The members of Winthrop American Legion Post 146 invite all residents to join them in honoring the town’s veterans, during annual Veterans Day services, to be held this Friday (tomorrow), November 11 beginning at 11 a.m. on the Town Hall lawn.
The principal speaker for this year’s services will be Winthrop resident, and active duty Capt. Lisa Larity of the U.S. Air Force. Captain Larity has been deployed the past few years as a Flight Nurse accompanying wounded American military personnel out of Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots in the Middle East.
The service will also include the participation of the town’s living veterans and veterans organizations, and local elected officials and dignitaries.
Following the services, there will be a special rededication of the Crest Avenue Park. The name of Edmund “Duke” McNeil will be added to the memorial sign honoring “Duke’s” son Edmund McNeil lll who died as a result of injuries suffered in the Vietnam War.
Duke, a veteran, longtime assistant harbormaster and volunteer in town is being remembered for his years of service in the US Army and US Coast Guard.
Please take a few moments and join local veterans as they pay tribute to all of the men and women who have served the United States Armed Forces . . . . . Past, Present and Future.