Tuesday, December 13
Caller reports observing male striking a female inside a black vehicle exiting Governors Drive. Officers report vehicle left area prior to their arrival. Area search negative.
Call of a male in a dark grey old vehicle taking whole bags of trash from barrels and putting them in his car. He went from house to house on Highland Avenue. Plate was a partial, R over T type.
Officer Callinan will respond to the hardware store to obtain film of a scammer.
Female party came to the station to report that she had fallen in front of 260 River Road due to a sidewalk defect. Fire and Action Ambulance responded for evaluation, no transport.
Caller reports a male subject had stolen “something†out of her backyard, put it in his motor vehicle and drove off. Donnellan reports stopping vehicle on Main near Banks. Vehicle being towed to station as it has several items in the back that appear stolen.
Female from Governors Park came to the station to report six annoying and harassing phone calls. She has already contacted her phone carrier, Verizon and will give them a copy of this Police Log entry.
Male thinks he had a break and larceny on Shirley Street. Entry might be through ceiling tile.
Caller reports someone just changed his clothing down to his underwear near Sweats Liquor Mart and then left in a grey Lincoln. Units will be on the lookout.
W-94 Lt. Scarpa reports speaking with business owners and doing directed patrols through Governors Park, Magee’s Corner and Revere Street.
Wednesday, December 14
State Police report recovering stolen vehicle and making an arrest. Motor vehicle was involved in an accident and vehicle is not driveable. Owner will be notified later in the morning. Motor vehicle towed to towing company in Worcester.
Party called 911 to report that she thinks her water broke. Call transferred to WFD. WFD advised her to call her doctor to see what her doctor wants her to do. Party on Shirley Street requests EMS for his wife who appears to be in labor.
92 will distribute a photo to the town banks regarding a robbery suspect in the area of Winthrop Center.
Received a 911 call and an alarm activation on the report of a holdup alarm at the D&T Market on Shirley Street. Officer reports a tall male, thin build, dark clothing wearing a mask and brandishing a large kitchen knife fled the area on foot after robbing the clerk. Officers observed the video and believe it to be a female according to a witness driving by the location. The owner will burn a DVD of the robbery ASAP. Officer Romeo located a bike with a sweatshirt on it fitting the description given by a witness in the alleyway adjacent to the store. Officers drove the suspect by the address and the clerk positively identified her as the robber. Subject was taken into custody and brought to the station for booking.
Party reports a motor vehicle nearly caused an accident at Revere Street and Crest Avenue. He was shouting at her as he drove by. Subject was driving very aggressively in a maroon colored SUV.
Female reports Johnson Avenue is completely obstructed by a large truck working on the street. Details contacted and will speak with the party who is part of the crew.
Party came in to report the ehft of her Wii System. This happened on Shirley Street.
ACO VanBuskirk reports that he has contacted harbormaster and Boston for a boat in the rear of Deer Island that has struck some rocks. MSP was also contacted and will respond.
Abandoned E911 wireless call. Call back party requesting an ambulance from Locust Way to a detox facility. WFD notified. Male was transported to Whidden Hospital. Whidden called to report they are releasing male and as he walked out of hospital he mentioned harming himself. They would like him back there. All units notified.
Thursday, December 15
Female caller reports a U-haul truck is just a motor vehicle on Dolphin Avenue and is trying to leave.
Officer attempted service of a subpoena from the Suffolk County DA’s office to a subject on Trident Avenue.
Alarm activation set off for the second floor on Upland Road. Officer spoke with the home owner who will contact the alarm company regarding the issue with the alarm.
Officer Crisafi received a report of an elderly resident on Crest Avenue being taken advantage of financially by a caretaker.
Chelsea PD reporting a missing person from their city. All units advised to BOLO.
Party reports discovering his tenant in the bathroom on Cliff Avenue. WFD notified. Officer requested a detective to respond for a sudden death. CPAC was notified as will the medical examiner. Lt. Perrin will respond to the address.
Female requests officers respond on Siren Street for her son who is acting up and is an unwanted guest. Party has left the home.
Party reports an odor of gas coming from Temple Tifereth as well as a strange noise. WFD responded.
Caller reports white motor vehicle parked outside building in Governors Park with couple inside fighting. Officer reports verbal only.
Officer requests a status check on motor vehicle with suspended registration. G&J will tow the same. Party p aid tow drive to tow motor vehicle to Winthrop Street. Officer seized registration plates.
Friday, December 16
Party reported a 30’ sailing vessel has broke loose and run aground on the beach behind the house on Shirley Street.
Reports of a light pole in front of house on Winthrop Street appears to be loose and a public safety issue.
Party requests we contact the DPW relative to drainage backing up on Shirley Street. DPW Calla contacted and will have someone respond.
Female caller reports her motor vehicle was struck by another on Shirley Street and then left the scene. Officer reports minor damage done to the motor vehicle. The other motor vehicle left the area.
Transfer E911 wireless call from the State with a suicidal male caller on Winthrop Street. WFD notified. Party transported to the Whidden.
Female party locked out of her house by her ex-girlfriend on Townsend Street. Units respond and settled situation for now. Party from previous call came to station to apply for an emergency restraining order. ERO granted per Judge Robert Cornetta. Second party from Townsend Street call came to station to apply for a 209a also. Form filled out but denied by Judge Cornetta.
Received several calls regarding people calling residents stating they represent the Winthrop Volunteer Fire and requesting donations. The WFD also called and informed us that they were told that individuals were coming to pick up monies or checks at residences and they advised people to call police so that they could catch these imposters. They did get a name of one person. Be on the lookout.
Male caller reports that a car alarm has been going off for about an hour on Moore Street and is keeping his grandson up. Officer responded and reports alarm has reset, all clear.
Caller reports her driveway is blocked on Nevada Street. W93 Curran responded and reports. Officer rectifies the situation and all parties satisfied.
Someone called to report hearing voices coming from the pool area at Fort Heath apartments. Officers report people live there and there is no crime.
Party reports an unknown vehicle struck hers while it was parked in the Elks parking lot. There is a security camera, and she will get a copy of tonight’s footage and drop it off at the station tomorrow.
Officer requests tow truck for motor vehicle that has expired plates and is displaying an altered number stick on it on Winthrop Street. GJ notified and will remove the motor vehicle from the public way. Plates brought to the station by the officer as evidence.
Saturday, December 17
Tow driver reports towing motor vehicle for trespassing per Nautilus Condo Association.
Dispatcher from Sturbridge PD reports they are looking for a subject on Harvard Street who was last seen last night and told his friends he wants to kill himself. Verizon pinged his cellphone and it came back to an area within a half mile of the Winthrop Street cell tower on a call her made at 1 p.m. Officers report checking the apartment to no avail. Officer went by his friend’s address who stated he spoke with him last night and he will call us if he learns where he is staying.
Party would like to see an officer regarding someone possibly living on his boat at Crystal Cove. 93 reports breaking and entering forced entry through a window on boat, but nothing missing at this time.
Party came to station to pick up child from his ex, who was due to drop the child off at 4 p.m., but is now one and ½ hour late. He wanted this recorded for possible future action.
Male reports the left rear quarter panel of his motor vehicle was struck by an unknown motor vehicle, possibly blue color going by the paint scrapes and chips left behind. This happened on Lewis Avenue.
Party reports she is in the process of moving out on Shore Drive and her brother is giving her a hard time. Both parties advised of their rights and the sister was able to leave with her belongings.
Call from RPD stating a man down on Short Beach. State notified. Officer reports no one in the area.
Officer observed seven passengers enter vehicle on Pauline at Pleasant Street. Registry check revealed vehicle is only a five passenger. Motor vehicle stop conducted. Operator cited for improper operation (overcrowding). Two passengers were able to find other transportation.
Calling party reports a suspicious person walking around the golf course.
Sunday, December 18
Caller reports a suspicious person walking around his residence on Cottage Park Road. Officer reports speaking with party who stated he knew the subject and observed him go into his residence.
Burglar alarm activation on Nahant Avenue. Alarm Company reports male on scene with no passcode. Units report positive ID on home owner who is unable to reset the alarm due to a malfunction.
E-911 wireless transfer call from state originating in Malden. Caller states that her boyfriend is calling her and threatening to “kill†her from his home in Winthrop. She refused to give her address for where she is staying in Malden. She was told to go to the Malden PD for a 209-A and come to the Winthrop PD to fill out a victim statement so we could get a complaint or warrant for the threats. W-91 responded to the only known address on Sunnyside Avenue we have for boyfriend and there was no answer at the door. A call to the Malden PD and they stated that the victim had not gone for a 209A, nor had she come to the Winthrop PD.
Viking dispatcher reports that male had an argument with one of their operators and was causing a disturbance and kicking one of their cabs in the area of Golden Drive. Cab driver had already left the scene and did not know which building or unit the female had gone into. No damage reported to vehicle.
Call from a male to report the Christmas Wreath that he put on the Donovan’s Beach sign was stolen. He stated it was secured and had to have been pulled out. Just wanted it on record.
Female called to report someone let the air out of three of her tires and slashed one on Governors Drive.
Male from Sunnyside Avenue called to report his ex-girlfriend keeps calling him and saying she is going to call the police saying that he is calling her. He stated he has face book notes and a phone message from her saying these threats. When he comes in, we will read them and listen to them and go from there with charges. Officer interviewed him and advised him of his rights. He was not clear with his complaints. He erased some of his responses from Facebook.
Female called stating her ex-boyfriend won’t let her remove personal belonging from the apartment on Shirley Street. She stated she is not in Winthrop but is on her way. Advised to respond to the station and we will attempt to contact the boyfriend and keep the peace. She then called back requesting some assistance in retrieving her property. Units responded and stood by while the roommate of her boyfriend allowed her to get her property. The ex-boyfriend called from the tunnel reporting this and he was told that the roommate allowed her to get in to get her property and all was clear at this time. He was advised to call back if there was anything further.
Female called from Seal Harbor to report just receiving a call from a company named “champs†reporting that someone may be using her Visa card fraudulently by placing orders with their company. The caller stated that she did not order anything and was told by this company to report this activity to the police and for the police to contact them and they will give the name and address of the party using the credit card. When company was contacted they stated the order was being shipped to Miami. Nothing will be shipped now and caller has cancelled her credit card. This may have originated from a purchase at Walmart and the caller will follow up there.
Call of a wife having chest pains and vomiting on Enfield Road. Transferred to WFDÂ and they will handle.
Father reports son is not home a violated probation on Locust Street. Officer Brown checking it out.
Female caller reports the stop sign is down at Delby’s Corner. W-91 responded and secured the sign. Day shift notified highway to replace the sign.
Monday, December 19
Caller reports possible dark male walking in area of Shore Drive without shoes. Male transported to the Whidden Hospital.
Two 1212 calls of the traffic lights not working at Highland Avenue and Revere Street. The light coming down Highland Avenue stays on red, DPW notified.
Female from Main Street called to report she is receiving phone calls of a harassing nature. Officer reports she received a call from a Watertown number and she thinks it may be her ex-husband. She was advised to seek a 209Aif she believes the calls are from her ex-husband.
Female caller reports incidents of stalking/hazing while a resident at the Crystal Cove Inn. Caller appeared confused and unable to articulate her exact complaint. Units respond they need Action Ambulance for a Section 12. Officers have her way to the Whidden.
Officers will try to serve a male a 209-A issued by the Lynn District court. He reports serving it in hand on Pleasant Street.
Call of a code “blue†on Sturgis Street. Fire notified.
Female reports that she was just struck by the mirror of a motor vehicle in front of Bank of America on Bartlett. W-91 reports he made contact with the vehicle and the female operator.
Caller reports her ex-boyfriend will not allow her to visit her 11 year old daughter on Bellevue Avenue. She advised us there were no restraining orders or visitation/custody orders in effect. Advised her of rights and to contact the Suffolk Probate and Family Court to seek appropriate orders. She also stated that she is concerned about her daughter’s well-being and requested a check because she believes the child is being neglected. W-91 reports no one is at the address given by the female. Finally located ex-boyfriend but no answer at the residence.
Male came to report he is being threatened on Beach Road.
Caller reports smoke in her apartment on Governors Drive. Units report, fire is on scene.
Male called and stated an armed robbery is going on at the Citgo Gas Station, then he hung up. All units report nothing showing. They will check area gas station, nothing at the location.
Call of someone yelling in front of the laundry across from Suburban Hotel. Officers report someone arguing on a cell phone and has left the area.
Worker reports the manager of CVS has woman stopped. She was given a no trespass regarding the CVS. Store wanted no further action.
Officer reports checking on a seven year old who someone reported to her is unattended. Officer spoke with child’s caretaker, who stated that she was only supposed to go downstairs on Woodside Avenue. He will keep a better watch.
Female came to the station with a small Yorki she found wandering around near Ocean View and Cora. ACO notified and responded. Owner called and ACO turned over the “little galâ€.
Owner of Quick Foodmart requests police as there are two men there causing a problem and he wants them to leave. Units report it is a civil matter between the owners of the property and the business owner.
Mother-in-law allergic reaction to medication on Adams Street. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Manager of the Elks has a video of a hit and run that occurred on Friday night. Officer reports video equipment froze while trying to view. Manager stated that he took a photo and identified the operator as a member of the Elks.
Called to report man took the parts to a large console that he put outside on Trident Avenue and then he put it on Craig’s List. He did not care if someone took it but that the male smashed it and just took some of the parts he wanted for scrap leaving the rest. W-93 checked the area to no avail. Caller was advised not to put items out until the actual day of trash pickup in line with the by-law.
Female reports a champagne mini-van parked on Winthrop Street for a while. When she went out to run an errand, the motor vehicle flashed its lights at her several times. When she returned the lights flashed again at her. Now the motor vehicle is still there and beeping its horn. There are at least three individuals in the van that she could see.
Officer located motor vehicle in an earlier report of an accident at the Elks. There is damage to the motor vehicle consistent with the damage to the other motor vehicle.
Male caller hears yelling from the apartment above his on Irwin Street. Officers report verbal argument between boyfriend/girlfriend. The female left prior to their arrival.