We applaud Councillor Nicholas DelVento’s motion to recognize the Winthrop High School students who were selected to receive John and Abigail Adams Scholarships as a result of their superior scores on the MCAS exams. These students are eligible to receive scholarships to any state college because of their academic record and MCAS score.
Recognizing students is usually the domain of the Winthrop School Committee, but if Councillor DelVento wants to present town citations to the students, then we say, go for it, because any spotlight that you can place on our outstanding students for their achievements is a good idea. Although we often extol our Viking sports teams in these pages, we’ll be the first to admit that not enough recognition is given to our student-scholars. Moreover, think how proud the parents and the students will be as our town leaders bestow one of the highest honors they can on each student on live cable television.
The Council unanimously supported Councilor DelVento’s idea and we agree as well.
Congratulations to the students for their academic achievement.