Tuesday, January 10
Party reports a male in a silver/gray motor vehicle is parked on Waldemar Avenue and looking around with binoculars. Officer reports speaking with an investigator who is working in the area.
A copy of a harassment prevention order was received for our records.
National Grid employee requests assistance on Banks Street. She is having difficulty with a customer.
Party came to station to report an ongoing problem with his neighbor on Trident Avenue. He reports that after having a cruiser respond to have her motor vehicle moved from blocking the driveway, she was giving him “dirty looks†and he is now worried about future problems with her.
911 transferred to fire department. Woman reports smoke on Shore Drive. Burner blowback.Â
Wednesday, January 11
Call that someone needs an ambulance on Dolphin Avenue. Fire notified.
Male came into the station to report the registration plates for his boat trailer has been stolen. All information entered into CJIS/NCIC.
Visiting Nurse called to report female needs and ambulance on Woodside Avenue. Fire notified.
Male came in to report the theft of checks or check from his house on Wave Way Avenue. Checks were on Eastern Bank. They were cashed in Boston.
Caller reports it appears someone may be attempting to break into a house on Waldemar Avenue. Units report speaking with a person who had locked himself out, and possessed positive ID listing the property as his residence.
Reports of a garage fire on North Avenue. Units report WFD took care of fire.
Caller reports possible dark male sleeping on park bench at Ingleside Park. W-93 reports speaking with male, who appears to be fine and was sitting up on the bench.
Female requests ambulance as she could cause harm to herself and others on Moore Street. Transferred to fire. W-93 responded to assist fire. Voluntary.
Operator for Viking Taxi came to the station to report some strange activity in East Boston of several fares he picked up in Winthrop.
Called to report very loud live music coming from the house on the corner of Cora Street again. It was the same thing last night the caller stated. W-93 responded and spoke to the resident regarding the noise and informed them that this was the last warning and that court action would result if we were to return again.
Winthrop Police has warrant to arrest subject on Upland Road.
Thursday, January 12
Caller reports white motor vehicle has been in the area of Grandview Avenue for over 20 minutes with the engine running. Officers report vehicle leaving the area.
Officer reports landlord/tenant dispute on Revere Street. Both parties will be appearing in EB Court in morning for prior complaint in an attempt to resolve matter.
Crisis Counselor from Whidden Hospital called to notify us that she has a patient being admitted for psychiatric issues. The counselor wanted to inform us that she made very disturbing threats towards two brothers that reside on Moore Street. She was advised to contact Everett Police to report the incident and that we would attempt to contact the brothers and inform them of the threats. Message left for the two brothers.
Caller reports loud noise coming from above apartment on Revere Street. Officer report verbal argument between mother and son. Both parties advised of their rights and what would occur if officers had to return.
Many 1212 calls of an elderly lady who’s car just lost a tire on Revere Street. Officer reports vehicle is in the middle of the street. Shamrock arrived and towed.
Caller reports sparking/arcing wires on Brookfield Road. Units report, the wire is arcing and a branch is lying across some other wires. WFD notified.
Officers will try to arrest male on Nevada Street on a warrant. They report no one is home.
A vehicle tagged last night on Floyd Street came back with registration expired. G&J will tow. Citation issued. As vehicle was being towed, the owner came out and stated he will go on-line with the Registry and take care of this.
Call of a piece of metal hanging from the building at Delby’s Corner. Officer reports he will try to contact someone in the building and reports no luck. Call to a female and she will call to have it repaired.
Revere Police called about going to an address on Morton Street on a shoplifting from Target in Revere. Officer reports the vehicle used in the shoplifting is not there. Plates come back as revoked.
Two vehicles tagged last night are both revoked. Both are listed out of town, but were tagged on Grovers Avenue. Officer reports neither vehicle is there. Other shifts should check for these vehicles.
Officer reports the vehicle Revere Police are seeking for shoplifting at Target just pulled into the driveway on Morton Street. W-94 will assist and Revere Police will also respond. Report of a citation for revoked and Revere Police will handle the shoplifting.
Male caller reports a red vehicle has youths in it and are passing something around?? Officer reports car is waiting for a friend. They were told to leave Washington Avenue area.
Daughter requests ambulance for her mother on Cliff Avenue who is having chest pains.
Male reports two Spanish male teens at his door and want a flashlight on Pleasant Street. Someone was looking for a ring. He was told to keep to himself.
Female reports fire on second floor on Charles Street. WFD and officers report. WFD took care of it. All clear.
Daughter reports her father fell from his chair on Wadsworth Avenue and hit his head. Transferred to WFD.
Owner of Demetri’s Liquors reports two females trying to buy alcohol without ID. Officers report. Misunderstanding. Both are 21 years of age. Transaction completed.
Someone from Washington Avenue called to report an elderly woman is there and appears to be confused. Officer requests medical and fire was notified. She was driven to Golden Drive.
Male reports hearing a bang and lights went out at Demetri’s Liquors. Officers report manager is there and is reviewing shoplifting on video. The video shows someone from Governor’s Drive and the manager will try and get restitution from party first.
Parents of a 16-year old male called to say that he left their home on Ocean Avenue after a dispute this afternoon and has not come home. Parents believe he is with another 16-year old male who drives a silver car. Officer respond to Ocean Avenue to speak to the second 16-year old, who last saw his friend at 4:00 today when he left to go to another friend’s home in Revere. Youth was located at friend’s in Malden. Mother brought son to the station where he was given a stern warning regarding a CHINS and its repercussions by Officer Hickey.
Friday, January 13
Officers will try to arrest male subject on Summit Avenue on several active warrants. They report no one around.
Officers will try to arrest male subject on Neptune Avenue on a warrant for Shoplifting. Officers report no one around.
ADT called stating that the front door alarm on Quincy Avenue was going off. Officers report front door was open. They saw no signs of forced entry. Officers spoke with ADT and secured the house.
Nurse case worker called to ask if we could have male on Orlando Avenue transported to the Tufts Medical Center. The Fire Department was notified.
Male brought in a blue Huffy bike found near Citizen’s Bank on Putnam Street. Placed in garage.
Male called that he was just hit and run by a red motor vehicle on Crystal Cove Avenue. Car comes out of Marblehead. Officer reports motor vehicle took off. Marblehead Police notified and will check operator out if they find it.
Caller reports odor of gas and smoke in the basement on Revere Street. Units report blocking off street, no fire, burner blowback. All clear.
Male came to the station to report that a blue pickup and struck a town Housing Dept. truck, denting the driver’s side rear quarter panel, and left the scene. Witness reports the registration comes back as a Blue Dodge Ram pickup. Party contacted and was unaware of damage, and exchanged insurance information.
Officer reports there is a group near the bus stop at the entrance to Governors Park. Officers report moving the group.
A concerned citizen called to report that the light pole at the corner of Lincoln and Winthrop Street is swaying and about to fall over. Officer dispatched to check if the pole is a public safety issue.
Caller reports her brother is breaking into the house on Pleasant Street by climbing in the window. Units dispatched and on scene. W93 reports having the party detained.
Call of a possible electrical fire in a house on Pleasant Street. He reports a burning smell. Call transferred to WFD. W92 and W93 responding to assist WFD. WFD investigating burning smell in the basement. WFD reports all clear.
Saturday, January 14
Report of two suspicious Spanish males behind Seven Eleven. Directed patrol of area and everything appears normal.
Call from Winthrop Taxi of a vehicle parked in the taxi cab stand. Officer reports tagging the vehicle.
Party reports teller set off the alarm by accident at Winthrop Federal Credit Union. Diebold Security also called regarding the alarm. Office responded to verify the accidental activation. Officer confirmed the accidental activation with the manager.
Alarm Central called of an alarm at Boston Sports Chiropractic. Officer reports building secure. There are people standing in the area and they saw nothing. Officer checked both the front and rear areas.
A lost Lab dog was taken to the Revere Animal Clinic.
E-911 call from Cottage Avenue to report a lady fell in her driveway. Fire notified.
Call from mother on Moore Street asking us to please remove her daughter from the area. Officers report the daughter will dress and leave the area.
Call from a female to report someone strange was at her 83-year-old mother’s house on Johnson Avenue. Officers report they were told by a neighbor and the caller that the person at the door was a well dressed man with sunglasses asking for a key to next door as he is the exterminator. Next door neighbor is having nothing done at his house. Mother was smart enough to shut the door on the man and call her daughter. Officers are searching the area.
Someone from Bartlett Parkway called to report one of her tires got sliced open when she went by one of the metal plates on the street. She was told to contact the DPW on Tuesday.
Child on Atlantic Street fell and hit his head. Transferred to fire.
Reports of a catch basin cover is missing on Walden Street. Someone could fall in. W-92 responded and reports that it is a hazard. DPW notified and will handle.
Coyote outside a house on Paine Street. ACO VanBuskirk will check it out.
Reports of a suspicious male from Just Energy. Informed that the group is soliciting regarding energy delivery and has checked in with our department.
Husband reports his wife lost an emerald cut diamond ring with a platinum band and setting on Pleasant Street.
Male caller reports his ex-wife just pushed her way into his house on Sagamore Avenue and assaulted him. She tore up the place and has left now in a gray vehicle.
Female came to the station to report her huskie dog is missing since her husband who had been out walking the dog had a seizure on Court Road and then the dog disappeared. Officer contacted fire and the witness who called 911 originally to see if they knew the animal’s whereabouts. Owner called back and the dog has been found.
Someone called to report a boy pushing a girl around in Suds and Surf. The caller reports the male pushed her down outside and now they are inside the laundry.
Female reports her neighbor’s van might have hit her car on Wave Way Avenue. Officer will check it out. Inconclusive evidence at scene. Advised to file a report.
Male brought a current Middle School ID to the station that he stated he found behind the sea wall.
Female from Fremont Street called to add information to a breaking and entering report there last week. She called to inform officer that in addition to the missing computer there are 25 checks missing and she discovered the point of entry of the thieves as there are broken locks to a window.
Woman requests an ambulance for a diabetic man who is sick on Shore Drive.
Caller reports blue SUV in parking lot on Washington Avenue is playing loud music. W92 dispatched to check on vehicle. Reports that the driver lives in the building and shut the music off before going into her apartment.Â
Sunday, January 15Â
Party reports sewerage backup coming from Palmyra Street. DPW notified and will send a crew.
Elderly couple were broken down on Woodside Avenue and officer assisted them by giving them a ride home. The motor vehicle is parked legally and will be removed ASAP.
92 reports of a motor vehicle stop on Revere Street. A vehicle inquiry reveals the registration is revoked. G&J notified.
Party reports a male in a red motor vehicle is passing out flyer on the vehicles on Revere Street/Governors Drive area and he does not belong there. Officer reports speaking with the subject who was leaving the area. He was advised to acquire their permission to be in the there in the future.
Party requesting WFD and EMS for her husband on Cottage Avenue who is experiencing chest pains. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Party requests an officer for a problem he is having with his next door neighbor on Siren Street. Officer issued a civil citation for pumping water onto the sidewalk creaing a large ice patch.
CVS security reports alarm. Units report going through store with keyholder. All clear.
Officers report male just playing a loud video game at Executive Apartments. He will quiet down.
Monday, January 16
Caller reports intoxicated male walking around on Crystal Cove Avenue. Officer requests EMS response to check for alcohol poisoning. WFD notified. Subject was medically cleared and was placed into protective custody.
Call from alarm company reporting front door glass break at CVS. W92 responding. W92 reports front doors are secure and there is no glass break. They report newspapers are leaning against the front doors. Newspaper company caused the alarm due to throwing the newspapers against the door. Area is in order. Keyholder is responding to do a walk through. They will contact WPD when the keyholder arrives.
Visiting Nurse requested we do a person check on one of her patients who resides on Golden Drive and who did not answer the door this morning. WFD and EMS notified. Officer reports gaining entrance through an unlocked window and the subject was sleeping and now appears to be confused. EMS will evaluate and speak with the nurse via the phone.
Party called requesting an officer for loud music coming from the downstairs apartment on Revere Street. Officer reports speaking with all parties. Peace restored.
Party reports men with guns shooting off of Washington Avenue. He believes them to be inside the 500’ perimeter.
Party came in to report a large black bag left behind or abandoned in the area of Revere Street and Summit Avenue.
Woman reports coming home on River Road and her house was broken into. 93 reports break. Scene secured. Officer called in to print and photo.