Monday, May 7
911 call reporting that someone fell and struck his head at the Dunkin Donuts on Revere Street. Officer reports party is being evaluated by EMS. The patient refused further medical aid.
Party reports a woman struck the hydrant on Villa Avenue. DPW notified.
Female reports two males working at Miller Field yelling and screaming at each other all morning disturbing her quiet enjoyment. 93 spoke with the brothers working on the field.
Juvenile female came in with her father to report threats made at school by a male student against the Senior Center. 91 will follow up with the School administration.
Caller from Pearl Avenue reports his brother-in-law is on the phone with his wife and threatening suicide. Fire, Action, units report 46 year old male to Whidden for evaluation.
Restraining order to be served on male on South Avenue. Defendant notified by phone by Det. Racow and served in hand at 6:45 p.m. to defendant. Officer stood by while party picked up some of his belongings.
Tuesday, May 8
Party from Locust Street reports that her elderly mother may have passed. CPAC notified and later declined jurisdiction. ME’s office was notified and later declined jurisdiction as well.
Female reports she has active restraining order on male on South Avenue. However, his son just drove down the street. She wanted a restraining order issued on his children en as well. She was advised to contact EBDC immediately and apply for an updated 209A which includes the children.
Two males came to the station requesting an officer go by on Bellevue Avenue with them to check on their friend. The court will not issue a Section 35 unless he is seen by the parties. Officer requests WFD respond to gain access on this depressed individual. WFD gained access and the individual refused any further care.
Wednesday, May 9
The court house called and stated it has issued the Section 35 and faxed over the warrant to be served on above individual. 91 and 93 will respond. W91 will transport to EBDC.
Male called requesting EMS for his neighbor on Court Road. WFD responded and reported no issue there. Call was made by the resident’s son from a neighbor’s home. He was not in the area upon their arrival.
Party reports an elderly driver struck the retaining wall at CVS Pharmacy. He left the scene and then returned to pick up a prescription.
Male from South Main Street with active order came to the station for escort to pick up property. He picked up belongings with officer standing by without incident.
Party on Charles Street reports wife is unresponsive. She was transported to hospital for overdose.
Report of someone sleeping in Crest Avenue Playground.
Thursday, May 10
A doctor called to report he has not heard from a patient on Golden Drive. Officer reports male is in the hospital and the doctor was notified.
Caller reports a group of males seated on a bench Kennedy Road and appear to be engaged in 94C activity. W-94 reports speaking with subjects who were smoking tobacco. No evidence of 94C.
Health Inspector called to report he is doing an inspection at a house on Shirley Street and the woman is talking suicide. Officer and Fire report she is going to the Whidden.
Reports of an intoxicated male in front of cars on Revere Street. Officer DeFreitas responded and located the male. Fire was notified and male transported.
Friday, May 11
Party reports that a male and female may be having sexual relations in the back of a car on Shore Drive. Area search negative.
Report of a truck which pulled down wires at the corner of Winthrop and Atlantic Street. Unit 94 requests all utility companies be contacted. Officer report live wire and cable wires down. DPW notified to remove a town sign on the pole. Safety officer hired to stand by the live wire until National Grid arrives.
Female came to the station to report someone from Cal’s Auto Body signed her name to an insurance form submission regarding Cal’s Auto receiving direct payment from Metropolitan Insurance Co. that she did not sign or authorize.
Report of items stolen from a garage on Pleasant Street.
Male reports two men on the property of Viking Gardens. He did not know why they were there and he concerned because they have had break-ins in the past. He has one of the subject’s ID. W92 reports that he has a set of keys and an ID belonging to a party on Main Street. He will go there and find out what the party was going at Viking Gardens and if he is related to the white van at Viking Gardens.
Clerk from Swett’s Liquor reports that two youths are trying to get customers to buy alcohol. Caller states they are flanking the store. One on Somerset Avenue and one on Woodside Avenue. W92 and W93 responded and located one fourteen year old fitting the description. Juvenile was brought to the station and parent was notified.
Saturday, May 12
E911 call that someone needs an ambulance due to alcohol consumption on Shirley Street. Officer reports female going to the Whidden via Action ambulance.
Call from family on Read Street to report their home may have been broken into last night or this morning. Officer reports he has a piece of evidence.
Female party walked into the station to report she believes she may have seen the missing girl from Rockport in the Target parking lot in Revere. The girl was with a white male. While speaking to the female party, several 911 calls came into the station and after answering them, I returned to the front window to get the female’s information and she had left the station area. Rockport police were contacted and given vehicle information. They informed me that they were taking all information for their investigation, but they believed the girl may have been washed away in the ocean from a big wave.
Male called complaining of a loud party on Fremont Street. 91 Freeman and 93 Grimes report. One male brought to the station for parental adjustment/discipline.
Sunday, May 13
PP came in to report his neighbor was threatening him and his clients and allowed his dog to “pee†on the wall of his building. He stated this happened two days in a row. He filled out a victim/witness form and was advised of his rights to harassment prevention order.
Party from Sea Foam Avenue reports some distant family members have been calling her and harassing her and she believes they are currently residing in Winthrop. She was unable to provide an address. She was advised of her rights to a 209A and will seek an application in the morning at court as she is in no immediate danger or fear. She was advised to call if her family shows up at her residence.
Request that we remove a family of guests at Suburban Extended Stay. They are trashing the place.
Call of a report that a male may be in our jurisdiction and there is a bench warrant on him from Maine. He may be in the company of a female on Pleasant Street. No warrants found. Case closed.
Woman called to report two young males in a small tin boat in the harbor without life vests and they almost hit some rocks. Officers responded to the landing as caller thought they were heading there. No sign of them but harbormaster notified. Call back to caller and she could now see them over by Cottage Park. Located parties at Pico Beach and had a word with them.
Monday, May 14
Female came to the station to report that she was strangled by her boyfriend. Reporter had red welt marks on her neck and complained of throat and neck pain. Fire and Action were notified. Units responded to address to place boyfriend under arrest. Party was not home. W98 Delehanty escorted victim home.
Party reports she was asked to call 911 by her landlord because there is someone in the apartment upstairs on Trident Avenue and they were evicted last week. Officers report the parties left the apartment according to the owner who arrived there.
Officer was flagged down by a party on Revere Street at Governors Park who is requesting an ambulance. WFD and EMS notified and will respond. Subject was transported to the Whidden for evaluation.
Caller from Sea Foam Avenue reports she is getting threatened by her “gypsy†cousins.