driveway and threatened him. Officers dispatched to the area. Officer reports residence is quiet now and the owners are cleaning up. He also spoke to the caller and he was satisfied with the outcome.
Caller reports man down in the bus stop at Golden Drive. Officer reports asking for medical. Fire notified. One person to the Whidden by Action EMS.
Party on Terrace Avenue reports her driveway is obstructed by a parked vehicle and she would like it towed. Officer reports vehicle is parked at that location and she has tagged it. The homeowner will call back in an hour to have it towed if it has not moved.
Lady came to the station to report she just saw a woman down near T&T at Michael’s Mall urinate and is now sitting down. Officer reports the area is clear.
Sgt. Rogers reports the landing is full and is shut down to further traffic at this time.
Party reports a syringe on the beach near Shirley Street. Officer will pick up the item.
Manager of Crystal Cove Inn reports a problem with the next door neighbor who keeps trespassing on the property. She would like to speak with an officer. Officer spoke to the manager who advises he will call again if she comes back by.
Female party requests EMS for an injured on Yirrell Beach. Officer requests they respond near Bayview Avenue. Officer reports a patient refusal for further medical care or transport.
Officer located an elderly female who appeared disoriented. EMS notified.
Abandoned 911 call. Two callback attempts unsuccessful on Quincy Avenue. 93 requesting EMS for an evaluation. Subject refused medical. She was just feeling homesick.
Party reports very loud fireworks in the area of Woodside Avenue.
Reports of loud obnoxious fireworks in the area of Bates Avenue. They are disturbing the neighbors.
Party requests EMS for a male down in the west parking lot of the Elks. WFD and EMS notified.
Requests WFD and EMS for a woman down on Beacon Circle. WFD notified and enroute.
Officer off with an out-of-control party on Shirley Street. Party broken up.
Party reported to officer that a partially clad female teen is wandering around the area of Billows Street. Officer is escorting her back to the residence where she is staying and spoke with an adult at the residence.
Officer reports a disorderly male with a “flame thrower†at Coughlin Playground. He broke up several groups with confiscated multiple fireworks. Peace restored.
Reports of several fireworks in the area of Bowdoin Street.
Party wants us to check on her 10 year old daughter whom she believes is at her husband’s home on Neptune Avenue and not being allowed to come home. Officers spoke to daughter who is fine. No services needed.
Report of a male on the ground on Shirley Street. Fire has been notified. Unit 93 reports a 20 year old male transported to the Whidden.
Caller reports a fight on Revere Street. Unit reports a mother-daughter argument. All advised of their rights.
Thursday, July 5
Several calls reporting loud explosions on Winthrop Street. Units report locating subjects. Officers had them pick up their debris. Suspects didn’t have any fireworks in their possession.
Caller reports that his son is out of control on Ingleside Avenue. Units request medical for mental evaluation. Voluntary transport to Whidden. Father advised of 209 rights.
Report that an elderly female on Bates Avenue has fallen and needs assistance.
Caller reports distraught female crying/screaming in parking lot of Dunkin Donuts. Units report verbal argument between boyfriend and girlfriend. All parties advised of their rights, peace restored.
Nurse at Lynn Hospital called to ask if we could check on female on Shore Drive as she has not been at a meeting for a week. Officer reports he has her under arrest as she has a warrant.
Call of a male at Fab’s Liquor who came in for beer, but was refused due to him being drunk. He then passed out. Officer reports he is going to the Whidden.
Caller reports loud argument on Shirley Street. Units report verbal between two female tenants. Female caller reports the people we just dealt with are now downstairs keying her husband’s car. Officers report they have one under arrest for malicious destruction of property.
Female came to the station to report an ongoing pattern of harassment towards her family by her boyfriend’s ex-wife.