May 3
12:05 a.m. — Officers tell a group of people making noise on a roof deck on Prospect Avenue to take the party indoors.
3:11 a.m. — A motion alarm is activated at a Lincoln Street residence, but the building is secure.
7:55 a.m. — An alarm is accidentally triggered at an insurance company on Revere Street.
8:36 a.m. — WPD and WFD assist in transporting a resident of the Golden Drive Apartments to Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
9:51 a.m. — WPD receives reports that a convenient store is selling cases of water for $16, in violation of the governor’s order against price gouging. Turns out the store is selling the cases for only $7.99.
11:15 a.m. — Officers serve a 209-A order issued out of Lowell Court to a Governors Drive resident.
11:29 a.m. — WPD receives an E-911 call from a young child on Chester Avenue. An officer spoke to all parties, and everything was OK.
11:51 a.m. — Officers issue a 209-A order to a James Avenue resident, via telephone.
11:59 — An alarm was accidentally triggered on Court Road.
12:14 p.m. — Officers deliver summons to residents on Surfside Avenue and Shore Drive.
1:39 p.m. — A call from an alarm company concerning a Summit Avenue residence turns out to be unfounded.
2:07 p.m. — WPD receives several calls from elderly and handicapped residents who can’t get to the high school for water. WFD is notified, and it will make sure the water is delivered.
2:42 p.m. — Two youths are given civil citations for marijuana possession at Hanaford Park.
2:44 p.m. — A caller who suffers from “severe anxiety disorder†reports he is being harassed by his mother. He recently moved out of his mother’s house into his own apartment, a development his mother is unhappy about. Caller is told to seek a civil remedy in East Boston District Court.
6:15 p.m. — Officers help settle a minor dispute on Bartlett Parkway, in which a resident accidentally damaged his neighbor’s shrubbery.
8:16 p.m. — WPD assists Billerica Police officers in attempting to interview a Winthrop resident about alleged credit card fraud. The subject was not at home, but he was eventually contacted by phone.
May 4
12:28 a.m. — A group was dispersed from Hanaford Park.
7:51 a.m. — A Winthrop resident, 42, is arrested for driving a motor vehicle without a license.
9:09 a.m. — A Winthrop resident reports that she twisted her ankle while getting out of her car on Jefferson Street, because of a missing brick in the street. An officer took photos of the street and filed a report.
9:19 a.m. — A Court Road resident reports that his house has been egged, which is a yearly occurrence. He is told that this might be part of an ongoing dispute with a neighbor on Loring Road. The matter is resolved, for the time being.
9:48 a.m. — An initial call from Airport Supply & Services about a larceny turns out to be unnecessary (the items were taken legally).
9:52 a.m. — A detail officer reports to Delby’s Corner to deal with traffic complaints stemming from an N-Star work crew.
12:39 p.m. — WPD receives a complaint about a car behind a convenient store on Crest Avenue, which has reportedly been there for years. Interested parties will try to have the car towed by the owner of the property.
2:30 p.m. — Boston Police alert WPD about a hit-and-run on Saratoga Street in East Boston, but attempts to locate one of the trucks involved in the accident are unsuccessful.
4:18 p.m. — A Sargent Street resident reports that her daughter found a small dog on Short Beach. They will take care of the dog until its owner contacts them.
4:31 p.m. — A caller reports that a group of young adults is breaking bottles in the Ingleside Park skate park. Officers find no broken glass, and the group in question doesn’t appear to be causing a disturbance.
5:40 p.m. — A Seymour Street resident reports a suspicious person on the third floor of her apartment building. The party is related to another tenant.
5:50 p.m. — A caller reports seeing a possible drug deal at the corner of Main and Hermon streets, but no one is present when officers respond.
6:32 p.m. — Officers are asked to BOLO for a car that might have been involved in a shooting on Revere Street in Revere.
7:01 p.m. — Officers are asked to BOLO for a man who might have been involved in a shooting in East Boston.
7:15 p.m. — An officer sets up a hearing for a Winthrop resident who reports that he was threatened by a neighbor.
7:22 p.m. — A 21-year-old Winthrop resident is arrested on drug charges, including possession to distribute a Class D substance.
8:22 p.m. — Officers help locate a man who is being sought by the Revere officials. Officers find the man, who is then transported to MGH Revere.
8:37 p.m. — A man calls E-911 and says he fears for his life after a group of youths flashed guns at him on Shore Drive.
9:22 p.m. — A woman calls to report that, after accidentally cutting off another vehicle, she is being followed by the person in the other car. While on the phone with police, she reports that the other car turned into a store parking lot. She is advised to call back if anything suspicious happens.
9:38 p.m. — State Police are notified about a potential problem involving a group of people who are yelling at each other on Shore Drive, at Trident Avenue.
May 5
12:19 a.m. — WFD is called to put out a smoldering fire pit on Neptune Avenue, after WPD received a complaint from a neighbor.
3:31 a.m. — Several calls are made concerning a car that crashed into a fence on Coral Avenue. Another caller requested an ambulance for her husband, who collapsed at the scene.
9:15 a.m. — A resident calls to complain about a man who revs his motorcycle every morning at approximately 7 a.m., disturbing neighbors. The caller did not give his name, and he is told to call the next time it happens.
9:45 a.m. — The ACO meets a resident at the station to take possession of a baby squirrel.
11:46 a.m. — A resident reports that his car was vandalized the previous night while it was parked near his home.
2:56 p.m. — Units are unable to locate a woman, who allegedly made a suicide threat to her mother.
3:08 p.m. — A caller reports that someone dumped leaves and grass clippings at Waters Edge on Winthrop Street at Sea View Avenue.
4:36 p.m. — All is quiet on Dolphin Avenue, despite a call saying a fight was in progress.
5:23 p.m. — A Trident Avenue resident says he is having a dispute with his neighbor, who left a leaf blower on the ground while it was still running. The leaf blower was turned off when a unit responds. Caller is advised of his rights.
5:48 p.m. — A caller reports that the mother of his child texted him about an abuse prevention order that was recently issued by the East Boston District Court. He wanted the matter recorded.
6:33 p.m. — A caller reports that an SUV has been on Locust Street for about 20 minutes. The three family members in the car were waiting to be shown an apartment.
8:42 p.m. — A party reports that a large dog, perhaps a coyote, is near a tree at Loring and Emerson roads. ACO is notified.
9:52 p.m. — A caller reports that he saw someone illegally dump trash into a dumpster at medical building on Crest Avenue.
Thursday, May 6
12:06 a.m. – A vehicle was towed from Governors Drive per order of the management.
12:59 a.m. – Twelve youths, who were loitering in the area behind the water tower, were asked to leave the area by police and the youths left the area.
7:24 a.m. – A caller reports to the police that an individual has been sitting in a van outside the caller’s residence near Hermon and Belcher Streets and it has raised concerns. Officer spoke to caller who reports that the gentleman was a contractor who went into a neighbor’s house.
10:04 a.m. Detail officer on Main Street reports water box cap missing and someone nearly twisted his ankle when walking over it. The DPW was notified and took a look at the situation.
11:10 a.m. A caller reports a broken gas line while moving the stove at a Cutler Street residence. The caller advised that everyone is out of the house. The WFD was notified and responded to the scene. Officer reports that the gas was shut off to the building from the gas main. National Grid Gas was notified by WFD to pull the gas meters on the abandoned building.
12:56 p.m. Caller requested Animal Control for a injured squirrel on property at Enfield Road. ACO Van Buskirk responded to the scene.
1:42 p.m. Caller reports that an elderly individual was walking around in a bath robe heading toward Cumberland Farms. Officer located the individual and spoke with her at length. The individual appears lucid and was just doing some errands.
1:44 p.m. An individual reports items were stolen from his basement at Hawthorne Avenue residence. Officer said he will investigate the incident further after speaking with the individual.
2:23 p.m. – A caller reported that a sign he purchased for the landscaping island at an intersection had been stolen. He described it as a green wooden sign 1 foot by 3 foot on two posted valued at approximately $400.
2:43 p.m. A caller reported that a Comcast truck was parked on the sidewalk and the caller observed a young boy dart out into traffic and nearly getting struck by a passing car.
Friday, May 7
7:43 a.m. Motor vehicle crash on Shirley Street at Veterans Road, Officers arrive on the scene and report that there are no injuries. One of the motor vehicles is towed from the scene.
8:55 a.m. Two reports are received of a tractor trailer unit obstructing Walden Street. Officer reports the tractor was already disconnected upon his arrival.
12:31 p.m. Several calls of a water main break near on Shore Drive. Officer reports he will be obstructing Irwin Street, Steve Calla of DPW notified and he responds to the scene.
2:23 p.m. Several callers report water coming up in the area by the hydrant on Crescent Street at Shirley Street. Steve Calla of DPW is notified.
2:39 p.m. A caller reports a larceny from his home on Grovers Avenue.
2:41 p.m. A caller reports illegal dumping of grass clippings, rocks, and other yard debris on Shore Drive at Nevada Street.
5:24 p.m. – Caller states there is a dead raccoon or possum in front of driveway on Terrace Avenue. Animal control officer responds.
6:45 p.m. Motorist stopped on Revere Street and a citation is issued.
9:01 p.m. Officer reports disturbance at Irwin Street residence. Officer reports party was arguing with an ex-boyfriend and will not cooperate with information.
9:23 p.m. Caller reports an illegally parked motor vehicle on the corner of Cliff and Grovers Avenues. Verbal warning is given to owner of vehicle.
9:28 p.m. Caller on South Main Street reports that individuals are spraying something all over his house. Officer spoke with parent who will have children cease the water gun fight.
10:35 p.m. Caller reports that neighbor on Sunnyside Avenue is continuing to let their dog out beneath the window and the dog’s excessive barking is going beyond reasonable. Animal control officer will be notified.
Saturday, May 8
7:19 a.m. Caller on Cottage Avenue reports father is not feeling well. Call transferred to WPD and EMS for service.
7:27 a.m. Caller on Irwin Streets reports a water leak in cellar. Advised to contact the Water Department. Steve Calla of DPW notified and he reports that someone is on the way to the scene.
10:21 a.m. Police officer gives a verbal warning to a motorist for vehicular violations on Grovers Avenue.
10:43 a.m. Police station received four messages regarding a simulated water landing of a 747 into Boston harbor one mile south of Runway 33L. This is only a practice drill!
11:02 a.m. – Individual reports at the police station that his motor vehicle was “keyed†on both sides within the past week while parked on Revere Street.
12:41 p.m. Caller reports a man left the area of Floyd Street and that the individual is walking down Highland Avenue. Officer stops the individual who lives on Revere Street. Officer responds to the original address to check for signs of an attempted break-in.
5:59 p.m. – The Fire Department is notified about a child who has swallowed Fantastic, a cleaning substance.
9:24 p.m. Caller reports an argument between neighbors on Governors Drive. Unit reports settling the verbal argument to the satisfaction of all involved.
Sunday, May 9
3:27 a.m. Caller reports a fight brewing in the parking lot of a business on Revere Street. Officers report it appears to be a minor motor vehicle crash. Officers assist parties in exchanging information.
7:13 a.m. Caller reports kids drinking on Shore Drive. State Police are notified.
9:39 a.m. Caller reports a fallen tree on Douglas Street. Officer reports the tree is up against the house and the sidewalk is blocked. Steve Calla of DPW is notified.
3:18 p.m. – An individual is arrested on assault with dangerous weapon charges following a call from an Undine Avenue residence.
6:26 p.m. Motorist is stopped for violations on Grovers Avenue.
6:41 p.m. A motor vehicle crash occurs at Magees Corner. Report submitted.
Legend for police blotter: 51A = a report by a state mandated reporter of child abuse or neglect; 209A order = domestic abuse prevention restraining order; A&B = assault & battery; ACO = Animal Control Officer; B&E = breaking & entering; BOLO = be on the lookout; CMVI = civil motor vehicle infraction; DSS = Department of Social Services; D/W = dangerous weapon; MGH=Mass. General Hospital; MV = motor vehicle; MVA = motor vehicle accident; OUI=Operating a MV while under the influence; RMV=Registry of Motor Vehicles; SRO=School Resource Officer; tagging = graffiti; WFD=Winthrop Fire Department; WMS=Warrant Management Service.